Greene Notes
October 15, 2021
Our Flight Pattern
E.H. Greene Intermediate School
Address: 5200 Aldine Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
Office Hours: 7:30 am - 3:30 pmPhone: (513) 686-1750
Attendance Phone: (513) 686-1707 or ehgattendance@sycamoreschools.org
Important dates for your calendar
Letter Days for the week of October 18:
A Day - Monday, October 18
B Day - Tuesday, October 19
C Day - Wednesday, October 20
D Day - Thursday, October 21
A Day - Friday, October 22
Saturday, October 16 - Sycamore Junior High "Flight Fest"
Thursday, October 28 - End of First Quarter
Thursday, October 28 - Fall Harvest Parties
Friday, October 29 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Records Day
Friday, November 5 - Report Cards posted online (through Parent Portal)
Sunday, November 7 - Daylight Savings Time Ends
November 8 - 21 - Virtual Scholastic Book Fair
Thursday, November 11 - Parent-Teacher Conferences - 3:30 -7:30 pm (virtual)
Friday, November 12 - NO SCHOOL - Parent-Teacher Conferences - 7:30 am - 3:00 pm (virtual)
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for November 11th (3:30 - 7:30 pm) and November 12th (7:30 am - 3:00pm) . You can look for information on how to sign up for virtual conferences in your child’s team newsletter.
Flight Crew
Attention Registered Nurses
The Sycamore Community School District is currently looking for registered nurses who would like to be employed as substitute nurses. Applicants must have current nursing experience, preferably with children, special needs, diabetes and an active nursing license.
If you qualify and are interested, please call Julie Ferron, R.N. at 686-1743 or email at ferronj@sycamoreschools.org.
From Our School Nurse
If your child takes medication at school, please complete the medication order form and return to Laurie Dobrowolski, the school nurse. This form must be completed for daily medications, over the counter and emergency medications needed at school. Students are not allowed to
transport their own medication to school.
If you are new to the district, please provide a copy of your child's most current immunizations. Feel free to reach out to the school nurse if you have any questions: Laurie Dobrowolski BSN, RN, LSN dobrowolskil@sycamoreschools.org, phone 513-686-1753, and FAX 513-792-6172.
Mask Update
Face mask tips:
- should fit snugly and comfortably
- must be secured with ties or ear loops
- should comprise multiple fabric layers
- breathing should occur without restriction while wearing mask
- should be able to wash the face mask without causing damage or losing the face mask’s shape
Gaiters will not be considered an acceptable facial covering for school should a requirement be put into place.
Reporting a COVID related absence
If your child has been exposed, tested positive or has potential COVID symptoms please call our Attendance Line 686-1707 or click on this link to complete this form. Following this process helps us track the necessary information more accurately.
Report your child's COVID related absence here
Please send your child to school everyday with a refillable water bottle. The water fountains are only accessible for refilling bottles.
Thank you,
Laurie Dobrowolski BSN, RN, LSN
Phone 513-686-1753
Fax 513-792-6172
PTO Gifting
Greene Makerspace
Greene School Welcomes Two New CCHMC Therapists
Sycamore Community Schools is proud to continue to provide access to private mental health services for students. Ariel Smallwood is serving students at E.H. Greene School as an on-site licensed therapist. Smallwood replaces Nicole Snyder who has taken a new position outside of our district.
Smallwood has eight years of counseling related experience. Most recently, she has served as a school-based therapist at Central Clinic, working with students in elementary and middle school. She has also served as a professional counselor at IKRON Corporation, Withrow University High School, and as a community living support worker at Cumberland Behavioral Group, and Autism of the Bluegrass. She received her Masters in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Cincinnati.
If you would like additional information about Smallwood’s services, she can be contacted directly at smallwooda@sycamoreschools.org or (513) 686-1750. For more information about district mental health initiatives and services, including CCHMC’s medication management services for Sycamore families, contact Lisa Zelvy via email at zelvyl@sycamoreschools.org or via phone at (513) 686-1700.
After an extensive interview process with CCHMC, Raphaella Teixeira has joined the team as an on-site licensed therapist at both E.H. Greene Intermediate and Sycamore Junior High School.
“The number of students engaged in treatment continued to increase last school year in grades 5-8,” said Lisa Zelvy, Pupil Services Supervisor. “As a result, an additional therapist was hired so that students can continue to access care in a timely manner.”
