Elk Neck Express
September 1, 2024
Elk Neck Elementary School
Ashlee Groce, Principal, ajgroce@ccps.org
Kimberly Whitney, Assistant Principal, krwhitney@ccps.org
Website: https://enes.ccps.org/
Location: 41 Racine School Rd., Elkton, MD, 21921
Phone: 410.996.5030
A Message from the Principal
Hello Elk Neck Elementary Families,
I hope that you enjoyed the fall weather this weekend! Our ALICE Drill with the Cecil County Sheriff's Office is scheduled for Tuesday, October 22, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. The intent of this drill is for students to practice the ALICE procedures. CCSO deputies will be on location to provide us with feedback on our response. Please note that the school campus will be closed from 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. as we conduct our drill.
Red Ribbon Week is next week! This year, our theme is, "I ELECT to be Drug-Free!" Please see the spirit days we have planned in the flyer below as we teach our students the importance of being drug free.
October is the beginning of CCPS' budget development process. It's important that I receive your input on our school's budget for the 2025-2026 school year. Please take a few moments to complete the budget survey for families. I value your input on our school's needs. The survey should be completed by Friday, October 25, 2024.
Elk Neck Elementary School's Book Fair begins next week! Students will shop during their Information Literacy (media) special time. The book fair will also be open during Trunk-or-Treat on Thursday, October 24, 2024! Check out the link below to set up an eWallet for your child to shop! https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/elkneckelementaryschool
PTO's Trunk or Treat is quickly approaching, and we are in need of candy donations. Students can bring in candy donations through Thursday, October 24, 2024, which is the day of the event. Our PTO is an amazing group of volunteers who enhance the educational experience for our students and our overall school community. At this time, only 25 parents/guardians have joined this organization. This is only one more parent/guardian since last week. Joining PTO does not mean that you need to attend meetings or volunteer (but we would love it if you do!); however, the money is used to fund various events throughout the year. It's only $5 to join! The flyer with information to join is located in the PTO information section of this newsletter. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
As always, we are here to serve our families, students, teachers, and the community. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don't ever hesitate to contact us. Please reference the Who To Contact document to reach the staff member who can best respond to your need.
Mrs. Ashlee Groce, Principal
Mrs. Kimberly Whitney, Asst. Principal
We have begun tracking daily and weekly attendance percentages as we monitor progress towards our school goal of having a 94% or better monthly attendance average for our school.The grade level attendance averages for the week of 10/7/24 are below.
Pre-kindergarten: 96%
Kindergarten: 97%
Grade 1: 91%
Grade 2: 97%
Grade 3: 94%
Grade 4: 92%
Grade 5: 90%
Schoolwide average: 94%
Save the Date for Our Annual Veteran's Day Assembly!
BrightPath: A Free Mental Health Resource for Elk Neck Families
Check out more information about our reading program!
Counselor's Corner
Congrats to Mrs. Taylor-Fink’s Class who recently earned their first Golden Paw Print!
We have had 21 sunshine calls so far in October.
Congratulations to these amazing Elk Neck Retrievers who earned the Above and Beyond Award!
Conner White in Mrs. Webb's Class
Isidora Thomas in Mrs. S's Class
Jagger Egan in Mrs. O'Brien's Class
Delaney Peters in Mrs. Taylor-Fink's Class
Blayke Pristash in Mrs. Miller's Class
Emelia Wilson in Mrs. Walker's Class
Dexter Miller in Ms. Reilly's Class
Kylie Rea in Ms. Moore's Class
Willow Ross in Mrs. Blessing's Class
Bowdrie Townley in Mrs. Hubb's Class
Jude Allen in Mrs. DiPietro's Class
Justin Treut in Mrs. Cantera's Class
Kensington Ganzman in Ms. Hilliker's Class
Jaxtin Troy in Mrs. Lyneis' Class
Mia Moore in Mr. Gilbert's Class
Kaylia Hendrickson in Mrs. Parker's Class
Layla McKinzie in Mrs. Hartman's Class
Fin Weinert in Mrs. Strauss' Class
Local Elections
Recently, Board of Education candidates met to share their ideas and platforms. The links to the Cecil TV recordings can be found below.
Cecil Chamber Candidate Forum, October 9 2024, Board of Education - District 1, Dianne Heath
On 10/22/24, the NAACP will host a candidate forum at Elkton High School beginning at 6:00 PM. All candidates for local office have been invited to participate.
Local elections have a significant impact on our schools. Please make an effort to learn about the candidates running for local office and support and vote for those that are committed to supporting public education in Cecil County!
PTO Information
Turnk-or Treat is coming up! Please see the flyer to join in on the fun. We also have received raffle donations from The Old Dusty Cupboard. Raffle tickets will be sent out to staff and family next week and a winner will be chosen the morning after Trunk or Treat. ALL proceeds go to the PTO and back into the school.
Additional Parent Information
If your child previously received Medicaid benefits please remember that there is no longer an automatic renewal. You can find more information on how to renew your child’s benefits HERE.
The Office of Multilingual Education will be offering virtual (zoom) parent workshops twice a month on Tuesdays starting on October 15, 2024. Time: 10 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. Flyer
School Cash -To put money in your child's meal account and pay for items such as field trips, prom, homecoming, spirit wear please use: School Cash Online.
Schoology - Students in grades 1-5 have access to Schoology which is a learning management system. They can access Schoology using their ccps username and password at cecilcounty.schoology.com. Should you need access to the account, please contact your child's teacher or the main office.
PowerSchool -The PowerSchool Parent Portal gives parents and students access to on-line information including attendance and grades. If you do not have access to PowerSchool, please contact the main office.
Important Dates
Monday, 10/21/24
Book Fair Begins
Red Ribbon Week: Wear Red
Tuesday, 10/22/24
Red Ribbon Week: Wear Anything Disney
ALICE Drill with the Cecil County Sheriff's Office @ 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday, 10/23/24
Red Ribbon Week: Wear Neon
Fourth Grade Family Meet and Greet with Ms. Fanning @ 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, 10/24/24
Red Ribbon Week: Favorite Team Jersey or Military Clothing
PTO Trunk-or-Treat from 6:00 -7:00 p.m.
ENES Book Fair Evening Sale
Friday, 10/25/24
Red Ribbon Week: Super Hero Dress Up Day
Bubblegum Day!
Last Day of Book Fair
Last Day to Complete the FY26 Budget Survey
Grade 1 to Ashland Nature Center
Thursday, 10/31/24
Fall Walk @ 10:00 a.m.
Friday, 11/1/24
Grade 5 to Fair Hill Nature Center