CHS October Newsletter
A way for families to connect with CHS & The Community
CHS Important Dates Calendar :
- Homecoming Spirit Week: 9/30-10/4
- Homecoming Dance & Football Games: Saturday, 10/5/24
- Senior Panoramic: Friday, 10/4/25 9:30am
- School Closed for Students - Rosh Hashanah: Thursday, 10/3/24
- Senior College Night (Library): Thursday, 10/10/24 6pm
- Bluesday: Tuesday 10/15/24 - Wear your CHS Gear!
- School Closed - MSDE Convention: Friday, 10/18/24
- Make-up Picture Day: Friday, 10/25/24
- Food Distribution (CHS Bus loop): Wednesday 10/30/24
- LAST DAY OF THE QUARTER! - 10/31/24 (3 hours early dismissal)
- SCHOOL CLOSED for students - 11/1/24
Check out the BNN Show from home
Subscribe to The Peake Speaks YouTube Channel
Each Morning the televideo team creates a Live BNN show to share school wide. This show helps students stay informed with CHS & Community events! We post the show daily on Schoololgy through the CHS Hub Group but you can watch via The Peake Speaks Youtube Channel under the live tab.
National Principals Month
Happy National Principals Month to our principal, Mrs. Tyler!
Mrs. Tyler is starting her 3rd year here at Chesapeake and her supportive vision creates a positive environment where students and staff thrive. Thank you for making our school a place of growth and opportunity. Prior to becoming a principal at CHS, Ms. Tyler worked as an Assistant Principal at Parkville High School and was previously a School Counselor here at the 'peake! We are grateful for your unwavering support!
Homecoming: September 30th - October 5th
Homecoming Dance
Last day for Ticket Sales: Tuesday 10/1
Students must be eligible with a 2.0 GPA from Q4. All first year Freshman are eligible. Tickets can be purchased with Cash or Check at the Bayhawk Branch at all lunch shifts.
CHS Athletes Recognized on Banners on Eastern Blvd
Thank you to the Essex Community Development Corporation for creating this project to celebrate local athletes. Huge shout out to Forever in a Flash Photography and Image 360 for executing the banners beautifully. Check out our CHS athletes along side Kenwood, Eastern and Mount Carmel on the 400-600 block of Eastern Blvd.
The Bayhawk Branch is NOW OPEN
Did you know CHS has its own working branch of the First Financial Federal Credit union?! What is a credit union? It is a place where you can open a checking or savings account, deposit and withdraw money and learn about personal finance. If you open an account, the first $5 deposit is on them & you get a free gift card for joining! Learn more at https://www.firstfinancial.org/
New Grading Policy for BCPS
Starting this school year, the BCPS grading policy has changed. It is very important for all students to maintain grades higher than an E for each quarter. If a student gets EE or ED for Semester 1 (Q1&q2) they will fail that half of the course and have to retake it in evening school. This is especially important for our seniors and their graduation requirements as a failure will immediately impact their ability to graduate this June. Each semester, the calculation must equal 1.0 (D) or higher to earn credit. See below for a break down of grade calculations.
All students were taught a lesson in their math class about the new policy and how to calculate their grades.
Voter Registration Day - Thursday 10/10
We have 2 community members and Mr. Charles that will be in the commons this Thursday, October 10th, during all lunch shifts to help students register you to vote. If you are registered by October 15th and turn 18 by Nov 5th you can vote in this presidential election! Anyone 16+ can also register to vote but will not be able to vote in the election until you are 18. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!
Chick-fil-a Leader Academy
The Chick- fil-A Leader Academy is designed to teach students leadership qualities. Leader Labs occur once a month and each lesson gives students practical leadership skills that they can use in their communities. This month, the students in our 'Introduction to Career Research' class boxed a large number of donated books and included positive messages for their teacher to deliver to our local elementary schools: Mars Estates & Sandalwood. A big thank you to our local Chick-fil-A owner/operator from Martin Plaza sponsors our Leader Academy.
The Next Bluesday is October 15th
All students and staff are encouraged to show their School Pride by wearing CHS Bayhawk Gear or blue on the 3rd Tuesday of each month!
If you would like to purchase some CHS to show your school pride you can order apparel here: https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/maryland/essex/chesapeake-high-school
Sailing adventure for the GEM girls!
