Winthrop Weekly
September 27, 2023
Principally Speaking
Dear Winthrop Families,
We currently have a few openings in our integrated preschool program at Winthrop School.
What is an Integrated Preschool?
The Ipswich Public Schools' preschool program is an inclusive, developmentally appropriate preschool program enrolling students between three and five years old who require special education programming.
Participants in the program are children who represent a wide variety of backgrounds, skill levels, and abilities. Typically developing students are enrolled in the preschool programs through a lottery system to ensure strong peer modeling through inclusive teaching methods.
Benefits of an Integrated Preschool Model
All students with and without disabilities benefit from our inclusive philosophy that provides a language-based and multi-sensory approach to teaching and learning. Our preschool program is a community of learners who develop: positive peer relationships; self-respect; self-control; and friendships based on acceptance, understanding, and care for one another.
We believe:
All children have individual differences which are best met through high-quality teaching and differentiated instruction.
Young children learn by doing!
Learning is structured through play and meaningful activities in a developmental sequence.
A rich variety of learning experiences – visual, auditory, and physical are integrated into the curriculum through individual, partnered, small group and large group activities to help children engage in academic and social experiences.
Classroom teachers, specialists, therapists, and assistants provide a comprehensive program designed to match individual student needs.
The integrated classroom provides a language-based program for children with special needs and their typically developing peers. The structured routines; oral and visual support for instruction; and consistent expectations promote social, cognitive, and language growth for all students. Speech and language, occupational, and physical therapies are integrated into the classroom routine.
Please contact Meghan Ganley, Program Manager and Preschool Coordinator, at or 978-356-2976 ext. 344 if you are interested in learning more about our current openings and offerings.
Have a wonderful evening,
Amy B. Sullivan, Principal
Nicki Amisson, Assistant Principal
Important Upcoming Dates
- Wednesday, September 27th: Grades PK-2 Curriculum Night, 5:30-8:00 P
- Thursday, September 28th: Early Release- Preschool @ 1:30 PM, K-5 @ 1:50 PM
- Thursday, September 28th: Open Door Mobile Mart at dismissal
- Wednesday, October 4th: National Walk and Bike to School Day @ 8 AM, various locations
- Wednesday, October 4th: Grade 4 Instrument Night @ 7 PM, IMS/IHS Performing Arts Center
- Thursday, October 5th: Early Release- Preschool @ 1:30, K-5 PM @ 1:50 PM
- Thursday, October 5th: Open Door Mobile Mart at dismissal
- Monday, October 9th: No School, Indigenous Peoples Day
- Tuesday, October 10th: No School, Teacher Professional Development Day
- Tuesday, October 10th: School Council Meeting @ 7:00 PM, Winthrop Cafeteria
- Wednesday, October 11th: FRIES Meeting, 7 00 PM, Winthrop Cafeteria
- Thursday, October 12th: Early Release- Preschool @ 1:30, K-5 PM @ 1:50 PM
- Thursday, October 12th: Open Door Mobile Mart at dismissal
- Tuesday, October 17th: Grade 4 Field Trip to Ipswich Audubon
- Thursday, October 19th: Early Release- Preschool @ 1:30, K-5 PM @ 1:50 PM
- Thursday, October 19th: Open Door Mobile Mart at dismissal
- Thursday, October 19th: School Committee Meeting, 7:00 PM Ipswich MS/HS Ensemble Room
Ipswich Public Schools Calendar
Curriculum NIghts
We are looking forward to inviting all families back to school during curriculum nights. Our curriculum nights will consist of 3 opportunities to connect:
General Session- Meet with Principal Sullivan and Assistant Principal Amisson to review school goals, initiatives, and procedures.
Classroom Sessions- Meet with your child's teacher(s) in their classrooms as an introduction to your child's new grade level. An overview of the curriculum, grade-level objectives, and classroom expectations will be shared.
Specialist Sessions- Meet with your child's specialist teachers in the gymnasium to learn more about art, library, music, physical education, and Mandarin.
Curriculum nights follow a rotating schedule that provides families time to participate in all 3 sessions. Classroom sessions for each grade have been planned to start and end at different times so there will not be conflicts for families who have children in multiple grades. Please see the schedules below.
Tonight! PK-2 Curriculum Night- Childcare Available 6-8
Grade 5 Workout Begins Tomorrow Morning
Thursday Grade 5 Workouts begin tomorrow with Mr. Falconieri!
When: Every Thursday morning
Where: Winthrop Gymnasiium
Time: 8:05 - 8:40 (Children must be in the gym by 8:15)
Drop In - No need to sign up*
Walk and Ride to School Day - 10/4
Please join Winthrop School in participating in our Fall Walk, Bike, and Roll to School Day next Wednesday, October 4th. Choose from four locations around town to meet up at 8:00 a.m. and walk with a neighborhood group to school to promote healthy habits and safe travel to school:
- Town Wharf
- Southern Heights
- DJ's Variety, Washington Street
- First Church, Town Hill
A Winthrop staff member will be at each location to lead the group safely to school!
