December, 2024
Contact Us!
Location: 14653 Clayton Road Chesterfield, MO 63011
Phone: 314-415-7500
Inside This Issue
- December, 2024
- West High News
- Yearbook Information
- WPO News
- District News
We have arrived at the final month of 2024. This year December will span an action packed three weeks before we dismiss for Winter Break. It is hard to not be excited about all that December has to offer as it accompanies all of the excitement of the upcoming holiday season. It is also a time to put an exclamation point on the end of a great year and to begin thinking about all a new year can offer.
We certainly hope everyone had a wonderful, relaxing and rest-filled Thanksgiving! During the holiday season, it is common to continue the thankful thoughts from Thanksgiving by counting blessings associated with our families, our work, our friends and our loved ones. West High and the West area community are some of the things that I continue to be most thankful for. Our school community continues to thrive and collaborate around our common goal of being one of the best places for our students to learn and grow.
I sincerely thank each of you all for all you do in supporting our students, our staff, and each other. As the calendar year draws to a close, there are many events, activities and competitions happening around our school. I encourage you to come out to an event to watch, listen, or cheer for all the hard work our students put forth in and around the building.
The next few weeks and into January are very important to close the semester in the strongest way possible. Our students will work through December and into January putting the final touches on the hard work done throughout the first semester. Our final exam schedule is included in this Monthly update. These next few weeks are critical, and student focus in classes needs to remain strong through to Winter Break. Please check in regularly with students and on Infinite Campus to get updates regarding progress.
I wish all of you a very happy holiday season! These moments are so special for so many, and I hope you can enjoy them surrounded with love and laughter.
Go Longhorns! We are West High!
With Longhorn Pride,
John McCabe
Principal, West High
December Events
December A-O-E
Club Photo Day
Parkway Holiday Cup Details
Semester One Final Exam Schedule
Save the Date - Sip and Study
56th Annual West High Winter Concert
Winter Concert
The 56th Annual Winter Choir Concert will be held Dec. 10 at 7pm in the beautiful Pillsbury Chapel on the campus of MO Baptist University. The West High Choirs will be joined by West Middle School 8th graders in a joint concert featuring winter favorites and choral classics including excerpts from the Vivaldi Gloria. A string quartet will greet you as you walk in the lobby to set the scene for a night of wonderful music. Several student musicians will join us throughout the concert, as well as, some featured singers in between group performances. Finally, we would like to invite all alumni to join us on stage for the traditional singing of Lord Bless You and Keep You to conclude the concert. We hope you can join us!
Band News
The Parkway West band program has had a very busy month of November. On November 14th, the concert and symphonic bands held their fall concert. In addition to the two bands, a large percussion ensemble was also part of the performance. On November 18th the jazz band and jazz choir held their winter concert. Mr. Dustin Shrum from Jefferson College was a guest soloist with the jazz band. The band is excited to have nine students selected for the St. Louis All-Suburban Band this year. Those selected include Cara Purdy (jr-oboe), Baskara Wahana (jr-clarinet), Kate Beck (jr-clarinet), Dominic Perez (sr-alto saxophone), TJ Polack (jr-alto saxophone), Cole Kayira (jr-jazz trumpet), Zac Card (so-tuba), Alene Jia (fr-french horn), and Collin Jackson (fr-percussion). As always, learn more about the band at West by visiting www.parkwaywestband.com.
News from the Nurse
Dental Safari Information Sheet
Dental Safari Flyer
Eye Thrive
News from LOCO
Food Drive
Canned Food Drive
The Social Studies Department will be conducting its annual canned food drive from Dec 10-17. This highly anticipated event (which Annie Wayland has won almost every time) will pit the SS teachers against each other with 2 teams (Team Wayland and Team Chazen). This year's recipient of the collections will be the Parkway Food Pantry. Let the donations begin.
District Early Release
Our next district E-ER (Early Release) Day of the 2024-25 school year is scheduled on Wednesday, December 11th. The schedule for the day is included.
District Half Day Schedule
Parkway West High will run a half day schedule on Friday, December 20th leading into our Winter Break.
Who To Call at West High
Paubel's Pointers
Officer Matt Paubel is West High's on-site School Resource Officer (he's been here since 2021) Matt is a Chesterfield police officer and works with West High administration for all security purposes and much more. In order to keep all families, students and staff safe while traveling to and from West High, he would like everyone to keep the following pointers in mind:
- Winter months bring unpredictable weather. Please take the proper precautions and be conscious of slowing down during winter weather to avoid unnecessary risk to yourself and others.
- Please continue following proper protocols with regard to parking. Display your tag on your rearview mirror or dashboard. Only park in designated student parking spots.
If you plan on participating in athletics, please keep in mind that MSHSAA requires that student athletes enroll in, and pass, at minimum 6 classes each semester in order to participate in athletics. Please contact Jeff Taggart, Athletic & Activities Director or your grade level principal if you need additional information.
2025 Yearbook Information
Nutrition Services Information
West High Parent Organization NEWS
Next meeting January 14th, 7 pm in WHS Library
"New Volunteer Opportunities available to support Trivia Night!" Volunteers and Auction Donations Needed, Sign-up today! Click this VOLUNTEER LINK to view current volunteer sign-ups! Opportunities will continue to be added throughout the school year.
Parkway West High School
Email: westhigh@parkwayschools.net
Website: www.parkwayschools.net/whs
Location: 14653 Clayton Road, Chesterfield, MO 63011, USA
Phone: (314) 415-7500