Karrer Family News
Karrer Middle School | October 4, 2024
Principal's Message
Karrer Parents-
Why Teens Take Risks and How We Can Help Keep Them Safe
On October 14, Dr. Jess Shatkin, a leading expert in child and adolescent mental health, will offer insights to help DCS parents and staff support and protect our children. Local officials and organizations will also be on hand to share information about available resources and services. Parents will not want to miss this presentation. Space is limited, so reserve your seat here.
Thank you for your collaboration-
KMS Drama Department Presents: Frozen Jr!
The Karrer Drama department, with the help from some of our KMS staff, proudly announced on Thursday of this week that this year they will be putting on a production of Frozen Jr! Information on try outs and performances will be coming soon- stay tuned!
8th Grade: PSAT 8/9
On October 16th, all 8th-grade students at Karrer will be offered the free PSAT 8/9 assessment. The PSAT 8/9 is the first in the College Board's SAT Suite of assessments offered by Dublin City Schools. Click here for more information about the PSAT 8/9 or reach out to your child's guidance counselor.
Karrer PTO
Support Our Teachers: Help with Conference Dinner Donations
Thanks to your incredible support during our membership drive, we're thrilled to provide dinner for our hardworking teachers and staff during parent-teacher conferences. To round out the evening, we still need a few more items! Please consider donating or volunteering—your support makes all the difference! Sign up here!
Get Involved: Encourage Your Student to Get Involved!
At Karrer Middle School, we offer a wide range of clubs and activities designed to engage every student’s interests and talents. Whether your child enjoys art, sports, reading, or leadership, there’s something for everyone. Encourage your student to explore the many opportunities available, make new friends, and develop new skills by joining a club or activity.
From Art Club and Yearbook Club to Drama, Student Council, Ski Club, Athletics, and more—there’s something for everyone!
Encourage your child to get involved, make new friends, and develop new skills. Be sure to check out the club and athletics website to find out more and sign up!
Mark Your Calendar:
Oct 7 - Costa Rica & Panama Info Meeting, 6-7pm, KMS Library
Oct 10 - Parent / Teacher Conferences
Oct 14 - PERC Why Teens Take Risks
Oct 21 - Redistricting Public Input Session
Remind Your Student:
Oct 9 - Purple Star Club 3:15-4:15 pm, Room 258
Oct 10 - Student Council 7:45 am, Library
Oct 10 - Battle of the Books, 3:15-4:00pm
Oct 14 - Art Contest for Yearbook Cover - Submissions due
Nov 8 - 6th Grade Social 7-9pm, KMS Commons
Connect with us!
Facebook: Karrer Middle School PTO
Instagram: @kmspto
Email: KarrerPTO@gmail.com
Karrer Athletics
Karrer Athletic News updates:
Good luck to the boys golf team AND girl golfer Bryn B. who will be representing Karrer at this weekend's golf championships!
Awards night - Oct. 16th. Treats at 6:30, Program at 7:00
WINTER SPORTS are right around the Karrer corner...Please be checking the KMS Athletics website for Winter sports tryout information. Sign ups begin on Oct. 1st in Final Forms. You MUST have a current physical on file in order to try out.
Upcoming events for this week:
10-08-2024. T. 05:00 PM. Cross Country (7th/8th). Dublin Classic. Home
10-09-2024. W. 05:00 PM. Football (7th Grade). Jackson Middle School. Home
10-10-2024. TH. 05:00 PM. Football (8th Grade). Jackson Middle School. Away
GO Golden Shamrocks! #GRocks
October Breakfast and Lunch Menus
District News
Dublin Taiko 20th Anniversary Concert
Join us for a special evening of Taiko performances as we celebrate 20 years of Dublin Taiko.
Featuring, Master Taiko Performer, Eitetsu Hayashi & Eitetsu Fu-un no Kai
Saturday, Oct. 12, 7:00 p.m. at the Dublin Jerome High School Performing Arts Center
To purchase tickets, go to https://www.dublintaiko.com/.
DCS Global Travel Program – Travel Information Night - Tuesday, October 29
We are excited to announce that Dublin students are being offered several international educational travel opportunities in 2026 with District teachers. Invest in your child's future and help them step beyond the classroom. We are hosting an informational session via Zoom for parents and students to learn more about travel plans, itineraries, what’s included, and how to enroll. The meeting will be held Tuesday, October 29 at 6:30 p.m. You must RSVP here to receive the Zoom meeting link! Can’t make the meeting but want more information? RSVP and mark “Request information.”
PSAT 8/9
In October, all 8th-grade students will be offered the free PSAT 8/9 assessment. The PSAT 8/9 is the first in the College Board's SAT Suite of assessments offered by Dublin City Schools. Click here for more information about the PSAT 8/9.
Fall MAP Student Data
The MAP assessments give us the ability to measure student achievement and academic growth across time. Students participate in the MAP Reading and MAP Math assessments during designated benchmark windows throughout the year (Reading: Grades 2-8, Math: Grades 1-8). The MAP 2-5 and MAP 6+ assessments allow us to identify students as gifted in the areas of math and/or reading. MAP scores in the 95th-99th percentile meet the Ohio Department of Education requirements for gifted identification. Students scoring in the range for a gifted identification on the MAP assessment will be supported in their regular classroom setting through high-quality, differentiated instruction. MAP results are now visible to parents in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Please follow the steps below to find your child's Fall MAP results. Additional information about MAP can be found here.
Choose a Student
Tap on More
Tap on Assessments
From the City of Dublin
Volunteer This Spooky Season
Dublin’s Halloween Spooktacular needs volunteers to help make this event a real scream. From the Trunk-or-Treat Trail to the straw maze, we are looking for dedicated community members to lend a hand Oct. 17 and 18. Sign up to be part of the fun
Can You Be-leaf It's Time?!
Leaf collections begin Monday, Oct. 7, in Zone 1. Please remember to Rake Them Right and follow these tips:
Rake leaves to the curb and no further
Keep leaf piles away from cars and mailboxes
Have your piles ready by 7 a.m. Monday of your collection week
Need more information? Visit our sites below.
Karrer Middle School
Email: menduni_brooke@dublinschools.net
Website: https://karrer.dublinschools.net/#
Location: 7245 Tullymore Drive Dublin, Ohio 43016
Phone: 614.873.0459
Twitter: @KarrerMS