We hope you can join us!
ACE - Afterschool Enrichment Program
A.C.E- We Need You!
If you are interested in offering an ACE program this fall, we are looking for volunteers.
Please let us know by Friday, October 6th.
If you need any assistance in the planning process, don’t worry...we have plenty of time before the session actually starts!
Please contact Christine Zybert ( or Katie Norris ( if you are interested in running a program.
Here are some of the specifics for Fall ACE: Programs will run for the following
Mondays ~ October 30, November 6, 13, 20
Tuesdays ~ November 7, 14, 21, 28
Wednesdays ~ November 1, 8, 15, 29
Thursdays ~ November 2, 9, 16, 30
Please contact us with ideas for programs or if you are interested, but would like help brainstorming the process.
The Google Volunteer Form is due by Friday, October 6th.
The ACE Program Flyer will go out to students and families, Wednesday, October 12th.
**Did you know that volunteering for a program
guarantees your child(ren) a spot in a program?*
Lower Elementary
Junior Police Academy (K, 1, 2)
Playground Games (K, 1, 2)
Upper Elementary
Puzzle Palooza (Grades 3, 4, 5)
Switch It Up! (Grades 3, 4, 5)
Crochet Away! (Grades 3, 4, 5)
Tiger Tube (Grades 4, 5)
Radical Riders (Grades 4, 5)
The success of ACE - After School COMMUNITY Enrichment, has come from our amazing volunteers over the years! ACE has been fortunate and appreciative to have many outside volunteers dedicating their time to the students of Winthrop School. Please consider sharing a talent, passion or skill. ACE is an enriching activity that provides many opportunities and creates wonderful connections between our kids and the community. The benefits to filling a kid’s afternoon with these opportunities is priceless.
Thank you,
Christine Zybert and Katie Norris ~ ACE Coordinators
Winthrop Green Team
Winthrop Green Team
The Winthrop Green Team is excited to hit the ground running this school year!
Who are we? All students (pre-K - 5), parents, friends, family, and fans of Winthrop School who help make our community cleaner and greener. While the Student Leadership Council (SLC) Green Team includes a group of student leaders who work hard on initiatives during the school day, the Winthrop Green Team provides an opportunity for all Winthrop families to get involved with events and initiatives in our community, often after school hours.
What do we do? Host annual events, seasonal programming, and year-long initiatives to help our community make sustainable choices that support our environment.
What are some examples of Winthrop Green Team events and initiatives?
Harvest of the Month - bringing local produce to our school cafeteria
Green Team ACE programs (4 weeks in fall and 4 weeks in spring)
Holiday Toy and Clothing Swap (late fall/winter)
Gardening Clubs
Earth Day - Community Clean-up (spring)
Waste Reduction Awareness/Composting
Eco-bin for recycled clothing
Ipswich No Idling Campaign
How can our family get involved?
Take a moment to complete this brief Winthrop Green Team Interest Form to let us know what events and initiatives your family is interested in and would like to get involved with.
Take a moment to review the Winthrop Green Team Pledge with your family. Sign the pledge to try your best to reduce, reuse, and recycle during the upcoming school year!
Are there any upcoming events?
Save the date! Join us on Sunday, October 15 at 3:00 pm at Winthrop Playground. We will host a fall clean-up of the grounds, collect additional pledge forms, brainstorm ideas for the school year ahead, and host a “No Idling” poster contest. What does “No Idling” mean? Check out the resource below from the Ipswich Police Department.
Looking forward to a greener and cleaner year ahead! Please reach out to Molly Dugdale ( or Michele Hunton ( with any questions!
Winthrop School Pumpkin Decorating: Come join your friends to decorate a pumpkin and enjoy the fall weather! Join us on Sunday, October 22nd from 3:30pm-5:00pm at the Winthrop School Front Lawn. Cost is $6 per child, to include a small sugar pumpkin, decorating supplies, and a cup of apple cider. Register here to attend and sign up to volunteer items. LAST DAY TO REGISTER IS OCTOBER 13TH.
For new families - Winthrop parent directory: our annual directory is back! Please fill in your information by September 29th to have your family included in our print directory. This is a great opportunity to connect with new friends and organize parties, playdates, etc. If your family's contact details are the same as last year, you do not need to fill out a new form! Form can be found here.
FRIES meetings: mark your calendars for the first FRIES meeting of the year - October 11 at 6:30pm in the Winthrop cafeteria. All are welcome!
Ipswich High School Turbos for Tigers
Winthrop School
Location: 65 Central Street, Ipswich, MA, USA
Phone: 9783562976