Student Attendance Refresher
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has set the standard of 90% of our student population attending at least 90% of the time. Our goal at Clever EleMiddle School is for all students to maintain a 95% attendance rate or higher. Regular and punctual attendance is a must to receive the full benefits of educational offerings.
Below are a few noteworthy items that will be a focal points when addressing attendance matters.
- Arriving after the start of the day (7:53 am) will result in a student being counted absent for the time missed. A student cannot be marked as tardy until he/she has established attendance for the day. The time will be counted as an unexcused absence until verified by a parent/guardian or a doctor's note is received.
- A tardy occurs after a student has been counted present for the day and later is not in their assigned class when a tardy bell rings.
- An automated phone call goes out every morning before 10:00 am notifying parents/guardians if their student has been counted absent that day.
- School staff will not call parents/guardians to confirm any absence - it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school of the reason for any absence.
- Arriving at school without PRIOR notification of an absence will be considered truancy.
- As a general rule, phone calls, emails, or documentation verifying a student's absence must be received prior to or upon the student's arrival at school on the next date of attendance. The main office secretary is the primary point of contact for attendance monitoring.
- Verifying an absence multiple days, weeks, or even months later will not be accepted and the absence will remain unexcused.
- An absence is defined as missing 15 minutes or more of any class period. This includes any combination of excused or unexcused absences.
Consequences and Good Standing
For students whose first semester attendance percentage was below 90% (more than 7 absences), consequences will begin once the student reaches 5 absences in a class.
For students who have maintained a 90% or higher attendance rate during the first semester, consequences resulting from excessive absences will begin once a student reaches 7 absences in a class.
Any student who exceeds seven absences in one class in a semester will no longer be considered "in good standing". This will result in a loss of privileges, such as: attending school-sponsored events, participating in clubs, activities, or athletics, attending Prom or other school dances, participating in graduation activities, etc.
Additionally, missing school is not an excuse to fall behind academically. While attendance will not directly result in a reduction of a student's grade in a course, missing school will likely have an indirect negative impact on a student's grade.
We understand that situations arise outside of a student’s control. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis if the absences are determined to have been a result of limited extenuating circumstances such as long-term illness, hospitalization, death in the immediate family, and nurse-approved absences.
Excused vs. Unexcused Absences
Truancy and determining a student's eligibility/maintaining their "good standing" takes into account excused and unexcused absences.
Examples of excused absences include:
- Documentation from a physician's office or parent/guardian notification of an illness related to a documented condition.
- Doctor or dental appointment notes
- Religious holiday
- Family emergencies - death, hospitalization, natural disaster, house fire, etc.
Examples of unexcused absences include:
- Family vacations during scheduled days of school with or without approval from building administration
- Oversleeping
- Transportation problems/missing the bus
- Staying home to provide care for a family member (ex: babysitting)
- Going to work or attending to personal tasks
- Absences not verified within the allowed timeframes outlined in the section above
Making Up Absent Work
Middle School Policy: The number of days allowed for making up/turning in work due to an absence will be equal to the number of days missed. For example, a student who misses two days of school will have until the end of the school day on the second day he/she is back to turn in missing assignments. Assignments not completed within the allowed timeframe will be recorded as Incomplete ("I") and will then follow the guidelines for missing assignments.
In the event of an absence of more than two consecutive days, the parent/guardian may call the main office to obtain any work/assignments missed for the previous days. Obtaining make-up work for extended absences can be accommodated if the request is placed before 9:00 am. Work for the days missed should be picked up in the office between 3:25 pm - 3:45 pm the same day of the request.
Contact Information
Mrs. Teague - PK-2 Principal
Mrs. Hobbs - 3-5 Principal
Mr. Sullivan - 6-8 Principal