Eagles in the Know 🦅
Week of January 21
We want to thank the parents that came out this week for our Winter Wonderland Literacy Night for our TELPAS students and families. World Languages specialists presented important information for the parents of third through sixth grade students.
This week at Blanton
Monday January 20
- No school
- MLK Youth Extravaganza at Fielder Metro Center 6:00pm.
Tuesday January 21
- Visitors allowed for lunch
- SBDM Meeting 4:00 in the Library
Wednesday January 22
- No visitors for lunch
Thursday January 23
- Visitors allowed for lunch
Friday January 24
- No visitors for lunch
🎬 The Eagle Minute 🦅
Announcement from Ms. Monthie -
-The MLK Youth Extravaganza concert is Monday: January 20th (MLK DAY) at Fielder Metro Center in Arlington. The free concert begins at 6:00pm. All choir students who have RETURNED THEIR PERMISSION SLIP need to arrive at Fielder Metro Center by 3:00pm.
-I am going to be placing another choir shirt order. I have several students who have joined since our last order, and I’ve had several parents ask if they could order a shirt. If you are interested in a choir shirt, your kiddo needs a new one, or you would like one for a family member please let me know your size. Shirts are $10 each.
Thanks so much,
Ms. Monthie
Blanton parents may join their student during the student's lunch time on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
If you would like to request a meeting with your student's teacher please request a conference with them during their grade level conference time listed below. Reach out to your student's teacher through Class Dojo to schedule a conference.
Lunch Times
Blanton parents may visit during their student's lunch time on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Teachers' Conference Time
If you would like to meet with your students' teacher please request a conference to meet with them.
Lets Celebrate!!! 🎉
If you have had an experience with someone at Blanton and want to give them a "shout out", please send me their name and a brief explanation. We would love to make someone's day! Send me and email: mcastil6@aisd.net or fill out the form below.
Become a Volunteer at Blanton! 💙
Blanton Arrival & Dismissal
English Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeD6alhH_30
Spanish Video -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMCIdwPAUGE
Visitor Parking Spots
- Parents please park on the designated areas shown on this map. Please do not park on labeled reserved parking spots or in staff designated parking spots.
General information and reminders
- We want to remind parents not to park in front of the school (Fire lane or by the school's front entrance) at any time during the day. Please use the parking spots to ensure the safety of our students and staff. When dropping off your student in the morning, if you are in the car line do not get out of your vehicle and delay traffic or leave your car unattended. If you need to talk or tend to your child please park your vehicle.
- Arrival- No dropping off students in front of the school
- When dropping the students in the morning in the north side of the school at 7:45 am, a staff member will be holding a stop sign to have every four cars stop and let their student out of their car and ensure that the students walk to inside the campus safely. The staff with the stop sign will turn it around (sign will say slowly) indicating to slowly continue to move your car until the next four cars that need to drop off students stops. Please do not park your car by fire lane or side of the school. This causes a safety issue when students are being dropped off and the causes the flow of traffic to slow down.
- If the students arrive after 8:20 a.m., parents must park their car and come into the office to sign them in; this is done for their safety.
- For the first three weeks of school we will not allow visitors for lunch on campus. We will be practicing procedures and expectations with the students and staff. When we resume visitors on campus for lunch, we are asking that If you are coming to eat with your student please limit the visitors to two per student and stay only during your child's lunch. Our cafeteria is small and it is getting crowded during lunch time making it difficult to have enough space to accommodate all visitors.
- When sending lunch for your student please remember to Dojo your students teacher so that the teacher can have the student pick up the lunch on their way to the cafeteria.
Dismissal- dismissal cards were provided during sneak-a-peek and will be available for pick up in the front office.
- Parents please remember to bring your dismissal card when picking up your students from school. If you need a new dismissal card please contact your students teacher.
Blanton Administrative Team
Principal- Migdalia Castillo
Assistant Principal- Veronica Dixson
Migdalia Castillo
Veronica Dixson
Help support your student to get connected, stay connected, and be successful this school year by checking the Parent Self Serve Portal regularly for grades and attendance updates. Another way to stay connected to your student's classes and what's happening is through Class Dojo. Use this link -Class dojo
Taniyah Washington - tcarter4@aisd.net
Website: ArlingtonISD.NET
Phone: 682-867-1000
Facebook: facebook.com/BlantonElementary
Twitter: @BlantonES