Coloma Junior High
Family Edition - Week of January 13th
1st Semester Celebrations
We will be taking time to celebrate our 1st semester Academic Achievements on Wednesday, Jan. 15th. Students that earned Honor Roll or Prinicpal's List Honors will be recognized in grade level assemblies. The schedule is as follows:
1st hour (8:15) - 8th Grade
2nd Hour (9:15) - 7th Grade
3rd Hour (11:00) - 6th Grade
Caregivers are welcome to attend, but all visitors must have the Volunteer/Visitor Information completed. Visitors will check in the main office before proceeding to the auditorium.
Congratulations to our Winter Break iXL Challenge Winners for Mrs. Roberts classes
The Math Department has been challenging our students to push themselves with their math skills. Here are the results of the most recent challenge in Mrs. Roberts classes.
1st Hour
1st - Shane Mielke (Completed 1093 correct questions!)
2nd - Aylen Gonzalez
3rd - Easton Morlock
2nd Hour
1st - Chase Kiser
2nd - Owen Daugherty
3rd - Alexis Axson
3rd Hour
1st - Armorye Walker
2nd - Jaycie Clark
3rd - Lucas Hamilton
5th Hour
1st - Weston Karrels
2nd - Emariyon McCoy
3rd - Caiden Washington
8th Grade Scheduling for High School
Our 8th grade students attended the Elective Presentation at the High School on Friday. The presentation was a comprehensive overview of the many options available to students at the high school level. Students are encouraged to review the information and discuss with their caregivers. If you have additional questions, please contact Mr. Shaffer our High School Counselor at gshaffer@ccs.coloma.org.
Students will meet with our High School Counselor to make their course selections in their US History class on February 28th.
Responsibility Pass Rewards!
The Week Ahead
Study Hall with Mrs. Parker
1st Semester Academic Awards
Study Hall with Mrs. Cattes
Study Hall with Ms. Dressander
Upcoming Dates
20 - No School
22 - Delayed Start
28 - NWEA Testing - Math
30 - NWEA Testing - ELA
5 - Delayed Start
11 - 3rd MP Progress Reports
14 - No School
17 - No School
19 - Delayed Start
27 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4pm - 7pm
It is the policy of Coloma Community Schools that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, disability, height, weight, marital status, or any other status covered by federal, state, or local law shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to, discrimination during any program, activity, service, or in employment. Any person suspecting a discriminatory practice should contact complaint@ccs.coloma.org.
Inspire to Achieve - Empower for Success
Wendy Tremblay, Principal
Email: wtremblay@ccs.coloma.org
Website: http://cjh.coloma.org/
Location: 302 West St. Joseph Street, Coloma, MI, USA
Phone: 269-468-2405
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/colomajh