January 31, 2025
Message From Principal | IB Head of School, Mrs. Fox
Last day of January is upon us...which is ALSO the 100th day of school in our 24-25 school year. Students celebrated ROCKIN' 100 Days of Learning as we wrap up National School Choice and Literacy Week! Next week is SPIRIT WEEK where our daily attendance COUNTS to ensure our school funding for next school year! Check out the flyer below with themed-days. 💙💛🪁💙💛
-PTO Glow Party tonight, see flyer and details below and the email I sent on Friday the 17th, you can pay at the door if you didn't pre-order your tickets/glow accessories.
-Intent to Return 2025-2026 STARTS Monday, 2/3! See flyer below. Do you know how to access your PowerSchool portal? If not, you need to do so NOW as the 25-26 Intent to Return form is only accessible on your portal. Visit our website, click on the PARENTS tab on the left and hover over the POWERSCHOOL link and scroll down to review the directions. On Monday, you will be receiving an email from our Foundation Team to complete your Intent to Return for your child's seat for the 25-26 school year.
Next week we are celebrating School Counselor Week by honoring our two School Counselors, Ms. Grullon and Ms. Lindsay. You can check out our School Counselor page under the FOR PARENTS tab. The theme for the year is 'School Counseling, Helping Students Thrive' definitely fits perfectly with the work these two ladies do all around campus.
-Does your child participate in AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS? Please remember to STAY IN YOUR CAR and follow carline all the way down to ensure the safety for all students and staff.
Looking for service hours on a Saturday? Check out the link below to sign up on Saturday, 2/8 to support our Chess Tournament. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0C45ACA92EA0F94-54543775-chess?useFullSite=true#/
Update on school tardies...Raptor late sign in is not 100% syncing with sending the information to PowerSchool. Our staff is currently going back into PowerSchool to update this information throughout the day. If you receive an email that your child is absent, you can send an email to Ms. Segura and she'll update records, no need to call school line. segura.emeli@franklin-academy.org
We still have about 40 2024-2025 spirit shirts left, send a check/money order with your child's name, size, and teacher's name if you'd like to purchase one for your child or yourself.
-SERVICE HOURS: Quarter 2 hours are now LIVE on PowerSchool as well. If you haven't yet, please complete your application for Service Hours in Raptor. Until you have a Raptor Volunteer record, they cannot view service hour opportunities or have their times properly recorded into your PowerSchool Portal. Visit our website, click on the PARENTS tab on the left and hover over the SERVICE HOURS link and scroll down to apply.
-Please review the quick reminders below and check out 'What's Coming Up - February' for the month's events/activities.
What's Coming Up - February
1/31/25 Family Glow Party
2/3/25 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Assembly: 1st Grade @ 8:30, doors open at 8:15
2/3/25 Football vs Franklin PinesK-8 @ 3:45PM @ Park Next Door
2/4/25 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Assembly: 2nd Grade @ 8:30, doors open at 8:15
2/4/25 Franklin High School Family Night @ Franklin K-12 Campus (flyer below)
2/5/25 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Assembly: 3rd Grade @ 8:15, doors open at 8:00
2/5/25 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Assembly: MYP @ 9:15, doors open at 9:00
2/6/25 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Assembly: Grades 4th & 5th @ 8:30, doors open at 8:15
2/6/25 School Advisory Council VIRTUAL Meeting
2/7/25 Football vs Driftwood @ 3:45PM @ Park Next Door
2/8/25 Chess Tournament @ our campus
2/8/25 Franklin Cup-Volleyball Tournament
2/11/25 Football vs New River @ 3:45PM @ Park Next Door
2/12/25 Football vs Gulfstream @ 4:15
2/13/25 Football vs Walter C. Young @ 4:30
2/14/25 Day of Service and Love/Early Release Day
2/18/25 Field Day: MYP
2/19/25 Field Day: 3rd, 4th, 5th
2/20/25 Field Day: Kinder, 1st, 2nd
2/21/25 Falcon Rush 4 Kick-off
2/27/25 Black History Month Celebration 6:15PM-7:45PM
Family engagement is strong at Franklin Academy, yet we’d like to make it even better and make sure our programs meet the needs of families, students, teachers, and administration. You can help us form a better partnership between school and home by answering questions on the Title I Parent and Family Engagement Survey. (CLICK LINK ABOVE)
You can also text the word “survey 5037” to 954.388.8846.
