Cougar News
Week of January 13th
Dates to know
1/13 McLaughlin A teams 4pm home
1/16 McLaughlin B teams 4pm home
1/16 2:30-4:30 5th and 6th grade dance sponsored by PTO
6-8pm 7th and 8th grade dance sponsored by PTO
$5 admission into the dance
$1 chips and drinks
$2 candy
**please make sure you pick your child up promptly at the end of each dance**
1/20 No School MLK Jr. Day
1/23 Dine out/take out from Texas Road House from 3:30-7pm tell them you are with McLaughlin
1/24 Quarter 2 closes
1/27 Quarter 3 begins
1/27 Sky Zone PTO fundraiser. 4-8pm proceeds will go to McLaughlin PTO
2/8 Wendys dine out to support PTO from breakfast-close. Candia Road location
1/31 Report card distribution
Reminder on inclement weather
What happens when winter weather hits?
2 hour delay: Students are admitted into the building at 9:20
students must be seated by 9:25am.
Winter weather can make it difficult or impossible to get to school safely. Below, we've gathered a bit of information about how Manchester School District handles weather-related school closings or delays. Please remember that we do our best with the information we have at the time of deciding a school closure or delay. If you do not feel it is safe for your child to attend school on a particular day, use your judgment to determine what is best for your family.
What are the options?
If it is not safe for students or staff to get to school in the morning, Manchester School District has two options:
- Closed: All schools are closed for the day
- Two-hour delay: All schools open two hours later than normal – scroll down to see start times with a two-hour delay
How we decide to close or delay school
The superintendent makes the decision to close school, delay its opening or dismiss students early. In making these decisions, the superintendent consults with a variety of sources in addition to the weather forecasts. These sources include:
- City departments and divisions, including Highway, Facilities, Police and Fire
- Aramark (school grounds maintenance)
- Manchester Transit Association (buses)
- Surrounding school district superintendents
- State Department of Homeland Security
- WMUR meteorologists
When we announce school is closed or delayed
We know that closing or delaying school can be a challenge for families. It is our goal to announce any decision as soon as possible. In rare cases when the likelihood of a storm is certain, we will announce the decision the day before. More often, we announce the decision the morning of the storm event.
How and where we announce school is closed or delayed
When we close or delay the start of school, we work to make sure families, staff and the community at large see it quickly. The announcement is:
- Emergency notifications: Sent to staff and families by email, text message and phone call
- Mobile app alert: Push alert sent to District's mobile app (download from Apple App Store or Google Play Store)
- District website: Posted at the top of the district website,
- Social media: Posted on the district’s Facebook and Twitter accounts
- Nixle: Shared on the Nixle alert service
- TV/radio: Shared with WMUR television and WZID radio
Winter mid year testing and ACCESS testing information
We will be doing our winter interim assessments and ACCESS testing for students who receive ELL services in the month of January.
This fall we did the iREady fall diagnostic to see what grade level in math and reading your child scored at. Students then did my path lessons to work on working up to grade level.
We will be proctoring the winter NHSAS interim assessments per districts direction as opposed to the iReady winter diagnostic.
We will also administering the ACCESS test to students who are getting direct ELL services. Students who are on monitor status will be taking the NHSAS winter interim assessment and students taking ACCESS will ONLY take ACCESS (a lot to keep up with, I know)
Students can bring their own headphones in to use during this test however they CANNOT be wireless, they must plug into the chromebooks
Interim and ACCESS testing dates:
Monday - Jan. 27 - NHSAS & ACCESS kick off & reminders. Regular Schedule
Tuesday - Jan. 28 - NHSAS Math Interim & Math ACCESS - Delayed Schedule
Wednesday - Jan. 29 - NHSAS Reading Interim & Reading ACCESS - Delayed Schedule
Thursday - Jan. 30 - NHSAS Writing Interim & Writing ACCESS - Delayed Schedule
PTO sponsord dance January 16th
Our next dance will be Thursday, January 16th
5th and 6th grade dance will be from 2:30-4:30- students must be picked up promptly at 4:30pm
7th and 8th grade dance will be from 6-8pm-students must be picked up promptly at 8pm
$5 admission
$1 for chips and drinks
$2 for candy
8th grade information
Now that we are mostly half way through the 8th grade year please see some information about high school and end of year activities that students have to look forward to.
You can turn in your 8th grade dues any time. If a student needs a new form please have them come to the front office.
High Schools will start coming and giving information to students before class registrations start. MST will be coming the week of the 13th and will have an open house for families to attend on 2/4 from 5:30-7:30.
Central and Memorial will come visit soon. Please remember your child will be registering for their home school in the neighborhood at the address you live at. You can request speical permission to another school, however it has to go through those administrators and you must provide transportation to and from.
8th grade promotion: This will take place the night before the last day of school (have to wait to see how many snow days we have)
8th grade dance: This will take place after promotion night. This is for McLaughlin 8th grade students only. More information to come!
Grades close January 24th
Just a reminder that grades for 2nd quarter close on Friday, January 24th. Please remember if your child is failing this should not be a surprise to you! Your child has access to their student Aspen portal and you have access to the parent side of it. Progress reports went out on December 13th that gave you a snap shot of how your child was doing in all of their classes. Please reach out to teachers if you have questions about your child's grade. Grades will close the 24th and 3rd quarter will begin on January 27th which mean we will be half way through the school year! (insane, I know!)