Falcon News
July 19th, 2023
Principal's Message
Aloha Hickam Families,
We hope you are having a restful and relaxing summer. To our families new to the islands, Aloha and Welcome to Hickam! With school less than three weeks away (students' first day is Tuesday, August 8th), we have some important information to share. Listed below is more detailed information about the Back to School Fair, bus transportation, and school uniforms.
This parent newsletter is created on Smore and is one of many communication platforms our school uses to engage our families and disseminate important information. You may also receive information through School Messenger (usually in the form of a letter), and online platforms (i.e., Class Dojo and Google Classroom),
Yet, the hub for communication is our school's website, www.hickam.k12.hi.us. This website is updated frequently and is the most convenient way to communicate with the school. Please click the Contact Us button at the bottom of the website or call the office at (808) 307-4600 if you have any questions. Otherwise, we hope you enjoy what is left of summer, and we cannot wait to see you at our Back to School Fair. Take care!
Patrick Wetzel
Back To School Fair/Meet and Greet
On Thursday, August 3rd, our school will hold its Back To School Fair/Meet and Greet from 8:30-10:30 a.m. This is the first opportunity your child will get to meet their teacher.
On August 1st, you will receive an email regarding who your child (ren)'s teacher is. If you do not receive an email, we will have people stationed across campus who can assist. Please bring all class supplies to the Meet and Greet. In addition, you will find important information regarding the following at our Back to School Fair/Meet and Greet.
- Breakfast and Lunch Monies
- Bus Transportation
- Community Organizations (I.E. Scouts)
- Dietary concerns regarding school breakfast and lunch
- Employment Opportunities
- Kama’aina Kids (A+), after-school childcare
- Kindergarten Packet Pickup
- Military and Family Life Counselor
- Parent Teacher Organization
School Uniforms
Remember, the last day to order school t-shirts in time to be delivered to your household before the first day of school is tomorrow, Thursday, July 20th. To help alleviate costs for our families, the old uniform shirts from last year are still permitted.
I've listed the link to the flyer UNIFORM FLYER 2023.pdf and instructions to their website on how to order. https://surfvivor.com/product-category/hickam/
If you cannot order by tomorrow, we will have a limited quality available for sale at our Back to School Fair/Meet & Greet.
Bus Transportation
Accepted forms of payment include:
- Cash
- Cashier’s Check
- Money Order
Personal checks are no longer accepted as payment.
Bus Transportation Flyer:
Kindergarten Orientation Schedule
Do you have a child who will be starting Kindergarten in School Year 2023-2024?
Attached is our Welcome to Kindergarten pdf with information you need to know to get your child ready for Kindergarten.
Included you will find:
- Important Dates to Note: August 2023
- Kindergarten Supply List
- Kindergarten Syllabus
- General Information
- Daily Reminders
- Requests from kindergarten Teachers
We look forward to a wonderful school year with you and your child!
School Supply List
View our standard Supply List below or order online by Grade Level from retailers like Amazon, Target, and Wal-Mart though the Teacher Lists App.
Employment Opportunities
For returning families, we are always looking to bolster our staffing for the next school year. We have multiple positions available for educational assistants who work with students who have IEPs and part-time, casual staff who support in classrooms and provide assistance with reading and lunch supervision duties. If interested, please click the contact us button at the bottom of our website hickam.k12.hi.us , and provide us with your resume. Mahalo!