Liberty Links
November 3, 2024

Liberty Leadership Middle School Weekly Announcements Week of 2/2/25
Greetings from Mrs. Bally
Liberty Homework Club
Is your student in need of a focused space to complete homework and missing assignments? Homework Club will begin this week on Tuesdays and Thursdays and will meet from 2:45-3:45pm. Please be prompt when picking students up at 3:45. Thank you!
PTO Fundraiser - Fannie May
Message from our Liberty PTO:
Our Fannie May Candy Fundraiser will kick off on Tuesday, February 4th! We are hoping that this will be Liberty's biggest fundraiser that allows the PTO to purchase and provide things for our school that benefit each Liberty student. We would love to see 100% of our students get involved and make this sale our best yet!
On Tuesday, your student will bring home an order form and parent letter with additional information. Please make sure to read the parent letter carefully!
February 4th - Sale Begins
February 18th - Orders Due (no late order forms will be accepted after this date)
If you have any questions, please email Nicole Larson at Nicole.larson@psd150.org
As always, we are grateful for your help and support!
Bradley University/DAPCEP STEM Program for 4th-12th Grade Now Open!
The Bradley University/DAPCEP STEM Program for 4th - 12th graders is open for registration for the Spring of 2025. Classes will take place from Feb 1 - March 1. The course index can be found here: https://dapcep.asapconnected.com/#Courseindex
This link will show you every class for our location. You can click on the registration flyer to register for classes. Registration Flyer link here. Free dress pass for all those students who show proof of registration!
Inter-School Attendance Challenge
Last week we fell short to Rolling Acres with our attendance rate of 91.6% versus their attendance rate of 93.8%. This week, we take on Mark Bills! Let's be sure our Lightning show up to win back the attendance chain!
Student Homework and In Class Work
Please remember to look at Skyward on a regular basis to monitor student grades and missing assignments. Our teachers are providing students with grade-level, high quality curriculum and it does take work by the student to complete - this work will pay dividends in student success! Please contact myself or grade-level teachers if you have any questions.
A/B Honor Roll Celebration!
Congratulations to those students who received all A and B grades during 2nd Quarter! We will be celebrating with an afternoon Honor Roll Celebration on Friday - with pizza, cookies, and juice! Invites will be sent home later this week. Congratulations once again to our students!
Young Authors Contest
It is once again time for the Liberty Leadership Young Author's Contest! Please review the initial flyer below - these will also be sent home with students. More information will be coming from your student's ELA teachers!
Liberty Stream Check Out
Plan in Case of an E-Learning Day
In the event of inclement weather, our district may call for a day of eLearning. If this should happen, you will be notified by robocall (text, email, phone call) by the district. You can also find information on the local news channels. If we have an eLearning day, students will complete lessons as found online or the eLearning packet that was sent home at an earlier date. Teacher will be available on MS Teams for any students that have an electronic device already at home following the schedule below:
Remind App for JV and Varsity Basketball
If you have a son on the Liberty basketball team, please join the Liberty Basketball Team Remind app for announcements and updates. Send a text to: 81010 and text this message: @lbally
7 Mindsets Family Guide: Excerpts from Issue #4 100% Accountable
7 Mindsets Quote of the Day
Dining Menus for February
Cozy Additions to the Uniform Supply
As the year goes on, we replenish our uniform supply for students on a regular basis. One thing that students love to borrow is our blue crew sweatshirt! If you would like to donate a sweatshirt or two for our school, please use the Amazon link below and ship directly to Liberty. Sizes S, M, L, and XL are best.
Thank you and stay cozy!
Dates to Remember
Monday, 2/3: A Day
Tuesday, 2/4: Fannie May Fundraiser Begins
Tuesday, 2/4: STUCO Meeting (2:30-3:15pm)
Tuesday, 2/4: Boys' Basketball Home Game/8th Grade Night vs. Mark Bills (3:45pm)
Weds, 2/5: Horizons Club
Weds, 2/5: Girls' Volleyball Open Gym (2:45-3:45pm in Cafeteria)
Thursday, 2/6: Girls' Volleyball Open Gym (2:45-3:45pm in Gym)
Thursday, 2/6: Boys' Basketball @ Sterling (3:45pm)
Thursday, 2/6: Girls' Volleyball Tryouts 7th and 8th Grade (2:45-3:45pm)
Friday, 2/7: College Colors Day
Friday, 2/7: PR3 Ends
Friday, 2/7: A/B Honor Roll Celebration (2:00pm)
Saturday, 2/8: Boys' Basketball vs. HBD (9:00am)
Tuesday, 2/11: Girls' Volleyball Tryouts 5th and 6th Grade (2:45-3:45pm)
Friday, 2/14: Themed Dress Up Day: Red, White and Pink Day!
Tuesday, 5/27: 8th Grade Promotion (6:00pm)
Note from Mrs. Bally
We are a peaceful community, and there are over 50 adults at Liberty Leadership
willing and wanting to help all students and all families at anytime.
We are strongest together.
Have a great week and I look forward to seeing all students, every day, at Liberty Leadership.