We have created a new portion of our website to better support our Spanish Speaking families. There is a link to BCPS created videos and resources as well as community resources. We will continue to add materials as we get them.
Activity Bus Schedule
Any student that wants to stay after for a club, coach class or detention can use the activity bus to get home on the designated Tuesdays listed below. The student will need their advisor to request a pass to ride the bus. The bus leaves CHS at 4:30pm and makes stops at various locations, please see the list of scheduled days & stops below.
After School Help Every Tuesday
If you are struggling in a class and want some addition help, sign up to attend our After School Help Session every Tuesday in the Library. You can mark if you need an Activity Bus Pass in the form.
Sign up: https://forms.gle/iBzdWsaMXrooPXqA9
Where: Library
EVERY Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Starting Wednesday, 10/9/24
Sign up in advance, and you will get a PURPLE pass from your Homeroom teacher, on the morning of your tutoring session.
Free Food Distribution - Last Wednesday of Every Month
Lateness Procedure for ALL students
All late students, arriving to school or class after 7:45 AM, are expected to scan in at the Attendance Kiosk. The Attendance Kiosk is in the main entrance vestibule and is operated by Ms. Smith. Students must have access to their BCPS Student ID barcode to scan in at the kiosk. All students were given a copy of the ID Badge the first week of school and were told to take a photo of it so it would be easily accessible. If your student lost their copy or would prefer to use the APP we have included steps for how to access your ID Badge via the Team BCPS Focus App linked below.
Attendance Kiosk Procedure:
· After the 7:45 AM bell, students arriving late, and students still in the halls and not on time for class, will be expected to sign-in at the Attendance Kiosk.
· The Kiosk will scan the student’s ID and mark them as tardy in Focus.
· The Kiosk will provide a “Tardy Slip” that includes the students name, ID, teacher, and room number. The “Tardy Slip” will serve as the students pass to class.
Magnet Applications are open! Due November 1st!
BCPS Magnet applications are now open! The application is open until November 1st. Current Freshman, are able to apply for a magnet program to start their 10th grade year. Any program listed below that has a 10 next to it is eligible. This is a great opportunity for students to get hands on experience and a head start on their careers. To find out how to apply, follow the steps and links on page 3 of the Magnet brochure.
Please upload your child's absent note(s) to FOCUS
If your child misses a day of school the parent can now upload their note directly into FOCUS. Doctor's notes, personal notes, court summons, whatever proof you would normally send in with your child, can now be directly uploaded for verification. Follow the steps below to learn how
(Visual Steps are also provided below in a PDF).
1. Log into the Focus Parent Portal. Navigate to the Alerts section and click on the “Student’s name has X days with unexcused absences/tardies without a note or reason” link. Note: You can also locate your student’s attendance information by navigating to your student’s name on the left menu. Click the down arrow to expand additional menu options. Select Absences.
2.Scroll down the page. Locate the Date column to find the date you wish to submit the note. Locate the Excuse Note column, hoover over the No Files section, and select Scan, Upload, or Take Photo to upload the note for that day’s absence. Select the file to be added.
3.The file name/image will be displayed in the Excuse Note column if the attendance note has been uploaded successfully.
Weekly Attendance updates emailed home every Friday
Each Friday our counseling secretary. Ms. Diegel, will be sending out a summary of student attendance to parents and guardians. An example of what it looks like is below as well as a key for what attendance codes mean.
If you click where it says "summary chart" under Enrollment Dates on the left hand side you will see a chart for every period for the week. We hope this information is helpful connecting to student success.
Parent Support for Back to School Issues and Concerns
If your child is struggling with School Refusal, Motivation, Trauma...please check out these articles shared by the Child Mind Institute.
Resources for Going Back to School - Child Mind Institute
BCPS also provides numerous webinar opportunities via the BCPS Parent University.
Free and Reduced Meals
As a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school, meals are available to all students at no cost. An application does not need to be completed. Breakfast and Lunch well be provided each day.
Menus can be found at: https://bcps.nutrislice.com/menu/bcps-weekly-menus
All BCPS cafeteria's are cashless.If you would like to add money to a student account to purchase additional snacks, drinks and/or items from our vending machines after school please set up a School Bucks Account (information is below).
