AFSA K-12 Family Update
August 16, 2024

August 16, 2024
AFSA K-12 Families,
The first day of school is only a couple weeks away! Please take a moment to look through the Family Update for important information regarding the 2024-2025 school year including an update from our Interim Executive Director and information about our Back to School Picnics!
Thank you!
Important Date Reminders:
Back to school picnics: AFSA High School Tuesday, August 27 and AFSA Elementary Thursday, August 29
First Day of School Tuesday, September 3
Special Note - The best way to view the newsletter and to access the downloadable files attached to the newsletter is to click the top of the Family Update email that says "View in browser."
Message From AFSA's Interim Executive Director
Hello AFSA Families,
It is almost back to school time! Amazing how the summer has flown by.
I am excited for the new year to begin. We have added (free) PreK and (fee based) after care, Eagle's Nest, to our programming this year. Volleyball has started their practices and the custodians have painted and cleaned and waxed all summer to be ready for you. Teachers are back next week to prepare their classrooms!
AFSA has had a change in the leadership team this summer, please see the message below from the school board : Any concerns or questions can be brought to myself or Kate Plaisance, board chair kplaisance@afsak12.com
AFSA Community,
We regret to inform you that our newly hired Executive Director, Jaime Goulet, has resigned from AFSA as of August 9. The AFSA Board and Staff have quickly come together to create an interim leadership structure that will allow us to successfully move forward until we can identify and hire a new Executive Director.
Our interim leadership roles include:
Becky Meyer – Interim Executive Director and CFO – 80% time
Sam Wakefield – High School Director
Laura Nelson – High School Academic Lead
Liz Burkwald – Elementary Director
Kate Bald – Elementary Behavior Lead
We are extremely thankful that Becky Meyer has agreed to take on the interim Executive Director role while we begin the new search process. Please know that we are committed to advancing the search as well as providing full support to the interim leadership structure, working as a tight and collaborative team across the AFSA board and staff.
We are dedicated to our students, parents, and staff in continuing to deliver a quality educational experience, and we remain very excited to begin our new school year!
AFSA School Board
Hope we will see all of you at our back to school picnics/information sessions: High School, August 27, 3 pm to 7 pm, Elementary, August 29, 3 pm to 7 pm. Meet your teachers, learn about various school programs and have a picnic meal on us!
Thank you for being a part of AFSA!
Becky Meyer
AFSA K-12 Back to School Picnics
AFSA High School Picnic (grades 7-12) August 27th:
All high school students and their families are invited to stop by the high school from 4-7 p.m. on Tuesday, August 27th. Students can pick up their schedules and locker information, stop by the school information booths, fill out required paperwork, drop off medications, meet the teachers and enjoy a picnic dinner! Dinner will be available from 3-7 p.m. (no charge). Pick up the September lunch menu (this will also be posted on the website)!
AFSA Elementary School Picnic (grades Pre-K - 6th) August 29th:
All elementary school students and their families are invited to stop by the elementary school from 3-7 p.m. on Thursday, August 29th. Students and families can meet the teachers, fill out required paperwork, drop off school supplies and medications and enjoy a picnic dinner! Dinner will be available from 3-7 p.m. (no charge). Pick up the September lunch menu (this will also be posted on the website)!
AFSA K-12 Back to School Forms/Fee
If you are having a problem downloading files in this newsletter please make sure you click the top of the Family Update email that says "View in browser."
AFSA Pre-K-12th grade families need to fill out the following paperwork each school year.
- Emergency Contact and Permissions form - Gives us emergency contacts and covers all field trip and media permissions needed during the year.
- Application for Educational Benefits - Provides families additional benefits and helps AFSA qualify for grants and funds from the department of education.
Additional forms that may be needed:
- Medication Authorization form - This form is needed for all medications your student will need during the school day. Doctors signature may be required please see form for details. Medication and form can be dropped off at the Back to School Picnic.
- Parking Permit - For student driver's who will have a car at school.
All forms listed above are attached to this Family Update, can be found on the website and paper copies will be available at both the high school and elementary school Back to School Picnics.
