Wave Report
Volume 2 August 10, 2020
The Wave Report will be published each week. It is intended for staff internal communication and will hopefully keep us from sending gobs of emails. It is imperative that you read it weekly.
- Happy Birthday, Sandy Tew!
- Thank you to Janice, Mike and Maria for working so hard this summer to make Surfside clean and beautiful! You all are so appreciated.
- Big shout out to Jimmy for completing registration in a timely and efficient manner! We are almost at our projected number of students.
- Thank you, Elizabeth for helping get our supplies ready for the new year.
- Kuddos to Margeaux for fielding parent calls and keeping us all straight.
- Our technology is all clean and ready thanks to the instrumental work of Dorian. Thank you!
- A virtual high five to all of the teachers who have shared encouraging words with me. It takes a village to make this all work and I'm so proud to be a part of yours!
- A MONUMENTAL THANK YOU to Jenni Hughes for helping us get our campus in wonderful shape. She worked tirelessly and we are so thankful.
If you have a shout out for the Wave Report, please email it to Margeaux by Thursday at 3:30.
Professional Development
There will be a lot of professional development offered during preplanning. One we would like to highlight is the Blended Learning course being offered by Educational Technology. It is only realistic to say that at some point this year, we will be teaching and supporting students from locations other than our classrooms. Please take time to absorb the information presented in this course, ask questions and work diligently to practice what you have learned. From day one, we should be offering blended learning options, teaching our students how to access support and content from home. In the event that we are shut down, the transition will be that much smoother.
Collaborative Planning
One of the assurances offered to the state from BPS, is that we would make the transition from e-learning to brick and mortar as smooth as possible. Part of this assurance is having collaborative planning time for teachers to ensure that we are following similar pacing. Please mark your calendars for Wednesday meetings. We will meet every Wednesday, alternating between MTSS and planning meetings. These will take place in Kassie's office during planning times.
Exceptional Student Education
Our students who receive ESE services are general education students first. It is imperative that all teachers working with students who have IEPs and 504s know and fully understand their accommodations and plans. Please make sure that prior to Friday, August 14, you have obtained a copy of all IEPs and 504s for the students in your classroom. If you have questions, please see the ESE team or administration.
Updates and Reminders
- You will be prompted to update your password on August 13, 2020
- Please be sure to read the memos below. Pay close attention to the memos on Reading Endorsement and Face Masks.
- For updates on Professional Development visit their webpage at www.brevardschools.org/page/3487
- ProGOE Orientation Quiz only needs to be completed if you want inservice credit. If you do not want credit, you do not have to complete the quiz.