Fox Tales
May 27-31, 2024
Calendar Items at a Glance:
- May 27th-Memorial Day holiday-NO SCHOOL!
- May 28th-Talent Shows 3-5 @ 12:30-1:30 AND K-2 @ 1:45-2:30
- May 29th-Field Day
- May 30th-5th grade Moving on Ceremony- 10 am
- May 31st-Last Day of School!
- August 15th- K/New Student Orientation/Meet the Teacher- 4-6 pm
- August 19th-1st day of school for the '24-'25 school year!
NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY-Memorial Day Holiday!
Is Your Child Wearing Appropriate Footwear/Clothing?
What Kind of Drink is Your Child Bringing to School?
School Reminders:
As the weather is warming up, it has become clear that we need a few reminders about School Appropriate Attire and things in Lunch boxes! Thanks for following our school rules!
1. Students may NOT bring/drink sodas at school ( i.e. Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, Mt. Dew, Orange Crush, Fanta etc.).
2. All shoes should have a strap on the back. (no flip flops, slides, mules etc). Sneakers are STRONGLY encouraged for recess and required for PE. It is a safety hazard to wear footwear that does not have a secure foot bed and back.
3. It is typically chilly in the building. There is no need for halter tops etc. Please make sure that midriffs, bottoms, and all undergarments are covered! It is probably helpful to have a sweatshirt/jacket (with student's NAME on it!).
Yearbooks came home on Friday!
Field Day will be held on Wednesday, May 29th!
Our annual Field Day Event will be held on Wednesday May 29th! Coach Bingaman and his team are planning a really fun day for our students. He needs your help! Please volunteer to support our kids for this memorable experience! CLICK HERE to volunteer!
Field Day Schedule
8:30-10:30 Morning Session: K-2 outdoor activities/3-5 Indoor activities
12:30-2:30 Afternoon Session: K-2 Indoor activities/3-5 outdoor activities
Some FYIs and Reminders:
- ALL students MUST wear sneakers to Field day. They will be running and jumping around!!!
- Students will be outside for half the day. They will receive a water bottle--but you may want to bring a water bottle as well! We will have filling stations!
- Students will be provided with a Field Day T-shirt to wear. Please have your students wear shorts/bottoms that are appropriate for active games and sports!
- Please apply sunscreen to your student prior to coming to school!
- Hats are Encouraged!
5th Gr. Moving On Ceremony Scheduled for May 30th at Dogwood Middle School
We are looking forward to sending our 5th grade students off to Middle School on Thursday, May 30th The ceremony will take place at Dogwood MS and begin promptly at 10 am. All 5th grade students should report to school (at Clark Springs) on time on May 30th. Students and staff will ride the bus over to Dogwood TOGETHER.
All Guests attending the ceremony need to have their names and D.O.B submitted by 9 am on Tuesday, May 28th on this form: https://forms.gle/9UXrfiqebZsXWkrr8. Guests who are not pre-approved by having their names submitted on the form WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND THE CEREMONY if they just 'show up' to Dogwood MS.
Family Members attending the Ceremony are asked to report to Dogwood at 9:00 am. Everyone will need to go through security before entering the school (metal detectors AND getting their visitor's badge)! Please keep in mind the following:
1. All adults must bring a PHOTO ID (for sign in)
2. NO Bags Allowed. Guests may only bring keys and phones into the school. (CLEAR diaper bags are allowed for babies and will be searched)
3.. NO Balloons, NO flowers, NO noise makers or signs!
After the ceremony, ALL students will ride the bus back to Clark Springs. Please join us on the front lawn at Clark Springs for a reception at @11:30 am!
After the reception, caregivers must sign out their students if they are leaving school to go to the party at Randolph Community Center. No 5th graders will be allowed to walk there on their own!
Fox Hanover Playground CLOSED through May 31st due to Roof Work and Safety!
Check out the photos below of what's happening inside the Fox Hanover building. Things are really starting to take shape!