Teixeira joins Sycamore with eight years of counseling experience. Most recently, she has served as a licensed mental health counselor and substance abuse specialist for Merakey in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She has also served as a bilingual mental health professional at The Solutions for Families, the health and wellness coordinator for Vinfen Human Services in Allston, Massachusetts, and a care specialist at Butler Behavioral Health Services in Hamilton, Ohio. Teixeira received her Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from William James College.
If you would like additional information about Teixeira's services, she can be contacted directly at teixeirar@sycamoreschools.org or (513) 686-1750. For more information about district mental health initiatives and services, including CCHMC’s medication management services for Sycamore families, contact Lisa Zelvy via email at zelvyl@sycamoreschools.org or via phone at (513) 686-1700.
The partnership with CCHMC and their services does not require any financial support from the district. Students and families needing services can cover therapy visits through private insurance, Medicaid, or private pay options. Assistance may be available for families experiencing financial difficulty.
Parents, teachers and school counselors can make student referrals for service. Students can also self refer for services. Ultimately, the decision to move forward with therapeutic services is up to the family.
Greene School Team T-Shirts
Staff of the Month - Nomination form
Here is the link to the nomination form: Staff Member of the Month
Thank you!
Greene PTO
You can join the PTO by clicking HERE!
WHO: Students 1st-6th grade, regardless of size or experience
WHAT: Wrestling is a disciplined sport that instills good sportsmanship and builds confidence. Instruction will consist of teaching basic wrestling moves, drilling, and live wrestling. There are many weight classes, so you compete against others your own size and age.
WHERE: Sycamore High School Wrestling Room. Park on the bus ramp and enter stairs near the pool. Turn left and walk towards the pool. Turn right at the hallway. The wrestling room will be in the last door on the right before you enter the gym.
COMPETITION: We are expecting to have more competitions than last year. The Sycamore Takedown Tournament is already scheduled 11/14. Most tournaments are on Sundays. Some are on Saturdays. There is usually a $15 fee per tournament. Competing is not required.
PRACTICE: Practices will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Additional practice time may be added if needed, based on the level of the wrestlers. Practice begins Tuesday, November 9th. Practice and Competitions Schedules
EQUIPMENT: Personal water bottle. Hand sanitizer. Shoes (wrestling or gym), gym shorts and a t-shirt. Headgear recommended.
SIGN-UPS: Register online HERE. Payment should be made after Thanksgiving break. The cost for participation is $75. Fee includes shorts and t-shirt, and insurance. Sign-ups welcome until 12/10/2021.
STAFF: Head Youth Coach: Jason Staggs staggsj@sycamoreschools.org (513) 477-7755
Assistants: HS and JH coaches and numerous parent assistants. More volunteers needed!
QUESTIONS: Contact Jason Staggs, Head Youth Coach, at staggsj@sycamoreschools.org or (513) 477-7755, or Jeremy Pletz, Head Varsity Coach pletzj@sycamoreschools.org or (513) 375-5597.
We will be taking the following precautions due to COVID - 19.
Masks need to be worn while indoors. Kids can remove masks in the wrestling room.
Kids will have to sanitize their hands when entering and leaving the wrestling room.
The locker rooms can be used for using the bathroom only. Wrestlers will change shoes and clothes in the wrestling room.
Please bring a personal water bottle and hand sanitizer.
The wrestling club will be viewed as its own “bubble” but we will attempt to create smaller groups within it.
For more information go to www.sycamorewrestling.com.
The content of this flier is not an activity of the Sycamore Community School district. No district funds or resources were used in the printing of this flier.
Activity Brochure
Activity Update:
First Media Club Meeting - Monday, October 11 - 3:00 pm
(Media and Computer Clubs are now full)
After School Art Club started October 5 - meets Tuesdays - 2:50 - 3:50 pm
First Student Council Meeting - Tuesday, October 26 - 3:00 pm
Greene Ambassadors
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Click here to be connected with Greene Ambassadors:
Click here if you want to help other families:
Edwin H. Greene Intermediate School
Website: http://www.sycamoreschools.org/Domain/10
Location: 5200 Aldine Drive, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Phone: (513) 686-1750
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EH-Greene-Intermediate-1777365652527973/
Twitter: @EHGreeneSchool