November 25-November 29
Hello Stevenson Families!
The Week in Review
Hello Stevenson Families!
What a fantastic week we had a Stevenson! This was our first week without our minute bell and the kids did a fantastic job. I was so impressed hearing the students in the hallway sharing what time classes started and how much time they had remaining. Great job Saints!
As a reminder, we only have school on Monday and Tuesday this week. I hope you all enjoy the long Thanksgiving Break. Have a great time with your friends and families. I'm so thankful for all of our students and families, and for the opportunity to be the Principal of Stevenson Middle School.
This week's updates are simply celebrations of our students. Enjoy!
Go Saints!
Mrs. Kasper
Upcoming Week at a Glance
Monday, November 25
- Boys Basketball Game vs Franklin - 3:30-5:30 - Ticket Required
- Cheerleaders at Basketball Game - 3:30-5:30
- Chess Club - 2:50-3:45
- Yoga Club - 2:50-3:50
Tuesday, November 26
- Grade Level Family Meetings - 1st - 3rd Hours
Wednesday, November 27
- No School!
Thursday, November 28
- Happy Thanksgiving! No School!
Friday, November 29
- No School!
For more information about this week's sports and clubs, please contact the appropriate coaches/sponsors:
Boys Basketball: Coach Fedulchak (JV) and Coach Smorch (Varsity)
Cheer: Coach Britney
E-Sports: Mr. Abate and Mr. Bailey
Chess Club: Mr. Wood
Yoga Club: Mrs. Lindow
Anime & Comic Book Club: Mrs. Willard (formerly Ms. Griffith)
For general questions, contact our Athletic Director, Mr. Neely
Congratulations to Our Stevenson Saints!
RAPS Focus Areas for November
Take a look at our focus areas for RAPS in November. This month we'll focus on Safety. In each class every day, students are able to earn 2 PBIS points for following the behavior expectations in this area. Students will be able to use their PBIS points to purchase items in our school store, replacement IDs, and admission to sporting events next season.