Letter from the Lorax
Newsletter for the Week of November 20, 2023
Thanksgiving Break
November 20-27--Thanksgiving Break
Students will return to school on Tuesday, November 28th.
Please enjoy your week and know that HPA is thankful for each of our students and their families!
Angel Tree
If your family needs assistance with gifts for the holidays this year due to financial hardship, please fill out this form. All forms need to be completed by December 1. If you have any questions, please contact our counselor Amanda Andrews at aandrews@trinitybasin.net. (Pick up will be December 20)
Angels will be available to pick up and purchase gifts starting December 1st. Gifts will need to be turned in to the school by December 15.
Counselor Coner
November is officially National Gratitude Month! What really is Gratitude? What does it mean? Gratitude is appreciation of what one has (not monetary value). Gratitude is a warm feeling that often happens spontaneously. However, we can purposefully cultivate gratitude with some exercises mentioned below. Research has shown experiencing gratitude has many positive benefits. So, give it a try! Take some time this week to find little things you are thankful for because a little effort could go a long way!
• Increased happiness and positive mood
• More satisfaction with life
• Improved physical health
• Less fatigue / improved sleep
• Improved relationships with others
• Can help prevent burnout
• Increased self esteem
Holidays Around the World
December 6th from 6:00-7:30pm.
Attendance Matters
Our Attendance was at 91% this past week so let's do a better job when we return from Thanksgiving Break and hit the 96% goal.
Fine Arts
Winter Performances
This year we will be hosting winder mini shows during the school day. Families are welcome to attend if able. We will also record the song so send out/post.
Dec 20
1:15 Kinder
1:45 2nd
2:15 3rd
Dec 21
8:15 5th
8:45 4th
9:15 1st
Save the Dates! Class Piano Recitals with Mrs. Reber
3/4/24- 5th Grade (time tba)
3/5/24- 4th Grade (time tba)
3/7/24- 2nd Grade and 3rd Grade (time tba)
Please contact:
Theatre- Ms. Longacre at llongacre@trinitybasin.net
Music- Ms. Bartee at abartee@trinitybasin.net
Piano- Ms. Reber at creber@trinitybasin.net
Dance- Ms. Mayfield at zmayfield@trinitybasin.net
Sign Language- Ms. Walker at wwalker@trinitybasin.net
PE- Couch Fox at cfox@trinitybasin.net