The Demon
A Weekly Update for Parents, Students, and our Community
A Note from Mrs. Elroy
Good morning!
The second nine weeks is in full swing, and we're thrilled to share some exciting updates with you! We continue to focus on encouraging our students to strive for excellence and reach their fullest potential. Your children are at the heart of everything we do, and we are committed to supporting their growth and success.
One of our primary goals this term is to reduce the number of students on our D and F lists. We believe that every student has the ability to succeed, and we are implementing several strategies to help them improve.
Individualized Support: Providing tailored assistance to students who need extra help, ensuring that they understand the material and can apply it effectively.
Regular Monitoring: Keeping track of each student's progress through frequent assessments and feedback, allowing us to address any issues promptly.
Engaging Learning Activities: Incorporating interactive and engaging activities to make learning more enjoyable and impactful.
How Parents Can Help:
We understand that parents play a crucial role in their child's education. Here are a few ways you can support your child at home:
Encourage a Study Routine: Help your child establish a consistent study schedule that allows for breaks and varied activities.
Promote a Positive Mindset: Encourage your child to approach challenges with a positive attitude and remind them that effort leads to improvement.
Stay Informed: Keep in touch with teachers and stay informed about your child's progress and any areas where they might need additional support.
We value your partnership in your child’s education. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Together, we can ensure that every student achieves their best!
Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement.
Mrs. Elroy
Dress Code Expectations
Dress and Appearance Regulations
Duncan Public Schools respect the students’ rights to express themselves appropriately in the way they dress. All students who attend Duncan Public Schools are also expected to respect the school community by dressing appropriately for a PreK-12 educational environment. Student attire should facilitate participation in learning as well as the health and safety of students and personnel. This policy is intended to provide guidance for students, staff, and parents.
Clothing must cover areas from one armpit across to the other armpit (in front and in back), extending down to cover the students buttocks when standing or bending.
Tops must have shoulder straps.
Clothing that is transparent, made of mesh, or has holes must cover skin and undergarments while meeting the expectations of #1.
Midriff should not be exposed.
Specialized courses may require specific attire, such as sports, uniforms, and/or safety gear.
Headgear including hats and hoodies are allowed as long as eyes and ears are not obstructed from the headgear. DHS staff reserves the right to ask students to remove the headgear if it is a distraction from learning.
Sunglasses may not be worn to cover the student’s eyes while inside the school.
Clothing and accessories that endanger student or staff safety may not be worn.
Clothing that is considered pajamas or bedtime wear is prohibited.
Face paint is prohibited.
All students are required to wear shoes.
Cleats, shoes with wheels, house shoes, or any shoe that limits physical activity or safety are not permitted.
Gang Related
Items will be identified and monitored by police and school officials. They are subject to change at the discretion of the administration as the need arises.
Additional guidelines: Offensive writing, suggestive slogans or logos which pertain to beer, liquor, drug or tobacco, electronic cigarettes/vapes, or vaping products or any other product packaged for smoking or the simulation of smoking; vulgarity, sexual innuendos, obscenity or nudity or promotion of violence are not allowed. Clothing may not state, imply, or depict hate speech/imagery targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religious affiliation.
School administration reserves the right to determine what constitutes appropriate dress. Clothing or accessories that create a disruption to the learning environment may not be allowed. Students who do not adhere to these guidelines will not be allowed to attend class. Parents will be called if appropriate clothing is not available or the student refused dress code appropriate clothing.
Students found in violation of DHS dress code will move through the following steps accordingly:
● An office referral will be completed by the reporting staff member, and the student will be called to the office by administration.
● If a dress code violation has been identified, the student will be removed from the general student population and placed in ISI due to the fact their clothing is not school-appropriate for the general classroom.
● Parent/guardian/legal custodian will be contacted and requested to bring alternate clothing to the school.
● Students will be called from ISI to change into appropriate clothing and be released back to class. The inappropriate clothing must go home with the parent/guardian/legal custodian.
● If the parent/guardian/legal custodian is unable to be reached or unable to bring clothing to the school, the student will remain in ISI for the remainder of the school day. The student will not be allowed to leave school, drive home, change clothing, and then return to school.
● Repetitive violations of this offense will result in increasing levels of discipline and possible suspension from school.
Communication with School Staff
Due to a new law regarding school employee's communication with students, we will only be using the Rooms app located within the Duncan Public Schools app for communication. Please contact us there or by phone at 255-0700.
We are dedicated to serving our students and their families each and every day. We are here and eager to help in anyway that we can. With that being said, we also have to protect our time with our own families and have time to disconnect and recharge.
Please respect the following boundaries regarding communication with school personnel. Thank you.
- Teachers and staff will respond to parent messages or phone calls within 24 hours during the work week. The best time to call is 7:30-3:15 each day.
- Emails/messages and phone calls on Friday and the weekend will be returned on Monday of the following week.
- All parent/staff communication should be through an official school Rooms communication app or a phone call to the school office. In addition to these, other school communication tools such as SeeSaw, Class Dojo or other tools set up by the school or teacher may also be used.
- Teachers also have a planning period during the day that can be used for phone communication or parent meetings as needed.
- Appointments can be scheduled with other staff, as needed, through a phone call to the school office.
Students must wear their school issued ID and lanyard to school everyday. Any questions regarding the replacement of student IDs should be directed to Mr. Copeland.
**If a student badge is not working or broken, wear it anyway and speak with Mr. Copeland about a replacement.
October 28-November 1, 2024
- NHS Meeting-gym-11:25
- Music parent meeting
- OSSAA Regional Marching Contest
- Cheer/Pom Game Day show off- 6:00pm
- ECU Music Festival
- 7:15am Stuco meeting in the gym
- Juniors CPR- Cafeteria 8:45 and 1:15
- Football @ Classen
- Choir All-State
- Cross Country state
- Swim vs. Altus
- Senior Swing
- November 25-29- Thanksgiving Break
- December 18-19 Semester tests
- December 20-January 3 Christmas Break
- October 29- Pre-ACT for 9th/10th
- October 29- ACT for 11th
About Duncan High School
Email: lisha.elroy@duncanps.org
Website: www.duncanps.org
Location: 515 North 19th Street, Duncan, OK, USA
Phone: (580)2550700