Notes from Dr. Irvin
Your WGHS Weekly eNews for February 6
Hello WGHS Families,
We are so grateful for our Parents' Club initiative to "Show the Love" fundraiser. Each year, I take pictures of the hearts that include our staff by name to ensure they are aware of the kindness and thoughtfulness of our school community. While the larger setting presents many challenges, our community's support has been a salve to our staff.
I encourage you to share your positive observations and comments formally in our Parents' Club fundraiser or less formally as you find most accessible. We are very grateful for all the support.
Matt Irvin
Show the Love to Our Teachers, Staff and Coaches!
WHAT: Webster Groves High School Parents’ Club BIGGEST virtual fundraiser.
WHEN: Going on RIGHT NOW until February 14th we will fill the halls of WGHS with hearts representing all the people and ways that we LOVE our community.
WHO: Any member of our community can donate to support our work! For a donation of just $10 we will put the name of your child, a friend, neighbor, teacher, counselor, staff, coach or administrator on a heart to help SHOW THE LOVE!
WHY: Every dollar donated supports the 3 main missions of the WGHS Parents’ Club
1) Provide enrichment grants to WGHS teachers and staff!
2) Award scholarships in the amount of $1,000 to 15 graduating seniors!
3) To provide a safe and fun Senior party commemorating the end of their high school journey!
These three missions require $45,000 a year to support. In addition to these mission-based programs, the Parents' Club also supports beautification of school grounds, numerous hospitality events throughout the year to WGHS teachers and staff, Chilifest and more!
HOW: Watch your email and social media for a link to the DONATE page. Simply fill out the form and tell us what name to put on the heart!
All this is not possible without the support of our WGHS community. If a donation of just $10 were made for each student at the school, we will make our 2025 Show the Love goal!
Together, we can help continue a tradition of excellence.
AND THERE ARE DIFFERENT GIVEAWAYS GOING ON THROUGHOUT THE TWO WEEKS! Give a donation on the day of a specific giveaway and be entered to win that prize! Watch social media and email all week for the fun and exciting prizes.
Next Week's Schedule: LSA, A, B, C, NO SCHOOL (PD Day)
REMINDER: No School on Friday, 2/14 or Monday, 2/17
Friday, 2/14: PD Day
Monday, 2/17: Presidents Day
DECA District Competition Results
- Maeve Sauter and Gracie McGrew 2nd place in buying and merchandising team
- Mia Simon and Megan Parsons 2nd place in entrepreneurship team
- Tyler Lappe and Owen Giles-Davis 4th place in financial services team
- Ryan DeMargel and Gillian Hutt 5th place in marketing management team
- Izzy Zarky and Emery McReynolds 2nd place in sports and entertainment marketing team
- Audrey Cross and Reagan Matteoti 2nd place in travel and tourism team
- Morgan Patrick 4th place in restaurant and food service management
Spring Parent Conferences
Spring Parent Conferences are scheduled for March 10-11 and will be a combination of in-person and via Zoom. Conference times are below:
March 10: 4:30 - 8:30, in person
March 11: 4:30 - 8:30, virtual
Families will receive an invitation later this month to sign up for their conferences.
Counseling Center Updates
2nd Semester Dual Credit Registration deadline is approaching!
Eligible courses for dual credit this semester are: Child Development, Personal Finance, AP US History, Computer Science, Advanced Forensics, Game Design & Web Design. Please refer to your email for more details.
Thank you for attending our College & Career Night on Feb.4th. We hope it was encouraging and informative for you and your students. Missed a session or two? Please visit this document for links to the presentations and information shared that evening: WGHS College & Career Night Information
Webster Groves Local Scholarship Applications are due February 18th!
Seniors! Applications for Webster Groves local scholarships are now available and are due to Ms. Adams in the Main Office on Feb. 18th.
College Visits at WGHS
Our spring college visits have begun! Juniors and Seniors may sign up to see a college by visiting the counseling office for a pass ahead of time. See the calendar of visits here.
Individual College/Career Planning Conferences available for Juniors and their families!
Please schedule using the links provided for your College & Career Counselor by student last name.
Jennedy Lombard (A-K) Click HERE to schedule your meeting with Mrs. Lombard
Cassie Aschinger (L-Z) Click HERE to schedule your meeting with Mrs. Aschinger
Save the Date!
All Juniors will take the ACT on April 8th during the regular school day. No registration needed. This will be a paper/pencil traditional format exam.
Looking for ways to prepare for the ACT/ SAT? Check out free prep and practice tests through the Varsity Tutors app - accessible to all students through their Clever account.
Looking to register for other exams? Please visit www.act.org or www.sat.org to view test dates and deadlines.
The next upcoming test option is the March 8th SAT, with registration due on 2/21.
Spring will be here soon and so will the annual Statesmen Service Awards - our celebration of students who are making a difference in their community through volunteering.