Basement Hallway
This is the NEW straight hallway in the basement. This hallway goes from the steps on the Strawberry St. side (cafeteria) all the way to the Stafford Str. Side classrooms without "weaving around" through the cafeteria and the plant services portion of the building.
Top Floor
The hole that was created when the cupola fell through has been repaired and you can now walkthrough the upstairs hallway.
Summer School Invitations Came Home
Students who qualify for Summer School received letters in backpacks on Monday, April 15th. Recommendation for Summer School is based upon performing below grade level academically. If your child received a Summer School letter, please scan the QR Code and register!
This year, our students will be attending Summer School at Mary Munford Elem. Transportation will be provided for in zone students. Summer School is from June 10th-July 11, Mondays- Thursdays from 7:45 am-2:45 pm.
If you have questions about Summer School, please contact our Assistant Principal, Mrs. Crutchfield (scrutchf@rvaschools.net).
Have you Registered your Kindergartner for Next Year???
2024-25 Preschool & Kindergarten Enrollment – Preschool and kindergarten enrollment began on Monday, March 18 – We're thrilled to offer preschool for eligible 3 and 4-year olds, and kindergarten for all 5-year-olds living in Richmond. Please note: if your student is currently enrolled at an RPS preschool, they will still need to register for kindergarten. For more information, please email enrollrps@rvaschools.net.
PLEASE begin the Kindergarten registration process online NOW. We need to know how many Kindergarten students to plan for next year!
Great Resources to keep your child READING this summer!
Happy summer! The warmer months are here, and Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) wants to make sure that your students’ break is book-filled and better than ever. As you know, it is critical to make sure that kids keep up their reading stamina when school is out to avoid falling victim to the summer slide. RIF is thrilled to announce our summer reading initiative, Action-Packed Pages.
We invite children to soar into summer with RIF and with the help of thematic titles, children can enjoy time under the stars, fun in the kitchen, energizing and exercising, and much more! Check out RIF’s many free booklists, read-aloud videos, printable activities, and other summer-related resources designed to engage young readers. Head to www.RIF.org/Summer to explore the array of reading possibilities tailored to inspire children to lean into reading joy.
Action-Packed Features Families Are Sure to Love: Read-Alouds: Join our weekly live read-alouds featuring a title from one of our eight summer book collections. Visit the page every Friday and click the “watch here” button to enjoy some reading fun. Summer Reading Pledge: Take RIF’s summer reading pledge and set a goal to make sure books are a part of children’s daily routine- including an opporunity for a free book giveaway, proudly supported by Driscoll’s (while supplies last). Free Downloadables: Extend reading fun and comprehension beyond the book by downloading and completing supplemental activities that include reading logs, comic strips, and coloring sheets. Book Collections and Activities: Browse eight carefully curated collections featuring recommended titles filled with summertime themes, as well as related activities and resources to boost reading comprehension. Skybary Offer: Take advantage of an opportunity to get RIF’s interactive digital eBook library and receive 75% off when signing up at our summer reading page.
Share RIF’s resources with a child in your life today to keep them on the road to success during their time out of the classroom. No matter how you choose to spend your summer, we hope you always include a great book! Happy reading, The RIF Team
YMCA Registrations for 2024-2025 Aftercare Program Open NOW
2024-25 School Year Calendar-take note now!
3rd, 4th, 5th grade students will have up to an additional 30 minutes of homework as well (math practice, comprehension practice, studying etc). Teachers/grade levels will communicate homework to their class.
'23-'24 Parent Handbook
A hard copy will come home with your students on the first day of school!
Have you joined our PTA yet?
Your $10+ donation and volunteer support make it possible for us to have valuable student programs, teacher appreciation, and community events like the Fall Festival. Join here: Thank you!
Join the WIlliam Fox Elementary PTA Facebook Page
WIlliam Fox Elementary
Email: djacobs2@rvaschools.net
Website: wfes.rvaschools.net
Location: 1101 Dance St, Richmond, VA, USA
Phone: (804) 780-6259
Facebook: facebook.com/WilliamFoxPTA
Twitter: @WMFoxES