Thu, Jan. 16th "C" day
Daily Announcements
Today is Thursday, January 16th, it is a “C” day.
Activities Announcements
There will be a tech crew meeting in the auditorium after school today. The meeting will last about an hour.
Other Announcements
Completed essays for the Americanism contest are due back to Mrs. Rice today.
Do you ever wonder how to grow plants in space? Plant the Moon Club informational meeting will be held January 21st from 3:45-4:15 pm. This club will meet Tuesdays after school. Check your email for a sign up.
This weeks Student of the Week winners are:
Rylan Caldwell for 6th grade, nominated by Mrs. Trogstad.
Adeline Vernik for 7th grade, nominated by Mrs. Volk .
Gavin Brandenburger for 8th grade, nominated by Mrs. Lee.
All winners' names are drawn at random. Please come to the main office to collect your prizes. Congratulations!
Some Good News
We have Franklin's Finest Efforts
Our positive affirmation for today is during class, I get busy with my work and forget what time it is.
We are here to help you. If you need something, find the closest adult. Remember, We are Ben Franklin, and “We” have the best students and staff in Fargo!