News from the Nest

Upcoming Events
School Board Meeting - January 27th at 5:30pm at GMS
One session day-At-Risk Conferences (invite only)- February 6th
Home and School Meeting - February 13th at 2:50pm
Winter Break (No School) - February 17-21
LEAD Program
Student Resource Officer Detective Rebecca began teaching LEAD classes to our 5th graders a few weeks ago.
If you would like to order a yearbook, they are being sold for $15. Please visit the link below and use the code: 079788M
Girls on the Run
The Garfield School District is pleased to offer a new program for girls in grades 3-5 called Girls on the Run! The program will begin in March and will last 9 weeks, culminating in a non-competitive 5K run! Please see the above flyer for more information.
For more information, visit: gotrnjn.org
Charge and Update Your Laptops!
Please always charge you child's computer every weekend and update regularly!!!
Visit our our school website, under the student tab, if you need directions on how to update.
YMCA sports
Attendance Matters!!
District Re-Registration
The district is requiring that all students be re-registered this year. REgistration is now open and must be completed by July 1st. Please see the link below to read a letter from our superintendent, Dr. Tomko.
Registration letter: https://www.gboe.org/common/pages/GetFile.ashx?key=HKkMDO9a
Registration portal link - https://forms.office.com/r/afj6ck6zdX
Find us on Instagram!
Although this newsletter shows highlights, our instagram page has near-daily information. It is a great way to keep up with all that happens at School #4!
If you are on Instagram, you can find us @school4eaglesofficial
Important Links
School #4 website - https://s4.gboe.org/
District Calendar - https://www.gboe.org/calendar
Parent Portal - https://www.fridayparentportal.com/portal/security/login.cfm
Food Services (menus) - https://garfieldsd.nutrislice.com/menus-eula