Viking Vibes
Staying Connected with Beck Centennial
September 20, 2024
Beck Centennial Elementary
Entry Bell: 8:20AM
School Starts: 8:25am
Dismissal Bell 3:15pm
Beck Attendance Line: 586-797-3999
Email: officebeck@uticak12.org
Website: beck.uticak12.org
Location: 54600 Hayes Road, Macomb, MI, USA
Phone: 586-797-3900
Facebook: facebook.com/BeckElementarySchool
Beck Family Volunteers Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/BeckFamilyVolunteers
Twitter: @beckelementary
UCS Mobile APP: Download at the App store here and Google Play here.
To the point!
Dear Parents,
We have 3 important events this week!
Picture Day!
BFV Parent Meeting!
Apex Fun Run!
See details below for dates!
Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Parker
Picture Day is This Thursday
Zoom in to see each "player" (teacher) to see where they are in competition!
Beck Family Volunteers
First Meeting TUESDAY September 24th 6:30 in Media Center
Buddy's Pizza Family Night
Student Safety- Standard Response Protocol
Safety remains a priority for our school. Beck is once again providing training to our students on our safety protocols. The protocols identify actions that students may be asked to take in the event of a potential incident: hold, secure, lockdown, evacuate and shelter.
The training is provided through a short, animated video. In the video, the teacher – Mrs. Appleton – and her students walk through the different responses in a very relaxed and engaging way for younger children.
The protocols will continue to be part of the training while practicing our regular school safety drills, such as fire drills, security drills, tornado drills, evacuation procedures, etc.
The video is available for you to review at this link: UCS School Safety: Standard Response Protocol - Elementary - YouTube If you have any questions, please contact our office.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Early Drop offs
Please do not drop off students and leave them unattended before school. Our adult supervision begins at 8:15am. Children should also not be behind the school playing on recess equipment unsupervised.
Breakfast Procedures
If your child is coming in for breakfast, they must enter through the main doors and proceed directly to the gym. Doors will open at 8:05am. Please do not have your child enter at this time if they are not eating breakfast.
After School Enrichment! (scroll further for community events)
Champ Camps with Mr. Chapp!
Medical Forms
Students sometimes need to take medication. Parents should administer medication to their children at home. In the event that is not possible, the school may administer either prescription or non-prescription medicine – but only when authorized by the student’s parent/guardian and the child’s physician. Requests must be made by completing an Authorization for Medication form, available from the school office or the website linked below.
If your student has any medical conditions that Beck needs to be aware of, please fill out the appropriate forms, found at the link below, and turn them in to the Main Office as soon as possible. The form(s) must be signed by the child’s physician.
PowerSchool Help
Creating an account- PowerSchool / Creating a PowerSchool Account (uticak12.org)
Click through tutorial- PowerSchool - How to Create a Parent Account (iorad.com)
Parent sign in- Parent Sign In (misd.net)
Adding a student- PowerSchool / Adding a Student to PowerSchool Account (uticak12.org)
Resetting a password- PowerSchool / Resetting a Password (uticak12.org)
Click through tutorial- PowerSchool - How To Reset a Password (iorad.com)
Mobil app- PowerSchool / Mobile App (uticak12.org)
Volunteer Form Required Every Year
Please note that in order to volunteer at Beck, a Volunteer Criminal History Check Form will need to be completed and submitted EVERY YEAR.
- The form is attached below. Please fill it out and email it to beckoffice@uticak12.org or turn it into the Main Office.
Security Procedures
We are asking for your assistance to ensure that our security procedures during the school day are effective. As many of you know, our school has a security camera, intercom, and buzzer at the front entrance for use during the school day. To help us assist you when you would like to enter the school:
1. All guests must enter through the main office door
2. Please press the buzzer to speak with someone in the office
3. You will be asked to state your name and reason for visiting
4. Each time you come to the office you will be asked to show your photo ID into the security camera above the outside door and once again at the main office.
5. Office staff will assist you.
6. Guests must have an appointment to meet with a staff member during instructional hours
In addition, we are asking you to not let any visitors in the door as you enter (and they come up behind you) or as you exit the building.
Finally, all exterior doors are to remain locked and secure daily. Teachers will not prop doors open and any door that is open is to have a staff member monitoring it at all times.
The teachers and staff are committed to student safety and security and we would like to thank you for your assistance in helping keep the students of Beck safe.
Mark Your Calendars
- 16th- 27th: Apex Fun Run Fundraiser Program
- 24th: BFV meeting 6:30pm at Beck!
- 26th: Picture Day and Bagel Day
- 27th: Fun Run
- 3rd: BFV Skate Night 6-8pm
- 4th: Spirit Wear Due
- 10th: Family Night out at Buddy's Pizza- Go to Buddy's for dinner and our school received 20% of the profits!
- 15th: 2nd Grade Field Trip to Stony Creek
- 16th: No School Teacher Professional Development
- 17th: Bagel Day
- 18th: 4th and 5th Field Trip to Lansing
- 21st: 6th Grade Field Trip to Copneconic
- 22nd: 2/3 Split Trip to Stony Creek
- 25th: Trunk or Treat
- 31th: Halloween and Half Day! Dismissal at 11:29am
- 1st: Half Day, End of 1st Card Marking
- 5th: No school, Election Day
- 7: Half Day- afternoon conferences
- 12th: Picture Retake Day
- 25th: Trunk or Treat
- 27th- 29th: No School Thanksgiving Break
- 20th: Half Day End of 2nd Card Marking
- 23rd: January 3rd: Winter Break, no school
- 20th: Martin Luther King Day No School
- 17th-21st: NO SCHOOL - Mid-Winter Break
- 21st: Half Day of School - End of Marking Period
- 24th - 28th: NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
- 18th: NO SCHOOL - Good Friday
- 26th: NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
- 10th: Half Day of School - Dismissal at 12:04pm
- 11th: Half Day of School - Dismissal at 12:04pm - LAST DAY!