Completed forms may be turned in at the Back to School Picnics, dropped off at the buildings during summer office hours or Elementary (K-6) forms can be emailed to jhamilton@afsak12.com and high school (grades 7-12) forms can be emailed to kbarbour@afsak12.com
AFSA K-12 Annual Activity Fee:
The Annual Activity Fee is $25 per student. This covers student email accounts, student ID cards, locker use, PowerSchool access and FFA dues. Students will not receive their school ID unless this fee is paid. Fee can be paid online (see below) or in the school office at either the elementary or high school. If this fee presents a financial hardship for your family please contact our Interim Executive Director, Becky Meyer.
AFSA K-12 Bus Routes 2024-2025
Bus route information was mailed out yesterday! Once you receive your bus route information if you have any questions please contact transportation@afsak12.com
IMPORTANT - Road Construction Information
Please be aware of a road construction project that will impact how our AFSA Team Members, students, and families reach our location.
Starting on August 12th, the intersection at Edgerton St and Centerville Rd (by Bigwood Brewery) will be closed for approximately 90 days with no through traffic for utility installation.
Please use Rice Street and proceed to Vadnais Blvd W to access AFSA High School until further notice.
AFSA K-12 Cell Phone Policy 2024-2025
AFSA’s Proposed New Student Cell Phone and “Related Technology Device”
Rules & Guidelines for 2024-2025 School Year
Cell phones have become a way of life, a technological convenience that has impacted all of us in many ways. However, in the school environment, cell phones can be a distraction, an interruption, and occasionally, a tool to exchange inappropriate information. Beginning on
the first day of the school year, cell phones or ether electronic devices including smart watches and earbuds/air pods (see proposed policy for full list) will not be allowed during instructional time within our classrooms.
This new guideline will help us create a more positive environment where uninterrupted learning can take place. We believe this new guideline will allow our students to be more engaged in classroom activities, and, conversely, less likely to be distracted by non-school activities. It will allow teachers to focus on lessons, instead of cell phone distractions in the classrooms.
As more research around the impacts of cell phone use of adolescents is being published, we understand that it can lead to increased mental health issues in adolescents. As protecting and supporting the mental health of our students is a priority, we believe that limiting cell phone use during school will assist us in these endeavors.
We recognize that cell phones are a safety and security tool for parents and students to stay
connected. After reviewing the parent/guardian and teacher surveys from this past spring, AFSA will allow cell phones and “related technology devices” on both campuses. However, we do have procedures on when and if students can use them during the day, how it will be implemented, and the possible consequences when students are misusing them or not following the procedures.
Please see the attached Proposed Policy that explains and outlines our cell phone and “related technology devices” policy in more depth. It is a proposed policy until the board approves it at the August board meeting.
Please review this proposed policy with your student prior to the start of school.
We greatly appreciate your partnership with the AFSA Administration and Teachers to maximize your student’s learning experience and potential while at AFSA.
If you have any questions about this proposed policy, please contact Interim Executive Director, Becky Meyer.
AFSA Administration
AFSA Eagle's Club - Pre-K through 6th Grade
We are excited to announce AFSA Eagle's Club is open for registrations for any AFSA student Pre-K through 6th grade. This program is a great option for families looking for after school care or after school clubs. Through Eagle's Club AFSA staff will provide care and activities from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. While students are in our care, we provide a high-quality curriculum with engaging activities for all ages. Eagle's Club will offer themed days of the week (see hand book for more information), so families can register for specific days of the week or on a full-week schedule.
The cost to attend Eagle's Club is $20 per child per day. Additional program details are outlined in the handbook linked below. If you have any questions please contact Kate Bald 651-209-3924.
AFSA K-12 School Supply Lists 2024-2025
Supply Lists for the 2024-2025 School Year are attached!
If you are having a problem downloading files please make sure you click the top of the Family Update email that says "View in browser."
