TKKM o Nga Papaonekura
Rāmere te 1 o Poutu te rangi 2024

Pānui #4: T.2 - Wiki 3; 13 o Haratua - 17 o Haratua 2024
T.A.M 3.3 E tika ana kia tu whakahihi te tamaiti i roto i tona ake iwi, engari kia whai koha ano ki
ngä iwi katoa.
Tēnā rā tātou katoa kei ngā whānau o Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Papaonekura.
E rere tonu ana ngā mihi ki Te Aho Matua e tāwharau nei tō tātou kura, ka mutu, tō tātou kaupapa.
Inā te maha o ngā kaupapa i tēnei wāhanga o te tau, nō reira e te whānau, kia kaha te tautoko mai i ngā tini kaupapa o te kura hei pāinga mō ngā tamariki mokopuna.
Kia kaha ki te kōrero i te reo Māori i ngā wā katoa ki ngā wahi katoa, kia kaha hoki tātou ki te whakaū ngā tini kaupapa nō roto i te kura ki roto tonu i ō tātou ake kāinga - e mana ai tērā kōrero nō roto i Te Aho Matua e mea ana 'Ko te kura hei kainga, ko te kainga hei kura'.
Hei kona mai i aku mihi nui,
Ian Marino - Tauhinu - Tumuaki
Ako Kāinga mō ngā Tau 11, 12, 13 mo te toenga wiki
Due to the passing of Pāpā Hēmi Pomare, hoa rangatira to Whaea Dianne Pomare; Year 11, 12 and 13 tauira of the Wharekura are kindly asked to learn from home for the remainder of this week. Whaea Miriama will remain at Kura and Kura will operate as normal for tauira Kura Tuatahi, Takawaenga, Tau 9 and Tau 10. We greatly appreciate your support and understanding e te whānau.
TOD next Thursday and Friday
Tauira will need to work from home next week thursday and friday due to PLD in which Matua Ian and Whaea Miriama will be attending. Tauira will have ample work over the course of those two days, ngā mihi aroha e te whānau.
Kura Cleaning Roster
A whānau cleaning roster has been prepared - please see attachment here
Each whānau has been timetabled in to help with the cleaning of our Kura.
Whānau are more than welcome to swap and or change their cleaning days among themselves - communicate any changes with the Kura.
Cleaning will be conducted on a fortnightly basis beginning this Sunday 5th of May 2024.
Cleaning will take no longer than 45 to 60 minutes.
Areas needing to be cleaned are the school hall, main ablution block and the two classrooms.
Māngai Rangatahi
Wharekura students have been invited to attend a youth workshop with Papakura Marae for the next 5 weeks, they began this course today Tuesday 14/05/24 and will continue for the next five weeks.
Te Ahu o Te Reo Taumata 1 - 4
E te whānau sign up for this course, if you are having trouble with signing up come to Kura and sign up at the main office with Whaea Kimmi.
This course is aimed at beginners to Te Reo Māori who are kaimahi and whānau of Kura Kaupapa Māori and Kōhanga Reo affiliated to Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori.
- This course is 15-weeks - Intake 2 - 24 Jun 2024 - 4 Oct 2024
- Registrations close 5pm Friday 14th June 2024.
Visit this link to sign up for this course https://forms.gle/NozWuCh2N8vUjUp96
Kura Fundraising
It will come as no surprise that the needs of our Kura require a level of funding over and above that which is currently provided for by way of operational funding. To highlight this point, one of the big ticket items needed to maintain the kura property is a ride on lawnmower;
- Husqavarna Z572X RRP $ 28, 490, 00
- Kubota F3990 USED $14,000, 00
Whether brand new or used, funds, outside of those provided, would still be required to purchase this asset. This is but one example of the many assets that are needed to properly maintain and provide for our Kura.
A hallmark of this Kura Whānau has always been its ability to not wait for others to solve our issues or to save us. Instead, we've always been proactive at looking to and working on solutions for ourselves. As such it has been decided that the Kura will put into place a fundraising program where we hold regular fundraising events.
Total Whānau support will be required with these fundraising events.
Any whānau with ideas and or initiatives that can contribute to the overall fundraising program are encouraged to contact the Kura - mā whero, mā pango ka oti te mahi.
TKKM o NPO Hui whānau are held on the first Thursday of every month. It is imperative that each tauira or whānau is represented at each hui in the form of a parent, caregiver or designated representative. Whānau hui are where kaupapa regarding the kura are discussed and whānau support is sought;
- 02.05.24
- 06.06.24
- 04.07.24
- 29.03.24 - First Day of Term 2
- 09.05.24 - 10.05.24 - Wharekura Ako Tawhiti
- 23.05.24 - 24.05.24 - TKKM o NPO Teacher only Days (Mātaiao PLD)
- 31.05.24 - Inter KKM Cross Country Day (TKKM o NPO)
- 26.06.24 - TKKM o NPO Hautapu & Rangi Whakaari
- 27.06.24 - TKKM o NPO (Wharekura Ball) TBC
- 02.07.24 - Last Day of Term 2
Pānui Tōiri 30.04.24