If you have any questions about current family-engagement opportunities, please contact your child’s teacher. You may also contact us via email: Mrs. Cassandra C. Carrizo , Title 1 Liaison carrizo.cassandra@franklin-academy.org Mrs. Alexandra Fox, Principal fox.alexandra@franklin-academy.org.
Link for payment is in 1/10/25 newsletter email! See you there!
💙💛💙 Spirit Week 2/3-2/7 💙💛💙
Uniform Compliance Reminders
Please note that uniform bottoms are scheduled for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
with the themed top. ALL hoodies/non-Franklin-Academy outerwear will be confiscated
and will be available for students to pick up at dismissal. Close-toed shoes are required every day.
Staff without a homeroom/advisory wear RED on 2/7.
Thank you for helping us THRIVE!
💙 Ms. Grullon & Ms. Lindsay 💙
Click on attachment to register for our upcoming tournament!
Franklin Campuses Volleyball Tournament
Come out and support our FALCONS!
K-12 High School News - Mr. Delgado's Updates
Check out the latest updates and events!
Update your contact info on PowerSchool Portal, see steps below.
-Go to www.cc.franklin-academy.org
-Click on ORANGE square at the bottom right with the question mark
-When the menu opens, choose POWERSCHOOL SIS
-Choose "How to update your school contact information"
24-25 PTO Corner
Stay connected with our PTO!
Join our PTO to support yearly initiatives for our students, staff, and campus needs.
Where to Find BrightArrow Communications Sent By School
When you log into your PowerSchool Portal, you will see the menu on the left-hand side, click on BrightArrow Messages.
After you click on the link, you will see a log of our sent messages; click on them and message will display underneath.
General Reminders
Morning Conferences - Arrival Times
Please be prompt for morning conferences. For K-5 conferences, you must be in the building to sign in by 7:05AM at the latest. Teachers must open their doors at 7:20AM to retrieve students; if you arrive after 7:05AM, you will be directed to reschedule your conference.
Reminder, you must visit your PowerSchool Portal to submit your child's(ren's) absence each time they are absent from school.
MYP IDs and Agenda/Folders
As a reminder, the school-issued IDs are to be worn every day while students are on campus. If they lost there ID, please send check/money order or pay online ($10) for a new one.
Also, the school-issued agenda/folders are to be in the student's folder EVERY DAY. It's not only their agenda, it's also their hallway log that they need to travel around campus.
Our Foundation Team that iUniforms has communicated that 99% of orders have been filled and uniform infractions will begin on Monday 9/9. Please keep all NON-Franklin outerwear at home as it will be confiscated daily. If students don't have a Franklin sweater/jacket, they may wear a long sleeve shirt underneath, see uniform policy below.
Please review the visual below with our uniform policy which is mandatory; you acknowledged our policies upon registration, (uniform policy/chart below is in our handbook). All students in 2nd grade and higher MUST be tucked in and have a belt as this is an important piece of our safety plan. Please ensure your child has a belt when wearing shorts/pants.
Raptor Service Hour Portal with available opportunities now live. Visit our Service Hour page for details and to sign up to Raptor if you are a new family and don't have your account yet. https://cc.franklin-academy.org/service-hours
Please visit your PowerSchool Family Portal to click on the WAY HOME FORM and complete it for your child's MAIN way home each day. If you are changing the way home method for the day, you must email the teacher and call the front office before 2PM; the earlier, the better!
Carline Arrival/Dismissal Reminders
Reminder, when arriving on campus for morning arrival (or dismissal), you CANNOT make a left turn to enter through the back, that is reserved for staff only as they need to report on time. You must follow staff directions enter the park or head straight through the archway (depending on if you arrive later in the window and we have finished with the park). In the morning, to expedite arrival, we also use the bus loop for drop off, ONLY IF THE STAFF MEMBER DIRECTS in that direction. Students will follow the carline curb and still enter through the SINGLE POINT OF ENTRY at the front door.
