Bass Middle School
Bulldog Bulletin: July 29, 2024

Aug. 5, 2024
Upcoming events
*Please access the parent calendar on the BMS website for club meeting dates. Most clubs begin in September.
Aug. 13: Soccer game - BMS @ EMS 4:30 (girls play first)
Aug. 19: Mandatory football conditioning begins
Aug. 20: Soccer game - BMS @ AMS 4:30 (girls play first)
Aug. 22: Soccer game - LMS @ BMS 4:30 (boys play first)
Aug. 27: Soccer game - SRMS @ BMS 4:30 (girls play first)
Aug. 29: Soccer game - BMS @ ECMS 4:30 (boys play first)
Aug. 30: I MISS SUMMER day! Wear school appropriate travel attire.
Sept. 2: HOLIDAY (no school)
Sept. 3: Soccer game - MMS @ BMS 4:30 (girls play first)
Sept. 6: College Colors Day
Sept. 6: Bulldog Break (PTO fundraiser)
Sept. 10: Soccer Semi-Finals
Sept. 12: Soccer Championship
Sept. 16: Volleyball tryouts begin
Sept. 24: Open House (5:00-6:30)
Communication is Key!
Nurse Rachel Posson
Student Medication Drop-Off
The form below must be completed by a parent/guardian and accompany the medication when delivered to the school by a parent/guardian.
Immunizations for Rising 7th Grade Students
Students will be withdrawn from school if they do not have updated immunization records or exemption documentation.
Complete back to school forms electronically by clicking below.
If you completed and sent in hard copies, you do not need to complete the electronic copy as well.
6th Grade Chromebook Distribution
Thursday, August 8th
It’s time to issue our 6th graders their new Lenovo Chromebooks. Just like last year, each new Chromebook comes with a Gumdrop case, and students must leave the school-issued case on the device at all times. Students should have their current Chromebook and charger ready to turn in on Thursday. CCSS students are only issued one Chromebook and one charger. If a student loses the charger, then he or she must purchase a new one. The county does not provide replacement chargers; however, replacement chargers may be purchased from Amazon. Students who are missing a charger or who have a damaged Chromebook will receive a letter explaining the chargers for either a missing/damaged Chromebook or charger. All fees are entered in Infinite Campus. Click on the Chromebook icon to watch a video on care instructions and expectations for devices. Please email me at jennifer.doonan@cowetaschools.net with any additional questions. Thank you for your help!
Jennifer Doonan, Library Media Specialist
Car Information
Car Arrival (different than dismissal)
Students may arrive to school no earlier than 7:30am. Vehicles should use two lanes to drop students off in the morning. If you are using the far lane (away from sidewalk), your student must walk up the center lane to the adult at the crossing in the middle to wait until all cars have been stopped. They may NOT cross over a lane of traffic without an adult stopping all traffic first.
Bus Information
Bus Transportation Information
Bus Notes
If a student needs to take a different bus or get off at a stop that is not their assigned stop due to childcare needs, the student must bring a note with the requested changes that has been signed by a parent or guardian. The student must give the note to Maria Keith in the attendance office when the student arrives at school. After confirming the request, Ms. Keith will give the note back to the student who will give the note to the driver to board the bus at dismissal.
Sign Up for Bus Bulletin
Afternoon Bus Dismissal:
Afternoon bus dismissal procedures: Bus numbers are called out over the intercom as the bus arrives to the school. Students are dismissed to the bus zone when they hear their bus number. Once we have our bus line up, we will share the LIVE spreadsheet with you so you are able to see when your student's bus number has been called and any changes that may have been made. Bus numbers will be highlighted on the spreadsheet as they are called out. The link to the spreadsheet on the BMS website for your convenience.
Transportation Change Requests
Please use the form below to request a transportation change for your student. All requests MUST be made by 3:00 pm on the date requested. We ask that you limit transportation changes to emergency situations only. All students should know how they are getting home each day before they arrive to school.
Attendance Notes
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices
Cell phones may not be used during the instructional day and must be on silent and put away in student's backpacks at all times. Students are permitted to use the designated student phone located in the office during school hours for emergencies or for illness. Students should not use a cell phone or smartwatch to call home or text when sick. Any student who is ill should go through the Bass clinic. The school nurse will call parents directly. Calling home for homework, a school project, or to make arrangements to attend an after school event that wasn't previously arranged is not permitted.
We appreciate your support of this policy so we can minimize interruptions to learning and ensure that all students feel safe and free of distractions.
Parent Teacher Organization
Current Fundraisers
Celebrate your child's birthday on the BMS marquee sign!
Do you shop at Kroger?
Do you shop at Kroger?
Simply encourage your participants to visit http://www.kroger.com. Once logged into their Kroger account they can search for Blake Bass Middle School either by name or JY376 and then click Enroll. You will need to go to the bottom of the website to community rewards. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card.
*Customers must have a registered Kroger rewards card account to link to your organization.
*If a member does not yet have a Kroger rewards card, please let them know they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger
REMEMBER, purchases will not count for your organization until after your participants register their rewards card.
Participants must swipe their registered Kroger rewards card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Kroger rewards card when shopping for each purchase to count.
Do you shop at Publix?
Visit the BMS website for the latest information regarding athletics.
*CCMSAL permits 7th and 8th grade students to participate in school sports.
Middle School Athletic Season
*All sporting events begin at 4:30 p.m. and cost $5.00 per person to attend.
Fall: Football, Pep Squad, & Volleyball
Winter: Basketball
Spring: Track
Follow us on social media
BMS Twitter: @BassMiddle1
BMS Athletics Twitter: @AthleticsBass
BMS Instagram: bassmiddleschool
BMS Facebook: @BassMiddleSchool
BMS Website: http://bms.cowetaschools.net/
Blake Bass Middle School
Assistant Principal: Angie Markham
Assistant Principal: Austin Dickens
Email: cindy.bennett@cowetaschools.net
Website: bms.cowetaschools.net
Location: 500 Shaw Road, Sharpsburg, GA, USA
Phone: 770 254 2600
Twitter: @BassMiddle1