Mr. Patterson and Ms. Diegel are our Technology Liaisons. They have been hard at work trying to get all students working devices. If you have already completed the QR code request for your device, they are working through a list to get everyone the hardware they need. If you have a new issue with your device, please complete the request by using the students google log in to be added to the list.
If your issue is not device related (like resetting a password or an issue with schoology/microsoft) you must contact the BCPS Help Desk by calling 443-809-4672.
Costs for lost or damaged items:
Repair/Charges information in Spanish: https://youtu.be/46Yc2TikeRs?si=mVIaIbHRk8XRHTOt
Get Connected in FOCUS & Schoology
Do you want to get weekly updates of your student's grades? Directions for setting up notifications can be found here.
FOCUS and Schoology are the tools BCPS has for students and parents to stay up to date on student grades, attendance, schedules and allows access to online report cards. It is important for families to not wait for the report cards to check in about grades, you can check daily or weekly.
Please make sure you have an active parent account. This will provide access to the following information: transportation, student schedules, registration, report cards and attendance.
BCPS parents, staff, students, and community members can now download the Team BCPS-Focus App for Android and iPhone users. The Team BCPS-Focus app will allow users to view information in Focus, our Student Information System, based on their role in the system.
Directions to download the Team BCPS FOCUS App.
Having Issues with FOCUS?
FOCUS is becoming the Hub for all important BCPS things. From Report Card Access to Athletic Registration, FOCUS is a must. If you are having any issues with your parent or student FOCUS account please join the FOCUS Family Help Group on Schoology to get support.
Steps to Join:
- Log into your Schoology Account
- Click Groups at the top
- On the right side of the page click My Groups and then Join Group
- Focus Schoology Group Join Code– 7QQV-2F6M-BWRJJ
You can also find various helpful resources about Schoology via the BCPS INNOVATION HUB.
Join Us for the Xello Student and Family Virtual Sessions provided by BCPS! 10/3/24
Xello is the new BCPS college and career exploration online platform that helps students build the skills, knowledge and plans to be future ready. The program uses an investigative, discovery-based learning process. Students better understand themselves, their future career options, and the 21st century skills they’ll need to succeed.
All high school students and families now have access to the Xello college and career platform. We invite parents to learn more about how to support their students in getting the most out of this post-secondary planning tool.
Families of high school students are encouraged to join us during the virtual Hello Xello Parent/Student Information Sessions on October 3, 2024. To accommodate Spanish-speaking families there will be two concurrent sessions available.
You may join the sessions below on October 3rd at 6pm using the link below:
English: Getting Started for High School Parents and Students
Spanish: Getting Started for High School Parents and Students
Additional Family Resources
· Welcome to Xello Family (English)
· Welcome to Xello Family (Spanish)
· Welcome to Xello Family Brochure (English)
· Welcome to Xello Family Brochure (Spanish)
· Getting Started for Families (English)
· Getting Started for Families (Spanish)
Questions regarding this information should be directed to:
MaatenRe Ramin, OSC Coordinator mramin@bcps.org
Get reduced prices on SAT, ACT and AP Exams
Apply now for a Universal Fee waiver today!
Who is Eligible for a Universal Fee Waiver?
BCPS Students may be eligible for a Universal Fee Waiver if...
- Their family meets the Income Eligibility Requirements set by the United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service. See the chart on page 2 of the SAT Fee Waiver Student Guide.
- They are eligible for free school meals without an application because their household participates in one of these programs:
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- The Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
- Medicaid benefits
- Enrolled in a federally funded Head Start Program
- or because the student is homeless, migrant, runaway, or in foster care.
- Their family receives public assistance.
- They live in federally subsidized public housing, are in a foster home, or homeless.
- They are a ward of the state or an orphan.
- The student participates in program that aids low-income families (such as AVID or Upward Bound)
Benefits of submitting the waiver:
- Discounted or Free SAT Tests / AP Exams
- Discounted or Free Score Reports for Colleges
- Free College Applications
Need help tracking where your student's bus is?
Your student's bus information is available in FOCUS under the Transportation tab. BCPS uses BusWhere, a location tracking software that allows subscribers to see bus locations in real time on a mobile phone or computer. The BusWhere app, allows subscribers to receive notifications as the bus is approaching a designated bus stop or if there is a significant issue causing a delay.
If you have questions or concerns about the app, parents and school-based staff are encouraged to utilize BusWhere Assistance Request Form.