Please ensure that if you have an MYP child without an elementary sibling, your child CANNOT arrive before 8AM. Students will be held outside and they will be directed to call you to pick them up. Staggered arrival for our MYP students is part of our written charter agreement to ensure we have proper staffing and follow traffic patterns on Flamingo Road.
Arrival on campus starts at 3PM, not a minute earlier. As part of the new contract with the city to use the park for carline, we CANNOT stack in the park before 3PM and will have ALL CARS exit and return at 3PM. Please share this information with any friend(s) or family member(s) you may send to pick up your child(ren).
Uniform Policy Reminders
FortifyFL - See something, say something
FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows students to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.
By accessing FortifyFL, students can provide a description of the threat, share pics, and videos and optionally submit their contact information. Submissions can be anonymous or non-anonymous. Submitting a tip is quick and easy using our mobile app or website.
All Franklin Academy students have access to FortifyFL via their Clever portal dashboard.
Notification to Parents/Guardians - November 2024
The Consequences of School Threats Social media threats are not a joke.
One post can change your life. Make the right choice – ThinkB4U Post. Submitting false or intentionally misleading tips in FortifyFL or other reporting platforms is not only reckless, but it also impedes resources that are needed for actual emergencies and carries serious legal consequences. Students arrested for recent school threats have been charged with second-degree felonies in violation of section (s.) 836.10, Florida Statutes (F.S.) There are consequences for making a threat or false report via FortifyFL involving school or school personnel's property, school transportation, or a school-sponsored activity. Understand that all threats will be taken seriously and will result in severe consequences up to and including arrest, restitution, and expulsion. Parents, please discuss this issue with your children. False threats, even if intended as a joke, can result in life-altering consequences. Watch this important message from the Broward Sheriff's Office to understand the serious consequences of posting threats. https://www.eduvision.tv/l?RyROteO #ItsNoJoke #ThinkB4UPost #BrowardSheriffOffice
Updated 24-25 School Calendar
Due to hurricane days, the district has updated the 24-25 academic calendar.
Our calendar has the following five (5) changes:
January 6th is no longer Teacher Planning Day and instead students will now return on the 6th instead of the 7th.
January 10th has been changed from a traditional school day to a Teacher Planning Day.
The start of the 3rd quarter has moved from January 7th to January 13th
The start of the 4th quarter has moved from April 1st to March 17th
The Q3 interim report distribution date has moved from May 6th to April 29th.
Who's who?
Assistant Principal over PowerSchool/Academic Concerns: Ms. Vazquez - vazquez.emilia@franklin-academy.org
Assistant Principal over Curriculum/Academic Concerns: Ms. Sander - sander.nancy@franklin-academy.org
Service Hours/Raptor/Carline/All NON-Instructional aspects: Mr. Williams - williams.demon@franklin-academy.org
School Fees/Balances: Ms. Yepez - businessmanager-cc@franklin-academy.org
Registration/School Records: Ms. Cabrera - cabrera.elizabeth@franklin-academy.org
Health/Clinic: Nurse Schwam - cc-nurse@franklin-academy.org
Service Hour Forms: Ms. N. Gonzalez - gonzalez.nancy@franklin-academy.org; segura.emeli@franklin-academy.org
Attendance Inquiries: Ms. D. Gonzalez - attendance-cc@franklin-academy.org; gonzalez.diana@franklin-academy.org; segura.emeli@franklin-academy.org
Placards: Ms. E. Segura - segura.emeli@franklin-academy.org
Title 1 Liaison: Ms. Carrizo - carrizo.cassandra@franklin-academy.org
Special Programs Coordinator (ESE, IEPs, Gifted 504 Plans): Ms. Carrizo - carrizo.cassandra@franklin-academy.org
ESOL Coordinator: Ms. Leonard - leonard.ivette@franklin-academy.org
Athletic Director: Mr. Dennis - cc-athletics@franklin-academy.org
Franklin Academy
Email: fox.alexandra@franklin-academy.org
Website: franklin-academy.org
Location: 6301 South Flamingo Road, Cooper City, FL, USA
Phone: 954 780 5533
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FranklinAcademyCharter/