Board Brief
Top things to know from the Nov. 9th Governing Board Meeting

1. Superintendent, Dr. Andy Johnsen shared a presentation to the Board and community.
During the August 8, 2024 meeting, Dr. Andy Johnsen shared an update highlighting all of the summer work taking place throughout the District preparing for a successful 2024-25 school year.
This includes a variety of facilities and maintenance & operations projects across our schools, serving over 19,300 summer meals to children, summer enrichment programs, staff professional development and the launch of a new e-bike safety program.
2. The Board heard an update on Carrillo Elementary drainage, turf, and asphalt project.
Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, Erin Garcia, along with Tova Corman, Executive Director of Facilities and Planning Development, provided an update on the extensive project at Carrillo Elementary, including the scope of the project, current status, and next steps.
Project Scope
Due to multiple cracks and regular water surfacing on the blacktop, last school year the Maintenance & Operations team began filling the blacktop cracks, seal coating and striping. However, very shortly after, the cracks resurfaced and water damage continued.
District experts, engineers, architects and city officials have all been working, since the last school year, to investigate and implement a solution to address the excess water flow that has deteriorated the blacktop and grass fields. As teams have continued to work, it has been discovered this issue is more extensive than previously assessed. Due to a unique subsurface water issue, a long-term solution entails removal of the main asphalt play area to install new drainage systems, which includes a new subsurface concrete foundation that will be laid to prevent water damage in the future.
Current Status
Work is currently underway at Carrillo, and at this time are currently in the permitting process with the City of Carlsbad. While they understand the urgency of the project, these permitting timelines are out of our control.
Contractor, Erickson-Hall Construction, is sealing the asphalt that can remain and re-striping these areas to create new play areas. A smaller field located on the back of campus will be opened to have additional grass space, as well as opening the large grass areas in between buildings during recess. Additional play equipment, including gaga courts, will be available as well as keeping the north play structure and Kinder play structures open, and adding additional playground supervisors.
Next Steps
Our teams are awaiting permitting and plan approval from the City and state, with the goal of beginning construction on the long-term solution in Spring 2025.
Carrillo families are invited to an upcoming Parent Meeting where they will receive a complete presentation and overview of the project. Project updates to Carrillo families will continue throughout all phases of the project.
Click here for a video update of the Carrillo Project.
3. The Board approved a Resolution to support Proposition 2, a Statewide Facilities Bond Measure.
Proposition 2 aims to allocate a total of $10 billion to improve educational facilities across the state, with $8.5 billion designated for K-12 schools and $1.5 billion for community colleges.
The funding ratios for New Construction, Modernization, and set-asides for career technical education, charter schools, and lead testing/mitigation align with the California Coalition for Adequate School Housing (CASH) proposed amounts and historical bond usage.
If passed by voters, SMUSD is eligible for up to $96 million of state funds for new construction and modernization projects to match with local funds to complete facility projects. Due to this potential funding to SMUSD, the Board approved the resolution to support the Proposition 2 State school facility bond.
4. Personnel Update.
The Governing Board approved several personnel updates, including several management positions:
Barney Dresman, Maintenance & Operations Coordinator
Jade Kelley, Registered Dietician
Dr. Lani Hsieh, Assistant Principal, Richland Elementary School
5. Gifts to San Marcos Unified School District.
For a complete and detailed overview of any of the items above, please see the full Board Meeting Agenda by clicking here.
For a link to the Board Briefs on the SMUSD website, please click here.
To watch a video of the Board meeting, please click here.