The Bear Bulletin
The Bear Bulletin
Elizabethtown Area High School
Week of December 16, 2024
Every student graduates ready to live, learn, and thrive in a global community
Congratulations to our students who achieved honor roll for the first marking period of the 2024-2025 academic year. Approximately 36% of the student body in grades 9-12 achieved this accomplishment for their dedication and perseverance.
On behalf of the entire Elizabethtown Area High School staff, I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday and joyous New Year. We are appreciative of a supportive community and the opportunity to teach your children every day. Some reminders as we approach winter break:
- Keystone Exams will start on January 7. Please see the letter at the bottom of the bulletin for more details
- Early Dismissal January 17. No school January 20.
- Final exams will be January 23 and 24. Second semester ends January 24 as well.
- No school on Monday, January 27. Second semester, with new classes for students, starts January 28. Students and parents can access next semester’s schedule in their Sapphire Community Portal accounts.
- We will have our Spring Parent’s Night on February 6. A letter will be emailed to parents when the date gets closer.
Looking forward to a productive and prosperous 2025! The next Bear Bulletin will be available for parents on January 5. Have a great week!
Jason D’Amico
Highlights from last week
- Winter concert was Monday night , providing a fantastic start to the holiday season! Teacher dedication, our talented musicians, and support from families makes the arts at Etown a wonderful community experience for all!
- Our FFA Ag Sales and Floriculture teams were recognized by Senator Aument and presented citations for their accomplishments
Counselors held a presentation to freshmen on career pathways. The lesson connected career exploration and choosing classes that align with after high school goals
Looking ahead to this week
Monday - Day A - 3
- Last Day to submit Dual Enrollment for Spring
- Freshmen/LinkCrew Meeting during FLEX
Tuesday - Day B - 4
- EACTC -- Do The Right Thing Awards
Wednesday - Day A - 5
- ASVAB testing
Thursday - Day B - 6
- Winter pep rally
Friday - Day A - 1
- Early Dismissal
- Holiday Music Assembly
Thursday, January 2 - Day B - 2
- CTC Applications due
Friday, January 3 - Day A - 3
Athletic Announcements
Athletic Announcements & Twitter
- Athletes - AD office checks athletic eligibility each week. Don't forget to make sure your grades are accurate.
STEM Summit - March 11
We need your help! On March 11 Junior Achievement of South Central PA will be at the High School with their STEM Summit Program. All students in Grade 9 will be participating in the day-long event designed to explore careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.
- The goal of the STEM Summit is to inspire students to pursue an academic STEM focus in the remainder of their high school courses. After the completion of the STEM Summit, guidance counselors have a foundation to work with students on appropriate course work.
- For this day to be a success, we will need volunteers to facilitate ONE of the STEM activities for the day as students rotate through your station. You do not need to have a STEM background to be a great volunteer! If we do not have these volunteer spots filled, we are in danger of not being able to run this meaningful event.
- Please also share this opportunity with friends, neighbors and colleagues who may be interested in helping the students of our school.
- Please see this flyer for more details
MiniTHON Fundraiser Update
Shady Maple Baked Goods for the Mini-THON fundraiser - items will be delivered this week!
Save the date! EAHS Mini-THON and EAHS Wrestling are partnering with Manheim Central to "Take Down Cancer" at the match on Wednesday January 15. You can help support this awesome cause!
- Buying a "Take Down for Cancer" t shirt from any Mini-THON captain, wrestler by Wednesday December 18th!
- Pledge to donate .50 cents or more per takedown for the night of the event. See any wrestler to pledge or email by January 15
- Attend the event and make a donation!
Winter 2025 Keystone and Final Exams
Starting January 7, 2025 we will begin administering state mandated Keystone Exams in Algebra, Biology, and Literature to students in our tested, or Keystone trigger, classes.
Final exams for first semester classes will be Thursday, January 23 and Friday, January 24. The last day of the semester is January 24.
Starting next week, information about Keystone and Final Exams can be found on our high school website under Academics —> Keystone Exams —> Keystone Exams Center. Additionally, a letter was emailed to families with more details on these annual January assessments. A link to the letter will be at the end of the bulletin as a reference for students and parents.
CTC Applications are now OPEN
CTC Applications are open (as of Nov 1st) and counselors are ready to help you apply!
Feel free to sign up for a Help Session to complete your CTC application. Please be sure to come prepared with your charged Chromebook! Please use THIS LINK to sign up for one of the help sessions.
Upcoming Events
December 23 - January 1 - Winter Break
January 7-10 - Keystone Exams
January 13-17 - Keystone Make-Ups
January 17 - EARLY DISMISSAL - Mini-THON Kick Off
January 20 - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 23 & 24 - Final Exams
January 28 - Start of second semester
February 3 - SAT School Day Test Registration Begins
February 5 - College Athlete Recruitment Day
February 6 - Scheduling portal window opens for students.
February 6 - Parents Night
February 12 - Scheduling Portal Closes
February 13 - Early Dismissal/Professional Development
February 14 & 17 - No School
February 20 - 10th Grade Class Meeting during FLEX
February 27 - MP 3 Mid Terms
February 27 - Musical preview during FLEX
February 27. - March 1 - Spring Musical
February 28 - Mock Interviews
February 28 - Life Ready Portfolio Presentations
March 17 - Deadline for Elizabethtown-only scholarships