PA Transition Tidbits
Updates and Events - June 2024
Do You Know About the Special Kids Network?
The SKN helpline assists providers and parents of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) access local services and supports. SKN connects families to resources within their community to allow CYSHCN to be successful and develop to their full potential. SKN serves children and youth with physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional needs from birth through age 21.
Information and resources provided by the SKN Helpline include, but are not limited to:
- education
- transportation
- housing
- medical assistance programs
- waiver programs
- transitional resources
- employment
- equipment and assistive devices
- early childhood and child care
- supports and services
Also visit the HelpinPA: Resources for Your Family's Health guide.
Special Kids Helpline
- Is a toll-free number. Call us at 1-800-986-4550;
- Is available Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.; *
- Is answered by trained, knowledgeable staff; and
- Connects families to resources.
*If you are unable to call during hours of operation, please leave a message or email RA-DHBFHSKN@pa.gov. Your call or email will be responded to on the next business day.
Need resources to support students with healtcare needs as they transition?
"Got Transition is the national resource center on healthcare transition (HCT). Its aim is to improve transition from pediatric to adult healthcare through the use of evidence driven strategies for healthcare professionals, youth, young adults, and their families."
Take a look at resources desinged for:
PA Department of Health's Transition to Adult Living in Pennsylvania
PA Department of Health created a checklist, resources and steps to assist youth and families in making a successful transition to adult living that includes health and health care.
YOUth Can Do It!
YES (Youth Engagement Specialist) Tips for Mental Health Transition
Transitioning from pediatric to adult mental health (MH) care presents considerable hurdles, often resulting in fragmented care and leaving young individuals vulnerable to negative mental health outcomes (Cleverley et al., 2020). This transition process not only mirrors the complexities seen in physical care settings but can also exacerbate them. Detailed planning involving patients, families, and healthcare providers is vital for youths with disabilities, recognizing the significant stress experienced by family caregivers during these transitions. Early and forward-thinking planning, encompassing aspects such as insurance coverage, acquiring necessary equipment, and developing navigation skills, is imperative for fostering independence and ensuring successful outcomes. Moreover, facilitating open dialogue to understand patients' aspirations regarding work, education, and other life goals is integral to tailoring transition plans effectively.
Supporting these transitions demands an approach that addresses medical, practical, and emotional needs, both for individuals and their families. However, numerous obstacles hinder this process, including delays, emotional distress, and the logistical complexities of coordinating changes in education, employment, transportation, and insurance. Challenges may manifest at various levels, including individual, familial, provider, systemic, and societal, underscoring the need for a nuanced understanding within the community.
Limited health literacy and issues with follow through can also exasperate these concerns, emphasizing the importance of assessing readiness alongside eligibility for health care transition. To facilitate seamless transitions, there is a pressing need to enhance community awareness and resources, including the establishment of support networks, educational initiatives, and accessible information channels. Collaboration among healthcare professionals, educators, social workers, and community organizations is paramount to augment the support available, ensuring transitioning youth receive comprehensive care to thrive in their new life phase.
2024 Call for Personal Stories: PA Autism Training Conference
Objective: It is important to feature the experiences and voices of autistic individuals. Respond to one of thebelow prompts and let your voice be heard! Stories will be displayed virtually during the conference and beyond. If your story is accepted, you will receive a $100 honorarium via check after the conference.
Age Requirement: 14 and older.
Submissions: Email your story to info@paautism.org with the subject "PATC Personal Stories." Include your name, mailing address, email, and phone number. You may use a pen name, however, we encourage the use of your real name to inspire others to speak up. A support person is welcome to assist with your submission.
Past Examples: Visit MyODP to view examples from last year's conference. Scroll to the section titled “PATC 2023 Personal Stories.”
Please Note: The PATC team reserves the right to make minor edits to submissions. However, you will be ableto review and provide final approval. A limited number of stories will be accepted, so apply soon! For any questions, please email info@paautism.org
Story Options
- WRITTEN ESSAY - 250 to 1,500 words. You also have the option to have your essay turned into an Animated Video.
- VIDEO STORY - 1 to 5 minute recording.
- VIDEO INTERVIEW - If you would like to be interviewed on camera by a member of the PATC team, email info@paautism.org
- What assumptions do people make about you? Share examples of how these assumptions affected you.
- What are some of your personal goals? Why are they important to you? How can the people in your life best support you in achieving these goals?
- How do you define neurodiversity? What are some ways you celebrate your neurodivergent identity?