AFSA's #BeAFSA Summer Events - Parade Volunteers Needed
We are looking for students and families to represent AFSA K-12 in the Vadnais Heights Days Parade Sunday, August 18, 2024! Please contact Stephanie Forliti if you would like to join us! Walkers get a free AFSA K-12 summer shirt (limited sizes available)!
White Bear Township Movie Night NEW DATE
Join us on Saturday, August 24th for White Bear Township Movie in the Park! Bring your friends and family out to the movies! Join us at Polar Lakes Park (1280 Hammond Rd) at dusk! AFSA is selling concessions before and during the show. See you at the movies!
AFSA Eagles Volleyball - Summer Practices Have Begun
AFSA High School Sports Interest Survey
AFSA Athletics' goal is to engage students in extracurricular activities so they can experience positive interactions, develop sportsmanship, dedication, fortitude, and a positive work ethic while participating in the physical activity and skill development of a competitive sport. If you are interested in getting involved with any of our sports (Cross Country, Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Softball) in the 2024-2025 school year, please follow the QR code or click here and fill out the AFSA Sports Interest Form.
AFSA K-12 Summer Office Hours
AFSA Elementary Summer Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday - 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Friday - 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
AFSA High School Summer Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday - 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Friday - CLOSED
Help Spread the Word About AFSA K-12
Attention AFSA K-12 Families! We need your help getting the word out about AFSA K-12! We would love to have you write a review on Google, share a post on social media, submit a quote or story about what you like best about AFSA K-12 or distribute flyers!
- Flyers: If you are interested in getting some flyers to help advertise the school please contact Ms. Forliti.
- Google Reviews: To write a Google review for AFSA Elementary click here and for AFSA High School click here.
- Social Media: To follow us on Facebook click here. To follow us on Instagram click here.
- Submit a Quote: If you are interested in submitting a quote or story, please fill out the AFSA Cheer Google Form or email Ms. Forliti.
Thank you for helping spread the word about AFSA K-12!
AFSA K-12 Family Directory
The school directory is a great way for AFSA K-12 families to stay in touch! Click here if you are a current or incoming AFSA K-12 family and would like to be added to the 2024-2025 school directory. The directory will be emailed out to all participating families. If you have been in past directories you will still need to sign up this year to be included. Questions? Please contact Ms. Forliti
Become a Part of the AFSA StAFSA Community - Now Hiring!
Become a part of the AFSA StAFSA community! We are looking for a few additional staff members. Please pass these opportunities on to friends and family!
- We are looking for substitute teachers for grades K-12, all subjects. Must hold or be eligible for an MN teaching license. On call as needed.
- We are also hiring Educational Assistants
AFSA K-12 2024-2025 School Year Calendar
The 2024-2025 AFSA K-12 School Calendar is attached to this newsletter!
If you are having a problem downloading this file please make sure you click the top of the Family Update email that says "View in browser."
AFSA K-12 Upcoming Events 2023-2024
August 17, 2024
AFSA K-12 - Vadnais Heights Days Kids’ Day
Community Park Vadnais Heights 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
August 18, 2024
AFSA K-12 - Vadnais Heights Days Parade
Vadnais Heights 12:00 p.m.
August 24, 2024
AFSA K-12 - White Bear Township Movie in the Park
Polar Lakes Park at Dusk
September 3, 2024
AFSA K-12 - First Day of School
September 17, 2024
AFSA K-12 - Culver's Night
Little Canada Culver's 5-7 p.m.
September 18, 2024
AFSA K-12 - Picture Day
September 21, 2024
AFSA K-12 - White Bear Animal Hospital Open House
White Bear Lake 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
September 27, 2024
AFSA K-12 - Farm and Community Service Day
Grades K-6 No School
October 3, 2024
AFSA K-12 - Open House
Both Campuses 4-7 p.m.
AFSA Elementary Numeracy Night 4-7 p.m.
Click Here to go to the School Calendar for more details
AFSA K-12 Contact Information
Please call the attendance line or email the following if your student is absent.
Elementary Attendance Line:
612-260-2664 or email k6attendance@afsak12.com
High School Attendance Line:
651-209-3910 or email hsattendance@afsak12.com