This Week at Fincastle
Monday, May 29, 2023
June 4th is Celebration Sunday! Join us for fellowship at 10:00AM (no Sunday School). Those bringing food and drink, please arrive by 9:30. Thank you!
Opportunities to get involved at Fincastle:
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, May 30th 10:00AM @ Life Center
Bible Study (Romans)
Wednesday, May 31st 5:30PM @ Life Center
“Freedom in Christ” 10-Week Women’s Course with Sharon and Nancy
Thursday, June 1st 10:00AM-12:00PM @ Life Center
Meal ministry for homeless and elderly
Friday, June 2nd 10:00AM-2:00PM @ Jellico UMC
Jellico Outreach (If you would like to carpool with Pastor Steve, meet at Fincastle by 9:00AM.)
Sunday, June 4th 10:00AM
Fellowship Time (No Sunday School)
Sunday, June 4th 11:00AM @ Life Center
Celebration Sunday Worship Service
Monday, June 5th 6:30PM @ Doug Shott’s house (263 Eastwood Drive, LaFollette)
Men’s Meeting
Saturday, June 17th 10:00AM-12:00PM
Children's Team Training and Brunch (All children's team volunteers and parents are encouraged to attend. Breakfast and childcare will be provided.)
Sunday, June 25th
Guest: Roger Williams / Church BBQ after worship
Monday, July 10th 6:30PM
Men’s Meeting
Tuesday, July 11th 12:00PM
Ladies’ Luncheon
July 16th-20th 6:00-8:30PM
Vacation Bible School
Fincastle Church
Location: 629 Old Middlesboro Highway, LaFollette, TN, USA
Phone: (423) 562-6262