All classes collect dues each year to support yearly class events and to prepare for prom and senior year events. Each student is expected to pay $15 per year they attend CHS. This money is going directly to their class fund to reduce ticket costs to students. Payment links can be found below by class.
Senior Class - 2025
Class Advisors' emails:
Tara Funkhouser - tfunkhouser@bcps.org
Jennifer Dyke - Jdyke@bcps.org
Please reach out to advisors with any Class Specific Questions.
Class of 2025: Class Dues Payment Link
Class of 2025 Instagram: @chs.co2025
Next Senior Class Meeting – Room 18 at 2:45 PM on Wednesday 10/9
Below is the Senior Calendar that lays out all the events for the Class of 2025 for the year:
Senior Panoramic Photo will be taken next Friday at 9:30AM in the stadium. Make sure you are showing your CHS Spirit for PEP Rally - SENIORS CLASS COLOR IS WHITE!
Senior Picture Makeup dates!
Senior Portrait Make Ups: Many of you are reaching out as you may have missed your summer appointment. Prestige Portraits with Lifetouch will be here at CHS in the Auditorium for senior portraits, on 2 make up days: Nov 7th and 8th. If you still need to schedule yours and would like to take them here at CHS, please see the flyer below to contact LifeTouch and schedule an appointment. After these dates, we cannot guarantee that your photo will make it in your yearbook and you'll have to find transportation to a Lifetouch location for photos.
Open to all seniors and families to learn more about the 25/26 FAFSA Process.
You must register for these events.
Junior Class - 2026
Class Advisors' emails:
Jillian Ganley - jganley@bcps.org
Sarah Miller - smiller18@bcps.org
Please reach out to advisors with any Class Specific Questions.
Class of 2026: Class Dues Payment Link
Class of 2026 Instagram: @chs.co2026
On 9/24/24, we had a full class meeting with all juniors to discuss expectations for the year. We hope all students will be active participants in our planning meetings and fundraisers so we can provide the best senior activities for them next year. Review our powerpoint below for more details.
Support the Class of 2026
Please show the flyer below at Pizza John's and let them know your are supporting Chesapeake!
Next Class meeting is Wednesday 10/23/24
All class of 2026 members are welcome to attend. We meet in the CCR lab across from Counseling.
Sophomore Class - 2027
Class Advisors' emails:
Shaun Downey - sdowney2@bcps.org
Lindsey Withrow - lwithrow@bcps.org
Class dues payment link - Class of 27: https://osp.osmsinc.com/p/EI584-240
Class of 2027 Instagram: @chs.co2027
Please reach out to advisors with any Class Specific Questions.
Support the Class of 2027!
Support the Class of 2027 and show of your school spirit all at once!
Fundraiser ends 10/18/24
Freshman Class - 2028
Your class advisors will be chosen soon. The class advisors are 2 CHS staff members that stay with you all 4 years and help with fundraising and planning events for your class.
Class of 2028 Instagram: @chs.co2028
All freshman (and any student in a PE Course) must purchase a PE Shirt this year. Shirts are $10 and must be ordered ASAP. Not having a shirt will impact a students grade. If you student has not yet ordered their shirt, please email our PE Department Chair Chad Goodnight at cgoodnight@bcps.org
October's Career Spotlight: Business, Management, and Finance
The focus for this month will be Business, Management, and Finance. Studies in this career pathway include planning, organizing, directing and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations. If you want to own your own business or want to be a integral part of a successful company, this world of work is for you. From Marketing to Accounting, Sales to Stocks... the job options are vast.
Possible Business, Management, and Finance via CCBC:
- Business Administration: https://catalog.ccbcmd.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=47&poid=27044
- Sports Management: https://www.ccbcmd.edu/Programs-and-Courses-Finder/Program/sports-management-humanities-and-social-sciences-area-of-concentration.html
- Essentials Skills for Entrepreneurs: https://www.ccbcmd.edu/Programs-and-Courses-Finder/ConEd-Program/essential-skills-for-entrepreneurs.html
- Food Truck Operator: https://www.ccbcmd.edu/Programs-and-Courses-Finder/ConEd-Program/food-truck-operator.html
- Certified BookKeeper Certificate: https://www.ccbcmd.edu/Programs-and-Courses-Finder/Program/certified-bookkeeping-certificate.html
Guest Speakers coming to CHS this Month:
First Financial Federal Credit Union (Thursday, October 10th - 9:30AM): Are you someone who is interested in finances and would like to learn more about the banking industry? If so, there's an opportunity for you! A representative from First Financial Federal Credit Union will be here to discuss what it's like to be apart of one of Baltimore's best credit unions.
