District Update
Keeping you in the loop from Carlton Schools
Winter Update - Keeping you in the loop!
A Message from the Superintendent: A Fantastic School Year - Best One Yet!
Carlton Families,
As we approach the halfway point of the school year, let's take a moment to reflect on what has been a truly exciting and positive journey for our district. One of the most significant changes this year has been our transition to a four-day school week for students, and I’m pleased to report that the success we saw in the early weeks has only continued to grow.
Our commitment to offering engaging fifth-day options for students has been met with enthusiasm. Over the past few months, we’ve expanded these opportunities to include PSAT testing, college visits, tutoring, yearbook and drama/play meetings, open gym, field trips, work experience, college and career readiness support, and more. These activities provide meaningful learning experiences without interrupting class time during the week. Feedback from students and parents remains overwhelmingly positive, and it’s clear that these options are keeping our students engaged, focused, and thriving.
As we’ve settled into this new schedule, the positive impacts on our school community have become even more evident. Enrollment has stayed steady and students are returning each week mentally rested, ready to learn, and more engaged than ever. The hallways are calm, the classrooms are productive, and the overall atmosphere reflects a sense of balance and satisfaction for both staff and students. The combination of focused learning and intentional rest is clearly making a difference, and we are excited to see these benefits continue throughout the year.
This is a heartfelt THANK YOU to our families, students, staff, and community members, for your ongoing support in making the year a success. Together, we are creating an environment where everyone has the opportunity to grow, excel, and thrive.
As always, please reach out if you have any questions.
Happy Winter!
Warm regards,
Donita Stepan
Whoop! Whoop! Shout it from the Rooftops! Share it with your Friends! An Applied Learning Academy is being developed at Carlton High School, where we tailor the education.
Out of the classroom and into the field! We are here to personalize your child's experience to what they want for their future - a tailored learning experience that is personalized to meet the needs of your child. We will work hard to connect your child to an outside industry of their choice so they can get a "real world", "authentic" experience that they've always wanted.
Shout it from the rooftops and tell your friends, family and neighbors! We are "challenging the status quo" in the Carlton School District and here ready to serve you! If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to the HS principal, Warren Peterson at wpeterson@carlton.k12.mn.us
Keeping you in the loop
Insurance: As you likely know, the school board is still grappling with the question of whether or not to keep insuring the MS/HS building. They will be voting on that next week. Remember... It's just the structure of the building. We will always be covered with liability insurance (meaning "people" and "contents" are covered). We are only talking about the brick and mortar of the building... and only MS/HS. South Terrace is not in question. As of today, both buildings are completely covered.
Sped update - Do you like kids? Do you have a four year degree? Are you looking for a job? Be a substitute teacher for us! We are looking for a high school special education teacher or substitute teacher for the remainder of the school year.
No Pay/No Play - The school board will be considering providing approval for the No Pay/No Play practice that we've had in place in the past, but have not been strictly enforcing. If you have an outstanding bill for either athletics or academics, please get it paid.
Consolidation - Consolidation with Wrenshall will be on the board agenda for Tuesday. Both Carlton and Wrenshall have agreed to meet. Watch for more details coming soon. Attached are copies of the two letters that have gone back and forth.
Four Day Week - Going very well. Everything seems to be better. Hallways are calmer, kids are calmer, teachers are calmer, attendance is better, instruction is better, more time for collaboration, more time for communication, more time to plan, retention is better, sub costs are down, etc. We did a quick survey of 9-12 graders: 87% of students prefer the four day week to a five day week with only 5 students preferring the 5 day week. Reasons for the four day preference included: More time for homework, more time for work, more time for family, less stress. The 5th day option has been going well, too. I'm always impressed by how many kids are here on Fridays. Examples of the 5th day options offered in February include:
English Help
Open Study Hall
Yearbook Meeting
Yearbook Team work
GT programming
Mini Reading Session Help
Math Help
PCN Youth Group
Play Auditions
Scholarship Help day
Open Gym
Other Reminders:
- Carlton is the fiscal host for Raptors Athletics. Any sports fees paid by check, for both Carlton and Wrenshall, should be written out to Carlton School District. This allows Carlton to cash the check and get it deposited into the appropriate account. All sports expenses are split between Carlton and Wrenshall at the end of the year.
- If you have unpaid lunch balances, please get them paid. If you need assistance, reach out to the district office
- Even though breakfasts and lunches are free, we still need families to fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch application forms. Schools get funding based on the number of families who need assistance. This pays for many extra services in our school district and gives you and your family perks (reduced/free technology fees, free/reduced sports fees, free/reduced field trip fees, etc). Even if you don't know if you'll qualify, we HIGHLY encourage you to fill out the application and get it turned in. See here for more information. You can also get the 2024-25 application right on our Carlton Food Service website.
That's it for today! Can't wait to see you!
Please reach out if you have any questions.
Warmest Regards,
Donita Stepan
Superintendent Carlton Schools