- What is something you want people to understand about being neurodivergent?
- Describe an instance when you felt you had to “mask” or hide your autistic traits. How did it make you feel?Additionally, describe a moment when you felt you could be your authentic self.
- Write about a recent change in your life. How did you handle it? What strategies helped you cope, and what lessons did you learn from the experience?
Do you want something to share with families to explain the Student-led IEP (Individualized Education Program) process?
Are you looking for a tool to use to start conversations about how a family can partner with their child and the school to have more of a voice in their education?
The Student-led IEP (SLIEP) hub has pages of ideas for families to use on how to get started now on their own, with their child, and with their school.
It has practical next steps as well as additional resources for a more indepth look at IEPs and the student-led IEP process.There is also an infographic that highlights the benefits, for families, by being part of the SLIEP Process.
Check out the SLIEP hub at www:bit.ly/sliep
Please share the flyer and QR code with school staff, families and youth!
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Keeping your children healthy goes beyond just making sure that they aren't sick. Good health means that you have to make decisions like choosing nutritious foods, making sure they get enough exercise and ensuring they're up-to-date on vaccinations. It may seem overwhelming but don't worry! We have resources to help you every step of the way.
The Pennsylvania Department of Health has resources for families that can help!
Help in PA
The Help in PA resource page is for pregnant women, infants, children, children with special health care needs and families. Click on the county of interest on the map feature and you will be provided with a list of resources specific to that county. To update or correct any information in these documents, please contact syrharrell@pa.gov.
Announcing: PA Secondary Transition – Public Square
Looking for a place where you can Connect, Collect, & Contribute
to all things secondary transition?
Connect with people from across our state to collect
resources, share events and contribute stories about positive post-school outcomes!
Click here to create an account and login to join our PA Secondary Transition- Public Square.
National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACT:C)
Are you looking to learn more information about transition?
Check out their Training Resource Library.
If you're new to transition, be sure to check out Transition 101!
Transition Events
ODP Employment Regional Symposium Closing the Gap: Achieving a Workforce with Different Abilities
Registration Now OPEN!
In this second annual ODP Employment Regional Symposium, participants will hear from employers about how, what, and why they hired individuals with developmental disabilities. Individuals who are employed and their teams will describe how having a job made a difference in their lives and the lives of their families. Representatives from the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP), Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR), and the Bureau of Special Education will discuss collaboration across systems and offices with a focus on things that you thought might not be possible.
Who should attend?
Anyone interested in advancing the employment of individuals with developmental disabilities including but not limited to: current and future employers, local education authorities, intermediate units, ODP employment/community participation support/residential providers, supports coordinators, administrative entities transition counselors, regional employment coalitions, and OVR business liaisons.
All Sessions will run from 10 AM to 3 PM. Lunch will be provided. Morning beverages and snacks are on your own.
Session Dates and Location:
June 5, 2024
Tannersville, PA, Northampton Community College
June 12, 2024
Butler, PA, Monarch Institute
June 18, 2024
Malvern, PA, PaTTAN East
June 26, 2024
Bellefonte, PA, Central Penn Institute of Science and Technology
You will be prompted to select the location you wish to attend on the registration page.
For Questions, contact: PATraining@columbusorg.com
2024 PA Community of Practice Transition Conference
Charting Your Course
July 31-August 1, 2024
Virtual and In-Person Registration Now Available!
Penn Stater Conference Center - 215 Innovation Boulevard State College, PA 16803
The primary purpose of this two-day conference is to expand the capacity of youth, family members, schools, and community partners regarding specific issues related to effective employment and post-secondary educational practices, development of healthy lifestyles, and the utility of assistive technology, resources, supports, and services available to youth and families.
Conference Features
Accommodations, Supports and Resources Expo, Reception & Raffle
This interactive, hands-on expo is designed for participants to learn about specific assistive technology, resources, supports, and services available to youth. Participants will gather valuable information from transition partners, conference presenters, and community agencies. As part of the expo, on Wednesday afternoon, there will be a raffle of items provided by members of our PA Secondary Transition Community of Practice and our vendors.
Youth & Family Team Sessions
Throughout the years, youth/young adults, and families have benefitted from the sessions held at the transition conference. Based upon feedback, the planning team has developed a team approach where youth and family members (or a supporting adult) attend sessions together. These sessions include youth development activities, to help youth plan for adult life, with the support of their family (or supporting adult).
Payment Options:
Credit card payment – The PaTTAN registration system is equipped to process payments made by credit card. Credit card payments are entered online as part of the registration process.