If you're interested, please sign-up using the link in schoology.
Under Armour – Dave Burton (Wednesday, October 16th) - Do you love sports and the desire to compete? Are you interested in design and have a passion for creating? How about working as a team and enjoy interacting with all different types of people? If so, come learn about one of Baltimore’s most popular companies and see what it’s like to be an Under Armour employee.
Entrepreneurship - Karahn Alston, Entrepreneur from Don Enterprises – (Thursday, October 24th from 9:30am -10:30am) - Have you ever thought about starting your own business? Are you full of great ideas, but don’t know where to start? Come hear what Karahn has to say and engage in activities that will allow you to tap into talents you didn’t know you had.
Real Estate - Amy Pletz, Cummings & Co Realtors (Wednesday, October 30th) - Have you ever wondered what is was like to work for yourself? Would you like to learn more about Real Estate and the skills needed to be successful in such a competitive field? If so, come hear what one of Essex's top local realtors has to say.
Mr. Scalice has posted sign ups for these presentations in the CHS Hub on Schoology.
See him with any questions.
Getting a Work Permit
If your student (anyone under 18) is trying to get a job, they will need a work permit. Once a student accepts a job offer, they must complete a work permit and enter their place of employment and personal contact information. They then print the form and take it to their place of work to keep on file.
Work permits are found online at: https://www.dllr.state.md.us/ChildWorkPermit/web/content/Home.aspx
Participate or Get SSL hours at the Chesapeake Patriot 5K
Anyone interested in volunteering can email Dr.frank.neighoff@gmail.com so they can place volunteers. Students can work at water stations, as a spotter on the course, cheer squad and support at the start and finish line.
If you love Spooky Season, this is the opportunity for you!
Bennett's Curse still needs hired staff and volunteers for Creepy Woods by Bennett’s Curse (located at 11204 N Loreley Beach Road White Marsh, MD) and the Bennett's Curse Haunted House (Located at Eastpoint Mall).
- 15 and up to volunteer (you will get Student Service Learning Hours!)
- 16 and up to be paid but you must commit to work all 13 nights and bring 2 forms of ID (school and state) for payroll.
- Complete the application today!
Earn Service Learning hours at the B&O Railroad Museum!
The B&O Railroad Museum are currently collecting volunteers for those needing service hours for our Polar Express Production starting on November 29th!
Most shows take place on weekends, with shifts lasting from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm or 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm, with food and beverage provided on site.
Volunteers for this event help make it all happen – from the cozy and exciting holiday atmosphere to the warm and friendly visitor assistance. Volunteer roles include greeting guests, assisting with the train boarding, helping operate the lights for the live performance (just a switch, nothing fancy!) and the snow machine, helping with kid’s holiday craft table, and more.
This would be great for students interested in any of the following fields: theater, history, museums, library sciences, or service industry.
All volunteers must be at least 16 years old, and all training will be provided.
Students can sign up directly here or find more information directly from our website here.
Next Bayhawk Alliance meeting will be on Tuesday October 15th in room 23.
Please Join CHS Sports Boosters!
The CHS Sports Boosters support all athletics teams and the school as a whole. They are looking for more members (and ideas) to grow their opportunities ! Come learn about what events they have planned already for the year and what ideas they have to put funds to use! You can also email csanza@bcps.org or crohde@bcps.org with questions.
NCAA Eligibility Webinar - Nov 3rd, 6-7pm
Are you a student-athlete dreaming of playing your sport at the NCAA level? Invest in your future and spend an hour on Sunday, Nov. 3, from 6 to 7 p.m. Eastern time, understanding the requirements and how to prepare for NCAA certification. Join NCAA Eligibility Center staff, who will walk you through what you need to do to compete at the NCAA Division I, II or III level. Staff will be answering questions live during the presentation, so come prepared to learn how to take your game to the next level! Click here to register.
Fall Coaches Contact info:
Come Join us for a game!
