Ranger News
August 2, 2024
Superintendent's Message
Dear Ranger Families,
It’s hard to believe summer is almost over and we are preparing for the 2024-2025 academic year. I hope these last couple of months have been filled with fun, family, and relaxation. As we gear up for the new school year, there are several orientations, meet-the-teacher nights, and open houses across the district. You can find a detailed list of these events and their dates below.
Throughout the summer, our teams have been hard at work completing numerous projects. The technology department has upgraded our district phone system, introducing new features for attendance lines. Liberty Elementary has also seen several changes, including the addition of modular units, a dedicated gym space, and the replacement of the accordion walls with partition walls. More details about all of these enhancements are also provided below.
We hope you can join us for our Back to School Kick-Off event on Friday, August 16 from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM in the NRHS circle. The event will feature food trucks, bounce houses, back-to-school signs, and much more. This all leads into the first Women’s Varsity home soccer match under the lights at Ranger Stadium at 7:00 PM. Come out to celebrate the start of another school year and cheer on our Rangers.
Enjoy these last few weeks of summer, and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Roxann Ramsey-Caserio
Open Houses and Orientations
Early Childhood Learning Community
Open House: Monday, August 26 | 5:00 PM
Liberty Elementary
Meet the Teacher Night: Tuesday, August 20 | 4:30 PM
North Ridgeville Academic Center
New Student Orientation: Wednesday, August 14 | 11:00 AM
Ranger High-Tech Academy
New Learner Orientation: Wednesday, August 14 | 5:30 PM
North Ridgeville High School
Frosh Fest: Friday, August 16 | 2:00 PM
Open House: Wednesday, August 21 | 5:00 PM
School Start and End Times
Full Day Session: 8:50 AM - 3:50 PM
AM Session: 8:50 AM - 11:50 AM
PM Session: 12:50 PM - 3:50 PM
Right At School Before and After Care: 6:30 AM - 8:50 AM and 3:50 PM - 6:00 PM
*Preschool Days: Tuesday - Friday
Liberty Elementary
8:50 AM - 3:50 PM | Doors open at 8:40 AM
Right At School Before and After Care: 6:30 AM - 8:50 and 3:50 - 6:00 PM
North Ridgeville Academic Center
7:40 AM - 2:50 PM | Doors open at 7:15 AM
Right At School Before and After Care: 6:30 AM - 7:40 AM and 2:50 PM to 6:00 PM
Ranger High-Tech Academy
7:55 AM - 3:00 PM | Doors open at 7:40 AM
Right At School Before and After Care: 6:30 AM - 7:55 AM and 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
North Ridgeville High School
8:20 AM - 3:12 PM | Doors open at 7:45 AM
Important Dates
District Calendar
Thursday, August 22: First Day of School, Grades 1-12
Tuesday, August 27: First Day of School, PK-K
Monday, September 2: No School, Labor Day
Friday, September 20: No School
Friday, October 11: No School
Friday, October 25: No School
Monday, November 4: No School
Tuesday, November 5: No School, Election Day
November 27-29: No School, Thanksgiving Break
Attendance Upgrades
Over the summer, the IT Department upgraded the district phone systems. This allows for new technology when it comes to attendance. Parents/Guardians can now send a text to alert the school of an absence. Save the attendance line numbers below.
ECLC: Call or Text 440-353-1169
Liberty: Call or Text 440-353-1129
NRAC: Call or Text 440-353-1140
RHTA: Call or Text 440-353-1121
NRHS: Call or Text 440-327-6222
Upcoming Events
Ohio Tax Free Event
Ohio's typical tax free weekend has been extended! It began on July 30th and will run through August 8th. Purchases under $500 will be tax free. Now is a great time to get your school shopping done! Click here to find your child's supply list.
Fill the Bus
Help North Ridge Health Center fill the bus with the most needed school supplies!
Back to School Kick-off Event
Construction Update
Over the summer exciting progress has been made on designs for the new North Ridgeville High School. During the last 3 months, the design team has refined all the input gathered from NRCS staff, and completed the first set of schematic design documents. These drawings are a preliminary pass at the new school’s layout. While there is still time left in the design process, these documents provide enough detail for the team to analyze the building from a cost estimate and construction timeframe standpoint, determining whether adjustments need to be made to keep the project on track.
Additionally, Hammond Construction was selected as the district’s Construction Manager at Risk and will be responsible for coordinating construction of the new high school. With extensive experience in K-12 educational projects across Ohio, Hammond Construction brings a unique approach to construction for school clients. Hammond will manage the construction logistics and trade partners, master schedule, safety management programs, and provide cost estimates and budget reconciliations during the design phases. Since joining the team, they have been working alongside ThenDesign Architecture to review schematic designs for the new school and transportation center.
The new high school is a two-story building, doubling the square footage of the existing high school. With ample room for growth, this school is designed with academics in mind and includes modern technology for staff, collaborative spaces for students, and many specialty support spaces. It also contains a large auditorium, with a dedicated entrance and music rooms to support the arts programs. Enhanced athletics spaces support the district’s award winning sports programs.
Looking ahead to this school year, the district is planning a community update for the project. Attendees can see a sneak peak of the new school’s design, have any questions answered and see how the new building will impact the future of the district and provide additional opportunities for students and the community. This event will take place on Wednesday, September 25 at 6:00 PM in the Academic Center Cafetorium.
We hope to see you there!
Liberty Updates
Over the summer, the maintenance department has been working to create a more spacious and secure environment at Liberty Elementary. These projects include the addition of a modular unit, new partition walls between classrooms, and creating a dedicated gym space for physical education.
Modular Unit
The modular unit is attached to the school building via an enclosed ramp for easy and secure access. This unit includes eight classrooms, a conference room, and bathrooms.
Modular Unit Classroom
New Gym Space
Partition Walls
Athletic Information
The fall sports season is almost here! Below are links for all NRCS athletes. If you have any questions, please reach out to your coach or Athletic Director Don Sparks.
Getting started as an athlete in North Ridgeville
Click here for middle school sports information including, coaches and contact information, registration, and pay to play fees.
Join Our Team as a Substitute!
The North Ridgeville City Schools are always looking for great candidates to fill our many full and part-time positions. Please check out our Employment information on our district website. Looking for something part-time? Looking to help out for limited hours during the school year? Please consider becoming an important part of our team.
Ohio Substitute Teacher Services serves as our district’s substitute management provider, responsible for the recruitment, training, and employment of substitute teachers. To begin the employment process as a valued substitute teacher for North Ridgeville City Schools, click here.
Requirements include, but are not limited to:
Bachelor’s degree with official transcripts or a valid teaching and/or substitute license from the Ohio Department of Education.
Valid BCI & FBI fingerprinting background check results in less than 12 months old and are on file with the Ohio Department of Education.
Please consider becoming a substitute teacher today!
Substitute support staff play a vital role in keeping our buildings and facilities open and running efficiently. Many diverse opportunities exist for your consideration. Please consider applying to become a substitute cleaner, custodian, food service worker, paraprofessional, media specialist, secretary, bus driver and aides, or health care associate. Please start an application here if interested in one of these positions.
Citizens for Better Schools Golf Outing
Save the date for September 28, 2024 for the Third Annual Citizens for better Schools Golf Outing. You can see information below. Click here to register!