Pouncing into Patton
September 16, 2024
Tiger News
We made it through our first full week of the year! Your 6th graders continue to work hard and strive to be their best.
Band will begin16 September. Please email Mr. Hall with any questions. ahall@usd207.org
As a team, we have implemented an IXL challenge for the students. As they successfully master skills on IXL, they are keeping track of them on a recording sheet. For every 25 skills mastered, students have the opportunity to choose a prize from the IXL Prize Bin in their homeroom. Each classroom has some prizes in their bin already, but we could really use some help to add to the rewards. If you would be willing to contribute some prizes, it would be greatly appreciated.
Suggested prizes: candy, small trinkets and fidgets, special pens and pencils, stickers, stress balls, etc.
IXLs due by Module 3 Test Math H 1-2, I 3,5,9, and M 1-3, 7,10, and 12.
Academic Focus
Module 3 Compute With Multi-Digit Numbers and Fractions
Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide Decimals
Divide Fractions
""What's so Funny, Mr. Scieszka?"
Analyzing 2 poems " A Voice" "Words Like Freedom"
RACE Method of Writing
We will learn about the 3 states of matter. The difference in particle motion of the 3 states. The role of Thermal Energy in particle motion.
Topic Test Tuesday,September 17th
Social Studies
Topic 1 Test Tuesday September 17
We will begin Topic 2: Civilizations and Peoples of the Fertile Crescent
Payne- We will work on the RACE strategy for writing and continue our vocabulary unit. We will also practice calculating Mean, Median, Mode and Range each week. Each student should have a grade level appropriate chapter book that they are reading at all times. They are welcome to borrow one from the classroom library and we will go to the school library again soon. Each quarter there will be a Book Report assigned. This quarter's is due on October 9th. Students have a hard copy of the instructions and they are posted on Google Classroom.
Phillips- We will use Reflex, IXL, and ALEKS to practice reading and math skills.Each student should have a grade level appropriate chapter book that they are reading at all times. They are welcome to borrow one from the classroom library and we will go to the school library soon. If you able to donate to our class prize box, that will be amazing! Many students are forgetting to charge their Chromebooks. A gentle reminder will be very helpful. Thank you for supporting our classroom. Book Reports are due October 9th.
Questions to Ask Your Student
Why did Jon Scieszka get in trouble in school?
What is the scientific definition of work?
Is riding a bike an example of work? Why or Why Not?
Eat breakfast!
Bring a snack.
Need to Contact us?
Christine Harris charris@usd207.org
Aimee Phillips: aphillips@usd207.org
Katie Payne: spayne@usd207.org