Fall Sports season is in full swing and we would love for you to come out and support our Bayhawks. Sports Schedules can be found outside of Downey's office and on the Digital Sports website: https://chsbayhawks.digitalsports.com/ and home games are also listed on the Student Engagement Calendar shared on the in school monitors and the BNN show.
All tickets for sporting events must be purchased via Go Fan. Download the APP on your phone. No cash can be accepted at the door for tickets. Students that would like to attend a game at CHS, cannot have more than one E on their schoology report. Any questions regarding athletics, eligibility or tickets can be directed to our Athletic Director, Shaun Downey at sdowney2@bcps.org
Important Documents needed from the Health Suite
1. The Discretionary Medication Form is an important item to turn in as it is what allows our staff to provide medication to a student in need. If we do not have this on file we can not distribute meds.The school nurse is the only one who may administer over-the-counter medications, such as Tylenol, Cough Drops, Tums, Advil and Benadryl designated on the Discretionary Medication form. These can only be given on an occasional basis with your signed permission not just a verbal. A new form must be completed every year.
Please note:
- Only the medications you check off will be provided to your student (if determined to be necessary by the Nurse).
- The form must completed and signed by a parent/guardian. Please include all medical conditions, allergies, and updated contact information
- Please complete and email it to cbrooks2@bcps.org at your earliest convenience prior to the start of school.
- Any Questions? Contact the CHS Health Suite at 443-809-0070
2. Doctor’s Order for Medications in School: If your student will need to be given prescription medication during the school day, you will need a Parent Request to Administer Medication In School form to be completed by the prescribing provider (Doctor or Nurse Practitioner). This includes doctor’s orders for inhalers, insulin, epi-pens, ADHD medications, migraine medications, seizure meds, etc.Students who need to and have their doctor’s consent to self-carry inhalers or Epi -pens need to report their use to the health suite. Students may be disciplined if found in possession of unregistered medication as it is very important to know in emergency situations.
Please Note:
- All doctors’ orders for ’24-25 school year should be dated no earlier than July 1st, 2024.
- Please make sure the parent/guardian also signs the orders.
- All orders and medications should be hand delivered to the school nurse by the parent/guardian, preferably prior to the first day of school (8/26/24).
- If you have a doctor fax a form to the school they can use 443-809-0071 to fax orders, but make sure to call the health suite at 443-809-0070 to make sure we have received it prior to bringing your student’s medication(s).
If your student had any new/changes in health conditions over the summer, please update the Health Suite staff at the beginning of the school year by calling the office.
3. CHS offers a school-based wellness center which provides preventive care, such as check-ups and immunizations along with sports physicals and more (to students with or without insurance).
- Our goal is for all students to be able to use this resource throughout the school year
- Please complete your application and email the completed form to the Health Suite at Chesapeake High School, cbrooks2@bcps.org or bring completed physical copies to the school to be turned in to the Health Suite. PDF Application in Spanish is linked below.
4. Emergency Contact Information
Parents, please complete the EMERGENCY CONTACT information in the FOCUS Parent Portal. Accurate emergency numbers and contacts are essential for communication and emergency situations. We are not able to call or release a student to anyone not listed on the emergency contact sheet.
You can also explore the Health Suite portion of the Website for more information!
Do you need Health Insurance?
If you are in need of health insurance please click one of the flyers below to get connected to someone at the Baltimore County Department of Health to determine eligibility.
Teen Maker has an October 1 Deadline! Apply today!
Fall Flu Vaccine Clinic
October 5th, 15th, 19th. Best local option is Middle River Middle School on October 5th.
The Baltimore County Police Department is sponsoring safe Halloween events all across Baltimore County this month.
Learn more at https://ow.ly/fb8m50TGYqG
- October 17th from 6 to 8 p.m., Victory Villa Elementary School’s Trunk or Treat, 500 Compass Rd., 21220
- October 17th from 6 to 7:30 p.m., Seneca Elementary School’s Trunk or Treat, 45 Carrollwood Rd., 21220
- October 17th from 6 to 8 p.m., Chase Elementary School’s Trunk or Treat, 11701 Eastern Ave., 21220
- October 17th from 5 to 6:30 p.m., Sandalwood Elementary School’s Trunk or Treat, 900 S. Marlyn Ave., 21221
- October 25th from 5 to 8 p.m., Walmart Trunk or Treat, 112 Carroll Island Rd., 21220
October 5th - Hocus Pocus Inspired Cake Decorating
To REGISTER, visit this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1008615304527?aff=oddtdtcreator
The 6-8pm evening session is open to all. Visit the NACAC Website for more information on what colleges will be in attendance and how to register.
