Sunday, June 14, 2020
Our Year in Review
In place of our regular June PTA meeting, we’d like to offer this year in review:
With money raised last year, we were able to install water filtration units throughout the building, install a new OAS sign at the front of the school with landscaping, and acquire new bike racks, indoor entry mats and hooks for coats outside the gym doors. We funded two assemblies, issued teacher mini-grants and gave cash for teachers to set up their classrooms. We also started a Trunk or Treat tradition and budgeted for a middle school science enrichment activity in the spring (the Rutgers Bus).
Since we began the year with a healthy budget, the PTA also decided to pursue the blacktop installation at the back of the school. Low membership rates and some weaker fundraisers hurt a bit, but with so many things cancelled (the 7th and 8th grade social events, STEAM night, Field Day, etc.) much of that budgeted money can still be rolled over to next year. We did miss a big opportunity with our Club Cranford event. There were so many fantastic gift baskets we planned to raffle off, along with the 50/50 drawing. However, we sold over 250 tickets, most of which were generously donated back to us even though we had to cancel the event. We truly are lucky to be part of such a generous community.
As we moved to remote learning, we had to change tactics with teacher appreciation week and end of year celebrations and tried to come up with things that were meaningful, impactful and still on budget. We hope we will be back in some fashion in the fall and we look forward to seeing all your faces again! Keep an eye out for updates as we get them.
Happy Summer!!
At this time we do have a few Fall positions we would like to fill. Please see below for descriptions:
- WEBMASTER: Manage the OAS PTA website. This is a great opportunity if you're interested websites/marketing!
- PTA MEMBERSHIP CHAIR: Create & maintain an updated membership database throughout the year and provide updates to the current PTA board.
- MUM SALE: Coordinate sale details with Dreyer's Farm, process orders, & organize distribution of flowers.
- OAS SPIRIT WEAR SALE: Coordinate with Cougar Headquarters to select design & apparel for online sales.
If you are interested in any of these roles or would like to learn more about them, please contact Lorian Morales (lorianmorales@gmail.com) or Liz Rivera (elizabeth.m.rivera@gmail.com).
As is the tradition, our 5th graders will be celebrated at the end of the school year. This year, there will be a pre-recorded virtual ceremony and a “Wave Parade.” The traditional OAS ceremony will include the Words of Wisdom by each Fifth Grade Teacher. All students' fifth grade pictures will be used from the yearbook and each name will be read by their teacher as the photograph appears.
Below is the schedule for the wave parade, virtual ceremonies, and the route for the “Wave Parade.”
“Wave Parade” - Each Student and Family will drive in their car on the parade route. See the PDF with the map below. Students should sit on the passenger side of the car so that teachers/staff can wave to them as they follow the parade route along the sidewalk at Orange Avenue School. Both students and their families MUST stay in their cars throughout the parade.
We are excited to celebrate the OAS Fifth Grade Class of 2020!
June 17 5th Grade - OAS Wave Parade 9:00am (rain or shine)
June 17 5th Grade Virtual Ceremony - Link will be sent at 11:00am
The OAS 8th Grade Committee, in collaboration with the OAS administration and staff want to give you a glimpse of ways in which they will celebrate our amazing Class of 2020. More information will follow as we get closer to the Week of Celebration, June 15 - 19.
Yearbook Information
Due to COVID-19 the production facility in Kansas City where our yearbooks are made had a required closure and lost six weeks of production time. Unfortunately, this shutdown has affected their ability to send the yearbooks before the end of the school year. Currently, the yearbooks should be shipped to the school the week of July 25th. Once the yearbooks are shipped our representative from Herff Jones will facilitate home delivery. In the meantime, we are working with our yearbook company to provide you and your child with a digital copy of the yearbook. This digital copy will be available for anyone that purchased a yearbook. Directions for accessing the digital copy will be sent the week of June 15-19. We apologize that the yearbooks are not available before the end of the school year and we hope you understand.
Elementary School yearbooks will be shipped directly to your home. We expect the books to arrive by the end of June. You should receive an email from the TreeRing company with a tracking order when the books ship. We thank you for your patience!