Check or money/purchase order payments - Make check or money/purchase orders payable to INTERMEDIATE UNIT 1 and send to the attention of the Business Office, PaTTAN West, 3190 William Pitt Way, Pittsburgh, PA 15238. Email purchase orders to ConferencePO@pattanpgh.net. Checks or money/purchase orders must include registrants(s) full name(s).
In-Person Payment Deadline:
Please note that if your registration fee is not received by July 15, 2024, you will be required to submit payment at the registration desk prior to registering and receiving your conference materials. (Parents of children with disabilities and youth/young adults are exempt from this charge.)
Virtual Payment Deadline:
Payment must be received prior to July 15, 2024, to ensure access to the virtual platform. Online access to the conference will not be available to participants who have not submitted payment.
If you are unable to attend the conference you must cancel your registration by July 15, 2024, by contacting Paula Quinn via email at pquinn@pattanpgh.net, or your registration fee will not be refunded.
Youth and Family Scholarships
The PA Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) and PaTTAN are pleased to offer a limited number of in- person and virtual youth/young adult and family/caregiver scholarships to Pennsylvania residents who have transition aged youth between the ages of 14-21, with a current IEP, a 504 Plan or self-disclose that they have a disability. Scholarships will be awarded through an application selection process. Please address all fields of the application fully, as the Conference Committee will carefully review each application. Scholarship opportunities for families from underserved and underrepresented communities will be given preference.
Eligibility to Apply:
Scholarships are available to all of the following conference attendees:
• Transition-aged youth with a current IEP, a 504 Plan or self-disclose that they have a disability between the ages of 14-21 accompanied by an adult (family member/ caregiver) - Scholarships will not be awarded if the student is age 22 or older or will turn 22 before July 31, 2024.
• Family member or caregiver of a transition-aged youth between the ages of 14-21, with a current IEP, a 504 Plan or self-disclose that they have a disability (youth NOT attending).
• Youth Ambassadors who work collaboratively with teachers, Local Education Agencies (LEA) Transition Coordinators and OVR, PaTTAN, and Bureau of Special Education (BSE) staff to improve the transition of students with disabilities from school to postsecondary education or an employment outcome.
Important Information:
• To be eligible for a scholarship from the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR), there must be an OVR-244 (Pre-ETS Request) on file or an open case with OVR.
• Please Note: If an OVR-244 is not currently on file or an open OVR case, then a referral to OVR is required to receive a scholarship. Any questions, please reach out to Melissa Wert-Thrush at mwertthrus@pa.gov.
Each Scholarship Covers:
1. Registration Fee - For either in-person or virtual registration.
2. Lodging - For those traveling 50 miles or more to the conference, the cost of one, double occupancy hotel room for July 30 & 31, 2024 will be paid.
3. Conference Meals - Continental breakfast and lunch on July 31 and August 1st will be provided. All other meals will be the responsibility of the conference attendee.
Scholarships do not include travel expenses; all conference attendees will need to provide and pay for their own transportation.
Conference registration and session attendance is required to participate in conference amenities. Childcare is NOT provided.
Application Process and Deadline:
- To apply for a youth and family scholarship, go to: https://forms.office.com/r/X4RBMjRFGx
- Scholarship applications must be submitted by June 5, 2024.
- If more than one youth/young adult with a disability will be attending in-person, per family, a separate application must be completed for each youth/young adult.
- Preference will be given to first-time applicants.
- Scholarship notifications will be sent no later than June 7, 2024.
More information available on the conference website!
Are you looking for transition events across PA?
This newsletter is brought to you by The Pennsylvania Community on Transition
The Pennsylvania Community on Transition is a group of various stakeholders from across Pennsylvania who work collaboratively to ensure appropriate transition outcomes for Pennsylvania youth and young adults.
The Pennsylvania Community on Transition is a state leadership team consisting of representative from: the State Departments of Education, Health, Labor and Industry, and Human Services; Various Serving Agencies, Young Adults, Parent Organizations, Advocates, Higher Education, and Employers.
The shared vision and common goals of the Pennsylvania Community on Transition is achieved when all PA youth and young adults with disabilities:
- Successfully transition to the role of productive and participating adult citizens
- Are empowered to recognize their talents, strengths, and voice
- Have equal access to resources that will promote their full participation in the communities of their choice.
Email: pasecondarytransition@gmail.com
Website: https://www.pasecondarytransition.com/
Phone: 4128266878
Twitter: @hmangiskuntz