833 Young Scholars
Nurturing Potential, Sustaining Support
December 2017
We've been having fun this month with a couple different brain-teaser puzzles, and everyone has now gotten a chance to review and practice all four thinking styles: divergent, convergent, visual and evaluative.
The thinking style we'll be highlighting this month in our Young Scholars newsletter is Evaluative Thinking.
This Month in Young Scholars
Evaluative Thinking
Evaluative Thinking is something we use every day whenever we make a decision. Whether we're deciding what to eat for dinner, how to dress, or any of the other many choices we make during the day, our decisions are always based on factors, or criteria, that make sense for us.
For example, when deciding how to dress, your criteria may include what clothes are clean, what type of activity will be done, or, especially in Minnesota, the weather forecast. Each of these factors helps you make the best choice based on the criteria that fits. This process of decision-making is called Evaluative Thinking.
This month, your Young Scholar played a puzzle game called MetaForms to practice their Evaluative Thinking. In MetaForms, players are given clues that help them evaluate, or decide, where to place each of their nine shapes on the puzzle's game board. The puzzles gradually get a little bit harder every time, and the criteria become more challenging, which allows your Young Scholar to build their Evaluative Thinking skills as they go!
I've included an example of what one of the MetaForm puzzles looks like below. Ask your Young Scholar to use the pictures to tell you more about how to play!
Check It Out!
Information, Resources and Opportunities for Your Young Scholar
December Resources
Below are some fun and easy resources to help your Young Scholar keep practicing their Evaluative Thinking skills at home!
Most logic games and puzzles use Evaluative Thinking.
Here are a few of examples:
- The website KidsMathGamesOnline includes a variety of logic games to choose from.
- Noodlers is a fun logic puzzle that is great for Visual Thinking, too.
- Besides helping your Young Scholar build their Evaluative Thinking skills, the logic game Balance Beans also practices math reasoning.
These next two resources can also be found in the October Newsletter but fit so nicely with this month's theme, I thought they were worth repeating!
- MetaForms board game
- MetaForms-like game called GridWorks that is played online.
Still, it can get a little boring if most games end in a tie.
Why not try a game of Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe and really challenge your Young Scholar's Evaluative Thinking skills!
About Me
Hi All!
My name is Colleen Redmond, and I am thrilled to work as the 833 Young Scholars advocate and lead teacher.
I'm a mom of two teenagers, a wife, small business owner, avid biker (the pedal kind), book enthusiast, and beekeeper. Plus, on top of all of that, I have the happy job of implementing and growing the Young Scholars program here in 833!
I've been lucky enough to teach in South Washington County Schools for the past twenty-five years and have had the incredible opportunity to be a part of the lives of students and families in my classroom.
Now, as we launch Young Scholars, my path in education is taking on a whole new and wonderful life. I am so very excited to work with and support you and your Young Scholar. I can't wait to see where the journey takes us!
Contact Information
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions, thoughts, or needs!
Colleen Redmond