Complete this form to let Ms. Ganley know that you want to attend this field trip.
CHS Care Closet
Chesapeake High School opened the Care Closet this year to support CHS students.
The following items are available:
- Food (non perishable items from MD food bank)
- School Supplies
- Clothing
- Hygiene Products
To schedule an appointment please contact:
Ms Roberts, our School Social Worker, at 443-809-0315 or via email,mroberts10@bcps.org
CHS Food Pantry: Last Wednesday of the Month
Deep Creek Middle Food Pantry: Every 3rd Thursday
SNAP Food Benefits
Baltimore County has a new web tool displaying community partner food distribution sites across the County.
Developed by Baltimore County’s BCSTAT team, the Food Pantry Locator web tool includes detailed information about community food access locations. Residents should enter an address or select "Use my location" and adjust the distance slider to view food pantries near them; selecting a pantry's entry in the list will reveal contact information, hours of operation, and special instructions.
Please read through this article for more information about the program and other food assistance resources: Baltimore County Releases New Food Pantry Locator (baltimorecountymd.gov)
Dental Cleanings at CCBC Dundalk - All Ages
Free Heath Care Services!- No Insurance needed!
See the flyer below for more information.
Eviction and Utilities support
New Resource Guide from Baltimore County
Affordability Connectivity Program
As a result of Baltimore County's participation in the CEP Program, which provides free breakfast and lunch to students, all families are eligible to receive a discount of $30 per month off your internet bill. Please visit GetInternet.Gov to apply and/or ask questions.
October is Bullying Prevention Month
National Bullying Prevention Month (NBPM) is an important time to elevate the conversation about addressing and preventing bullying of K-12 children and youth. PACER founded NBPM in 2006 as a week-long event; it became a month-long one in 2010.
Bullying is the aggressive use of power, targeting another person or group of people with repeated, unwanted words or action, hurting them emotionally or physically. Bullying impacts the education, health, and safety of K-12 youth.
“The negative effects of bullying can last a lifetime,” said Julie Hertzog, director of PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center. “Calling out bullying behavior and supporting those who are bullied can make a big difference for those who experience bullying.”
National Bullying Prevention Month is an opportunity to:
- Encourage our nation to take action at the local level to create safe and supportive schools, communities, and online environments
- Offer information and education, with tangible steps to address and prevent bullying
- Provide a platform to host school and community events
- Share bullying prevention information through news media, social media, videos, and print publications
- Speak with education and public policy leaders about their role in bullying prevention
- Promote dialogue between educators, parents, and students on their roles in addressing and preventing bullying
- Invite organizations to share information about their bullying prevention resources
- Inspire everyone to promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion to help prevent bullying
- Help create a world without bullying
What you need to know:
- Bullying is a common form of violence for youth. One in five students report they have been bullied; chances are, is happening to a young person you know and care about. And the issue affects not only the youth who are bullied, but those who witness it say the behavior impacts them as well. Witnesses to bullying report feeling less safe, helpless to stop it, and intimidated. Plus, youth who bully are at a greater risk for adverse physical or emotional health or issues with the legal system.
- Laws and policies govern bullying prevention and intervention. Every state has bullying prevention legislation and most schools have bullying prevention policies.
- Bullying can happen anywhere. It not just a school issue; bullying can happen wherever youth come together: youth groups, athletic and academic competitions, neighborhoods, and online.
- Ignoring bullying will not make it go away. Silence and inaction are not acceptable responses to bullying. Everyone needs to be empowered with options for responding to bullying situations.
- A unified message helps amplify the conversation. It is important to reinforce the message that all students deserve to feel safe and supported, and to promote acting with kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
- Everyone’s actions matter: we all have a role to play in bullying prevention. It’s vital for adults to know how to respond, to be there for those involved in bullying situations, to hold youth accountable for bullying behavior, and to support and educate youth about how to advocate for themselves and for others.
PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center offers age-appropriate resources to help students, parents, educators, and community members address bullying. The message is stronger when united by the common belief that bullying is wrong and shouldn’t happen to anyone. Opportunities to get involved include:
- Be informed. Watch the video overview of PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Month, created in 2021 by Medha, a student from Virginia.
