Yake Gator Bites
Week of June 5, 2023!
Upcoming Dates of Note:
June 6th - 3rd grade Wax Museum from 2:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. in our gym.
June 7th - 5th grade field trip to the DIA (Crane & Sayen's classes)
June 8th - 5th grade field trip to the DIA (Snyder's class)
June 9th - Field Day!
June 12th - Super Mile starting at 2:30 p.m.
June 12th - Class of 2023 Graduation Ceremony starting at 6:30 p.m. on the WHS football field!
June 13th - half-day of school - Record's Day!
June 14th - half-day of school - Last Day!
June 14th 5th grade Breakfast! 5th grade Graduation to begin at 10:30 a.m. in the group room!
Miss Hannah Ash, Principal!
She is doing a fantastic job!
Field Day!
Field Day is scheduled for Friday, June 9, 2023. Our PTO is working closely with Mr. Crane & WHS volunteers to make final plans for this exciting event.
*As the students will be outside for 2 hours and 45 minutes, please make sure to dress your children in appropriate clothing and send/apply sun screen to meet the needs of your child. **Please consider sending a bag of dry clothes in with lower-el students as they may get a bit wet during some of the activities. If the Woodhaven Fire Department joins us again, our Gators in grades 3-5 will get soaked.
Yake's class of 2030 5th grade graduation!
Congratulation, Harper Prus!
Thank you, Harper!
Kindergarten Skills Screening 2023!
Kindergarten skills screening for the 2023.24 school year is schedule to take place on Wednesday, August 23rd & Thursday, August 24th between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. We will not have a June screening date.
Click here or on the link below to schedule a screening date and time for your entering kindergarten Gator. As noted, parents who plan to choose Young Fives for theis Gator do not need to participate in a screening session. Gators who were in Young Fives this year will automatically roll into kindergarten and do not need to be screened, either.
Yake's 2023.24 Building Calendar (Draft)!
Yake's Weekly Dog Pound!
See Watch D.O.G.S. section further down to learn more about being a Watch D.O.G. and to see the current calendar.
Perry Zaremba,
& his grandchildren, Gabe, Madison & Anna!
Dennis Brown,
& his grandsons, Gavin & Teddy!
Minutes from our last PTO meeting on 5.15.23!
Take a peek at the Agenda (coming soon) and Minutes (coming soon) from our PTO meeting on May 16th.
For Mr. Podlewski's agenda click here to view.
This was our final PTO meeting of the year! We will look forward to resuming again with our new board on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in our media center!
Thank you, Melissa Greer!
Thank you, Mrs. Greer!
Our Watch D.O.G.S. calendar is now full!
We will let families know if there are any openings due to cancellations.
Lunch Menu!
Text WBSD to 888777!
Box Tops for Education!
No Parking along Carter Rd or in the Dead End!
Police officers have been patrolling and issuing warnings to people parked or standing along Carter Rd. or in the dead end, but they can and will begin issuing tickets.
Thank you for your patience and consideration when picking up your Gators from school at the end of the day.
Attendance Counts!
Helping Families Understand i-Ready!
By understanding the purpose and structure of the i-Ready Diagnostic and Personalized Instruction, families can be empowered to support their student’s learning.
· Family Guides: English | Spanish | Additional Language Translations
· Video: Introduction to i-Ready for Families: English | Spanish
Parking Lots!
Thank you for your cooperation!
Pick-Up & Drop Off!
When dropping off and picking up students, we ask you observe the following safety procedures:
Drop Off:
The drop-off lane is open.
This is our KISS & GO ZONE. Pull up next to the sidewalk to let your student out of your vehicle from the passenger side ONLY.
Please do not drop off your students in the parking lot or in the second lane of traffic.
If your student needs assistance exiting the car, you MUST park your car in the lot and walk your student to the front of the school to ensure a safe crossing from the parking lot.
Students should not be permitted to walk past parked or moving cars unescorted.
All students will line up outside at their classroom doors.
Pick Up:
Y5 & K car rider parents will pick up their child from their classroom’s exterior doors at 3:45pm. For Y5 -1 parents, masks are optional. However, we ask that families maintain social distancing when picking up their children from the classroom doors.
1st grade car rider parents will pick up their child from their classroom’s exterior doors at 3:50pm
2 - 5 grade walkers / car riders will be released from their classroom exterior doors at 3:55pm
You may meet your child at their classroom doors and escort them to your car.
Do not call your student to your car if you are parked in the main lot
Birthday Celebrations!
Birthday Celebrations!
Birthday Celebrations!
Every child’s birthday is important. However, we must take more care when sending birthday treats to school. In addition to pandemic related precautions, we must also consider student food allergies, student diabetes, and our national push for healthy eating. If you wish to send a prepackaged birthday treat, you will need to either send the treats in with your child in the morning or pull into one of the parent parking spots and call the office to have us come out and pick up the treats from you. Please make sure that the pre-packaged treats have the ingredients listed on the packages. Please label the treats with your child’s name and classroom teacher. Parents will not be allowed to deliver treats into their child’s classroom.
2022-23 Bus Routes!
Visitor's & Volunteers!
As a reminder, no outside visitors will be allowed in our school. Any parent or visitor wishing to drop off or pick up a child, drop off a backpack or a lunch, etc. will need to call our office at (734)692-2230 for assistance. Staff members will welcome student in, escort students out and/or pick up backpacks, lunches and/or similar items as needed.
Yes, volunteers are welcome. However, they must be i-chat approved and the application is due one week prior to volunteering. To assess an IChat form, (Click here) and then click on the IChat form.
If parents wish to pick students up prior to dismissal, our office must be called before 3:30 p.m. Children will not be walked out to parents after 3:30 p.m.
Your one stop quick reference!
Yake Elementary School
Where our Gators "Give and Expect the Best!" everyday!
Email: podlewt@wbsdweb.com
Website: https://www.mywbsd.org/yes
Phone: (734)692-2230
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yakepto
Twitter: @YakeGators