Allen Eagle News
September 9, 2024
Principal Updates
Dear Allen Eagle Community,
Thank you for a wonderful start to the school year! As we begin our first full week, we’d like to take a moment to reach out for your support. The drop-off and pick-up times are some of the busiest parts of our day, with cars, buses, walkers, and bikers all working to get students to and from school safely. While we’re doing our best to keep the driveline moving smoothly, we’ve encountered a few challenges that are slowing things down.
These challenges include cars leaving and rejoining the line ahead of others, increasing speed when exiting, or stopping too far back, such as near the dumpsters or at the breakfast doors when other cars have already pulled forward.
Our top priority is keeping everyone safe. To help us with this, we ask that families using driveline pull forward as close to the flagpole as possible before having students exit the vehicle. While we understand that older students may be able to exit quickly, we kindly ask everyone to remain in line and avoid pulling out of the curbside lane until it’s your turn to move forward. There have been a few close calls, and we want to prevent any accidents as cars move through the line.
We have several staff members dedicated to helping facilitate the driveline process, and your partnership in following these guidelines will make a big difference. Thank you for working with us to keep our students safe each day. Together, we can ensure that arrival and dismissal times run as smoothly and safely as possible!
In partnership,
Mrs. Cruz and Dr. Webster
Allen Office Team Contact Information
Ms. Jessica Cruz, Principal:
Dr. Terra Webster, Assistant Principal:
Ms. Michele Barkoot, Office Professional:
Ms. Sacha Yee, Teacher Clerk:
Nurse Beth Araujo, School Nurse,
Mark Your Calendars
- Wednesday, September 11th: Mobile Dentist visits Allen
- Monday, September 16th:
Picture Day
Curriculum Night 6:00 PM
- Thursday, September 19th: Parent Council Meeting 6:00pm -7:00pm
- Tuesday, September 24th: Early Release Day, dismissal will be at 1:00 pm
- Friday, October 11th- Monday, October 14th: No School- Fall Break
- Tuesday, October 15th: School Resumes
Monday, October 28th: Picture Retake Day
Thursday, October 31st: Early Release Day, Dismissal at 1:00 pm
Allen English Language Teacher Message
My name is Ms. Froning, and I’m the Allen English Language (EL) teacher! The EL department aims to serve students and families that speak more than one language at home. We provide support for students who are working to meet grade level standards in all academic areas, and social support for students who are working to build relationships with many new friends and teachers! EL students remain in their classrooms, working with me or an EL instructional assistant alongside their peers. Students may receive either one on one or small group support depending on the classroom environment and student needs.
If this sounds like something your student or family would be interested in, please reach out to me via email at We look forward to hearing from you!
Allen Curriculum Night
We are excited to welcome our Allen Families to Curriculum Night on Monday, September 16th from 6:00pm - 7:30pm. You will have an opportunity to listen to your child's classroom teacher presentation, to hear about the grade level curriculum, classroom environment and you will have an opportunity to ask questions. There will also be a short presentation from the Allen Administrators and the Allen Building Support Team.
Please see the Curriculum Night Flyer below with the specifics for the evening.
My Future Fund: Unlock the benefits for your child!
We are thrilled that over $350,000 has been allocated to AAPS students’ My Future Fund accounts! My Future Fund has activated over 6,400 accounts for AAPS 2nd-7th grade students and 1st graders will join the fun this year. Every account comes with a $25 starting deposit and 1 in 3 students qualifies for a $475 bonus based on family income. Unlock all the benefits of the program by completing the Release of Information form before November 30, 2024. Over $800,000 is still waiting to be claimed. To learn more about the program and complete the Release of Information form go to or call 734-302-2626.
When Should You Keep Your Child Home?
Illness is starting to begin in our building, we have had some fevers, vomiting, diarrhea and other minor symptoms. We know that illness can start at any time of the day and we want to be sure you knew the guidance set by the district for when to keep your child home from school. You can use the following link to access the When Should a Child Stay Home From School guidance. Please help us keep each other healthy!
Allen Spirit Day Sale!
Spirit Sale Ends TOMORROW September 10th
Are you a new family to Allen? Are you excited to show your Allen Eagle pride? If you are interested in purchasing any Allen Eagle gear to wear on our spirit days the orders are being placed now.
It's time to show your school spirit, Allen! Our Back-To-School Spirit Wear Sale is here with 30% off the entire site. Check out our fresh new designs today by clicking the following spirit wear link!
Fall After-School Classes
AAPS Rec & Ed is excited to offer several after-school classes focused on fun, learning, movement, and discovery. Registration is NOW OPEN! Click on each class ID# below or visit Scholarships are available! Please call (734) 994-2300 ext. 0 for assistance.
Free Breakfast and Lunch- Application Link below
The Michigan School Meals program, providing free breakfast and lunch for all public school students, grades Pre-K - 12, was signed into law for the Fiscal Year 2024 Michigan State School Aid Budget.
Important Information to Know:
All students eat for free - both breakfast & lunch - full meals NOT a la carte items. A la carte items include milk, snacks, etc. Single purchase items.
All families will need to fill out the application. This is required to determine the Federal Reimbursement AAPS will receive for student meals.
Click on the AAPS FAMILY PORTAL and choose guest. From there, choose application to complete the necessary paperwork. If you need a paper copy of the application please contact the office.
It is important to help prepare your child for the choices that will be offered each day. Click HERE to access the Interactive Menu! (will be updated with the fall menus soon). This will allow you to plan with your child the choices they will choose for lunch, breakfast or both. If your child is planning to eat breakfast at school they will enter the side doors by the Great Room. There will be staff there to help your child walk through the process. If you have additional questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to our food service company Chartwells has more information on their website that will explain about specific dietary needs, restrictions or other commonly asked questions.