Students can find a variety of service opportunities (as well as internships, summer programs and more!) via GivePulse. Please verify with the Chelsea Center that volunteer hours are entered into GivePulse prior to Spring Break!
Questions? Contact Julie Simonson (simonson.julie@wgmail.org) in Office 124 or Patrick Bommarito (bommarito.patrick@wgmail.org) in Chelsea Center with any GivePulse inquiries.
Did You Know?
Do you have a WGSD learning device at home? For students or families having technology issues, please do the following:
- For specific Canvas issues, contact Mr. Young at young.mark@wgmail.org.
- Encourage your student to visit the Library circulation desk for help with their device.
As always, you are welcome to contact us at 314.963.6400 for assistance.
Have you...
PLEASE NOTE: The Parents' Club scholarship deadline has been extended to Mar 7!
Seniors now have until March 7 to submit the Parents' Club Scholarship. Recipients will be notified at Senior Awards Night. Click here to apply.
Donations needed to the Class of 2025 Senior Party!
Our Amazon Gift List is Live. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are just around the corner.
This is the perfect opportunity to snag Senior Gifts at unbeatable prices!
Every Senior who attends the party on 5/17/25 goes home with a gift.
That's a lot of gifts needed!
Select Andrea Osdieck as the delivery address.
Thanks so much for your help!
Class of 2025 Commencement Ceremony
May 17, 2025 6:30pm
Chaifetz Arena
Doors will open for guests at 5:30 p.m.
Guests: We are not limiting the number of guests per graduate.
Tickets: There will be no tickets for entry to Chaifetz Arena.
Parking: Parking is paid by guests in the Olive/Compton garage. Fees will be announced in the spring. Street parking is available but limited.
Duration: The ceremony lasts approximately 1.5 hours, depending on the size of the class.
Chelsea Center Corner
Is your child seeking ways to extend their learning opportunities or differentiate themselves on applications and resumes?
The Chelsea Center maintains a database of summer opportunities to help students stretch their wings, follow their passions, and build their skills to highlight within competitive application processes. All regional opportunities we amplify are listed in the GivePulse database accessible to students at wgsd.givepulse.com via their WGSD Google Login credentials.
Because that database is reserved for student use, parents will need to look through those opportunities alongside students. To make access to the information as simple as possible, we've listed the various opportunities for you in a readily accessible format via our Chelsea Center Newsletter accessed at bit.ly/chelseacenternews. This week we're highlighting opportunities on the Health Pathway.
You may apply to receive funding to cover the cost of these experiences, so please see us in the Chelsea Center PRIOR to making any deposit. Simultaneous enrollment in a Chelsea Center Passion Pursuit course that wraps goal setting and reflection work around your desired experience is required to receive funding.
Students should express interest for individual opportunities by registering via the green button on GivePulse and then Chelsea Center staff will reach out to them individually! Please email Dr. Kerry Arens at arens.kerry@wgmail.com with further questions.
WGHS Attendance Procedures
Call your child's AP office to report an absence, late arrival, or early departure. Checking out early? When leaving school during the day, students must check out through the assistant principal’s office.
Student Early Release:
We require at least one hour notice when calling your student out early. Call the Assistant Principal's office before the designated time and report the absence. You may also send a note with the student to be presented to the Assistant Principal's office before school.
At the designated time, your student will receive a pass to check out if you called ahead. The student will check out in the Assistant Principal's office.
You will NOT enter the building if you have called the absence in and communicated a pick-up location with your child. However, if you choose to pick up your child in the building, you must do so at the main entrance on Selma Avenue. Upon entering the building, check in with the receptionist. Please bring your driver's license if you are checking in. The receptionist will contact the Assistant Principal’s office to send for your student. Please be aware that not calling ahead to schedule an early release can take up to 30 minutes to send for a student.
For attendance, please call 314.963.6400 and listen to the prompts.
Webster Groves School District uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.
Create a Canvas Account to Stay Connected
To stay connected with the learning in our classrooms, please create a Canvas Observer Account which is our district's learning management system. You will find three helpful documents below:
- Canvas Informational Letter
- Creating an Observer Account, Logging into Canvas, and Setting Notifications
- Student Accessing Canvas
If you have any questions please contact Tim Brown, Director of Student Assessment, Data and Learning Technologies at brown.tim@wgmail.org.
Shop the Parents' Club Spirit Store!
The Spirit Store is open! Hours are 8-9:15 a.m., Tuesday - Friday.
The online store is open 24 hours a day at https://www.wghsparentsclub.org/spiritwear.
Every time you shop at the Spirit Store, you are supporting student scholarships and teacher grants!
Webster Groves High School
Email: erb.mickey@wgmail.org
Website: www.webster.k12.mo.us/wghs
Location: 100 Selma Avenue, Webster Groves, MO, USA
Phone: (314) 963-6400
Facebook: facebook.com/WGAlumni
Twitter: @WebsterGrovesHS