Aspen High School
Student and Family Weekly Update
January 29th
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Dear Students & Families,
We have made it to the end of January! Students’ schedules for semester 2 have been finalized. Our 10th graders have completed their IB MYP Personal Projects, and we are excited for their exhibition on February 12th. Our 11th grade IB DP Candidates have begun their TOK (Theory of Knowledge) class; and all of our senior students will be preparing for their IOs (Inbdividual Orals) in IB English. We had a great pep assembly celebrating winter sports today, and spring sports begin February 24th. Please get your physicals done so that your registrations are complete by day one. Next up, course registration meetings begin next week; please see the link below to find out when the parents meetings occur, as well as the deadlines to submit course requests.
Skier Spotlight
The Finance Camp celebrates AHS sophomore Elle Waller, who was recently presented with the grand prize check of $5,000 for winning the investment competition.
14 students from across the valley attended an intensive one-week bootcamp on investing. To gain entry to the camp the students applied and interviewed for their spots. Once invited they were required to complete 25 hours of community service and open a custodial brokerage account at Charles Schwab. On the first day, they were each awarded $500 for their service and began learning the history of the financial markets, and how to transact like a professional. During the middle of the week, they attended a business lunch etiquette class to help learn extra skills that might help them in interviews or social settings. At the conclusion of the week, the students took a twenty question final exam covering the material they learned. Each passing student received $750 more to their trading account.
IB DP Spotlight
Last week, AHS IB Diploma Seniors shared their experiences with the sophomore class. Sophomores will be selecting their IB Diploma classes and enrollment in the full IB Diploma Programme in February. The IB Core (CAS, EE, TOK) is open to all students at AHS. IB DP one-pager.
IB MYP 10th Grade Personal Project Community Celebration
Congrats to 10th grade students! Personal Project Reports have been submitted!
Attention 10th grade! Please be sure that you are ready for February 12th.
Students should be working on their display boards for the Showcase on February 12th. Please check in with your 10th grader and make sure they are working on their display boards (they have been given a display board at school)!
Student display boards need to be completed and to school by Monday, February 10th.
Students will set up their display boards with their products during SET on Tuesday, February 11th.
Students will present their personal projects on February 12th, from 8:00-9:00 am. Attendance will be taken for both 1st and 2nd period and students need to remain at their display boards for the duration of the Showcase.
2025-2026 Course Request Meeting Info
Aspen High School will host four virtual Course Request Informational Meetings. An interpreter will be present, and we will record the meetings. These recordings will be posted on our website for parents and families who can't attend.
These meetings are informational only, and attendance isn't required or mandatory. Students will have an opportunity to meet with their counselors before Spring Break to request courses for the following school year. Schedules will not be created during those meetings; students will simply inform counselors which classes to select.
From Post-Secondary Counseling
All sophomores will complete the Indigo Career Interest Survey tomorrow during SET (January 30th). This survey helps students identify potential pathways for life after high school and can serve as a starting point for conversations with Post-Secondary Counseling.
The second semester of junior year is when things really get going in terms of post-secondary planning, and all juniors are encouraged to schedule an Individual Meeting with their Post-Secondary Counselor ASAP. Students with last names beginning A-K will work with Karen Hawkes, L-Z with Brennan Dignan. Parents are welcome (but not required) to join the meeting either in person or virtually. Please note, meetings may not be scheduled during class time, but rather during SET, lunch or a free period. Before the 1st Individual Meeting, both students and parents are asked to complete short intake surveys. Intake for Students|Intake for Parents.
Click here for additional important information and dates for juniors.
Local Scholarship applications are open. Students and parents should refer to the Local Scholarship webpage for more information including the timeline, scholarship descriptions, and application links as well as to schedule a “Local Scholarship Help Session” with Susanne. **Please note the Aspen Board of Realtors Scholarship application is due on Friday. Click here for ABOR’s paper application or swing by Susanne’s office to pick one up.
2025/26 FAFSA application is open. Seniors hoping to receive need-based financial aid should submit as soon as possible. Click here for FAFSA and Financial Aid Tips.
Haven’t applied yet? It’s not too late! There are many colleges and universities that are still accepting applications. Schedule a meeting with Karen Hawkes (A-K) or Brennan Dignan (L-M) so that we can support you.
Trade and Technical Schools, Apprenticeships, and Certificate Programs. Of course, not every student will be pursuing a traditional four-year degree. If this is the case for you, please schedule an Individual Meeting with Karen Hawkes (A-K) or Brennan Dignan (L-M) so that we can start putting together a plan based on your interests.
Reminders from Yearbook!
Class of 2025! Senior Recognition Ads are due Feb 13th!
These ads are the perfect way to commemorate achievements and celebrate milestones.
Please CLICK HERE for more information.
Virtual Parent Coffee
Join us February 21st for the next Virtual Parent Coffee with Sarah Strassburger.
The meeting will be recorded, and posted to our website, for those who cannot join.
Project Graduation, Class of 2025!
Project Graduation Fundraising Links
The tradition of Project Graduation began in 1989 to provide a safe and fun experience on the evening of graduation. This event is only possible with your help.
Project Graduation is largely funded by the senior class parents. As always, our objective is to keep this a free event for our seniors. To do this, we need to raise $44,000. Our goal is for 100% participation and support from our senior class parents. No donation of money or time is too small or too big. We thank you in advance for your donations and know our students will also be extremely appreciative, when they arrive at the ARC on May 31st.
You can donate online: https://www.successfund.com/AHS2025projectgraduation
You may also donate by logging into your AHS E-funds account or bring a check, payable to Aspen High School Project Graduation, to the High School front office. Checks can also be mailed to: Aspen High School Project Graduation, 0235 High School Road, Aspen, CO 81611.
If you would like more information about specific underwriting opportunities or would like to join one of our planning committees, please email aspenprojectgraduation@aspenk12.net.
Safe2Tell Update
Please use Safe2Tell to anonymously report any concerns! These reports go directly to law enforcement and school administration. Please be sure to say on the report so that the intake operator can ask more questions; there is no way for any of this information to be traced back to you!
Sarah Strassburger
Principal, Aspen High School
School Phone #: (970) 315-3516
Email: sstrassburger@aspenk12.net
Website: https://ahs.aspenk12.net/en-US
Location: 235 High School Road, Aspen, CO, USA
Aspen School District Main Phone #: (970) 925-3760
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AspenHighSchool