- Take action. Learn ways you can get involved through activities, conversation or education.
- Celebrate Unity Day, the signature event of National Bullying Prevention Month, with a simple call to action to wear and share the color orange to send a universal message that bullying is never acceptable.
For more information about National Bullying Prevention Month, visit our innovative websites for parents and professionals, middle and high school students , and elementary students .
Talkspace is now Available!
By offering Talkspace’s digital modalities, like unlimited messaging therapy, we can extend support that students can access beyond school hours, year-round, at their convenience. Eligible students interested in therapy can sign up, take a brief assessment specific for teens, and get matched with a dedicated, licensed therapist. Once matched, therapy sessions take place on Talkspace’s secure and encrypted platform, accessible from the teens’ smartphones, tablets or computers. Teens can communicate with their therapists at any time with an unlimited number of private messages at no cost.
To be eligible for this program, teens must be enrolled in a BCPS high school and be over the age of 13 at the time of signup. Eligible teens can sign up for unlimited messaging therapy and gain access to Talkspace Go, a comprehensive teen mental health self-guided program.
Students can access this service by registering at talkspace.com/bcps and use the keyword: bcps
Are you (or your student) looking for help with your mental health?
Check out these BCPS approved providers:
Key Point Health Services - Dundalk
Changing Lives at Home, Mental Health, INC.
GIFTS, Children's Guild and Thrive all meet with students within the CHS building weekly. You can reach out to your student's counselor for help with a referral if you are interested.
Students are assigned an administrator and counselor based on their last names:
Principal, Mrs. Amy Tyler
Assistant Principal, Mrs. Holly Kern - Last Names A-F
Assistant Principal, Mr. Mike McWilliams - Last Names G-O
Assistant Principal, Mr. Logan Belinda - Last Names P-Z
Ms. Lindsey Withrow - Last Names A-D
Ms. Jillian Ganley - Last Names E-J
Ms. Sarah Miller - Last Names K-Q
Ms. Michelle Bell - Last Names R-Z & Department Chair
Follow us on Instagram to keep up with all things CHS!
Join Groups in Schoology to stay up to date on CHS events!
Schoology groups are created to share information outside of courses for specific groupings. AP Students, Graduation Cohorts, CHS Hub (School wide) , and various clubs all have different groups where they share info. To join groups once you have logged into Schoology, click Groups at the top, and then click the My Groups link on the top right corner, on the next page click join group on the right and enter the join code.
The CHS Hub is where all the School wide news, events, and information is posted. To join the CHS HUB on Schoology, use join code WMTMX-CXF6X.
Each Graduating Class also has their own group to discuss class events and class dues and fundraisers, The join codes for those are listed below in bold:
Seniors - Class of 2025: DX56-SDWD-6KQZB
Juniors- Class of 2026: S4HF-SS5W-QF24W
Sophomores - Class of 2027: MWBM-K6TF-HHGZ8
Freshman - Class of 2028: KFN4-4HRS-BVF42
Stay Connected with your child's teachers with Talking Points!
BCPS has purchased a new tool to help connect families and teachers more directly. Teachers can text the primary contact in focus and it will translate to the contact's native language, automatically. We hope this will help increase two way communication with all families and improve student achievement.
Download for Iphone App Store here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/families-talkingpoints/id1320244591
Stay informed!
If you are not already signed up for BCPS text notifications, now is the time to do so to be ready for the school year. Text "Y" or "Yes" to 67587. Click the image to see all the BCPS Social and communication options.
Need a Locker?
Lockers are not automatically given to students. Any student that would like to be assigned a locker for the school year must request one through this link: Locker Form
As shared during registration, all BPCS students must meet the same graduation requirements including a completer pathway. A list of graduation requirements is below. You can also view the BCPS Course Registration guide here: https://cdnsm5-ss3.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_2744/File/Offices/School%20Counseling/2024-2025%20BCPS%20Course%20Registration%20Guide%20-%20English.pdf
The CHS website is a great resource for families. Informational Links about bus stops, the bell schedule, the handbook, monthly engagements calendars, and much more can all be found right on the main page of the website. There is also a tab for department contacts that have email contacts for all teachers and staff.
Check out the Website today: https://chesapeakehs.bcps.org/