Connections Weekly Newsletter
September 2, 2022
Upcoming Events
Sept. 6 - Junior, Financial Aid, and Senior Connections Family Night, 5:30-7:30 (new date) This will include an overview of what is to be expected for post-secondary planning for juniors and seniors, and a guest speaker to cover financial aid for college.
5:30-6:10 Juniors
6:15-6:40 Financial Aid (open to all grade levels)
6:45-7:30 Seniors
Sept. 7 - Freshmen and Sophomore Connections Family Night, 5:30-6:30 Join our Connections team as we introduce (and continue) a PWR (Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness) Path for every student.
Sept. 9 - AP & PSAT/NMSQT Payment Deadline
Sept. 20 - Senior College Information Night, 5:30-6:30. Lecture Hall Rm 1102 Learn about the college application process. In addition to covering the details of the college application process and how to use Naviance, we will cover student responsibilities, what TCA sends as part of the college application process, deadlines, and other application components. There will also be plenty of time to get your questions answered, so come prepared to ask! Students are welcome to attend.
CLASS OF 2023 - Advisor Skip Zickmund
I visited the seniors in their Civics class this week to start to talk about Naviance and the college application process. During the visit, we reviewed the correct way to have transcripts sent to colleges. The key takeaway was, “Apply first, request transcripts second.” It must be in this order, if not, requests to have transcripts sent will be deleted.
There are several important deadlines for college applications from now until December so my visits will be focused on this task. After December, class visits will focus on resume writing, a bit more career/internship information, and general “readiness” for post-secondary “life.”
One point that was emphasized was that everyone is at a different point in this process. What one student is doing is great for them, but it might not, nor does it have to be, the same for all students. Students were reminded to stop by my office to let me know where they might have questions, I can’t help if I don’t know.
Finally, in the “You Should Know” category, October 18-20 is Colorado Free Application Day. All application fees will be waived for Colorado State schools and most private schools. Click here for more information.
Here is a link to the Senior Year Checklist to help stay aware of some of the monthly “milestones.”
CLASS OF 2024 - Advisor Skip Zickmund
Starting 11th grade is sometimes a stressful time for students. Whereas 9th and 10th grade were times of transition and hitting your stride, 11th grade is often when high school really kicks into high gear. There’s not much time left for experimenting with different activities or finding the right course load. Instead, you’re expected to hit the ground running.
In addition, your junior year may be the beginning of the college search process. You’ll need to start curating a college list, preparing for standardized tests, and deciding how to present yourself as a college applicant. It can all seem a little overwhelming at first glance. Luckily, if you break it down into smaller pieces and get a better idea of what to expect, you’ll have no trouble. Wondering where to get started? Here, we are eight things you’ll need to do as you start 11th grade.
CLASS OF 2025 and 2026 - Advisor Joanna Peters
Please join us on Sept. 7 for Connections’ Freshmen/Sophomore Family Night, 5:30-6:30, Brown Center for the Arts (through café). This will be a walkthrough of the resources and tips for helping your freshmen and sophomores.
Connections, Room 1104
Look and sign up for these events in Naviance one days before to receive a pass, otherwise, stop by Connections to get a pass. Most out-of-state visits and mini-college fairs happen in the fall.
* Tuesday, 9/6 10:30, BINGO
* Tuesday, 9/6 1:15, University of CO, Boulder
* Wednesday, 9/7 10:30, CSU - Pueblo
* Wednesday, 9/7 2:10, CSU - Ft. Collins
UCCS will be hosting an Open House for students interested in helping professions on October 19 from 10am-3pm.
The Colorado Council on High School/College Relations will be hosting a college fair for District 20 on Wednesday, October 5 from 6-7pm at 1110 Chapel Hills Drive.
NACAC will be hosting a college fair on Sunday, September 25 from 1-4pm in Denver.
AP & PSAT/NMSQT Payment Deadline is September 9, 2022
AP & PSAT/NMSQT payments must be completed in Infinite Campus by Sept. 9, 2022. Any payment questions are to be directed to the Finance office. Fee waivers for testing are available (see below); the deadline to return the waiver is also Sept. 9, 2022.
- AP exam: $97 per AP course - AP exam is required for ALL AP courses
- Optional PSAT/NMSQT exam: $18 per exam
Why would I pay the optional fee and take the PSAT/NMSQT exam?
Fee Waivers
If you qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch, you qualify for testing fee waivers and college application fee waivers, even if you have not filed at the district for free/reduced lunch. If you are unsure, please look at the guidelines and let us know if you qualify. We would love to walk you through the ways (in Connections) we can help. The deadline to register for the October PSAT/NMSQT exam is September 9, 2022. If you qualify for a PSAT/NMSQT exam fee waiver, please submit this form to Connections or by Sept. 9. If you need a full or partial waiver for AP exams, please submit this form.
Enrichment Opportunities
Starting in Fall 2022, students who enroll in one of the following healthcare certificate programs will have tuition, fees, and course materials covered as Care Forward Colorado funding allows.
· Certified nursing assistant
· Emergency medical technician
· Phlebotomy technician
· Pharmacy technician
· Medical assistant
· Dental assistant
Are you a low-income high school senior who has excelled academically, but feels that the nation’s best colleges are financially out of reach? The QuestBridge National College Match can be your pathway to a top college. Through this college and scholarship application process, you can apply for free to the nation’s best colleges and be considered for early admission and a full four-year scholarship. Watch our video to learn more.
Columbia University in the City of New York will be hosting a Virtual Columbia Engineering Experience (CE2) from October 8-9. CE2 was created to encourage high-achieving high school seniors from historically underrepresented backgrounds to explore an engineering education at Columbia.
Eight highly selective liberal arts colleges have joined forces to provide college-bound students and their families with information about some of the most celebrated colleges in the United States on Thursday, September 8 at 7pm in Denver. Register here.
Connections will host a virtual Info Session for CU Anschutz Nursing Programs - bachelor's Traditional, UCAN (Accelerated), and Integrated Nursing Pathway programs - on September 7 from 12-1 pm. Sign up in Naviance.
Wellesley College provides an opportunity for seniors from underrepresented cultural backgrounds, first-generation students, and students from other underrepresented communities to apply for VOICE- a virtual college access program. Please let Ms. Peters in Connections know if you would like to apply.
Apprenticeships are great opportunities to earn while you learn. See this flyer for more information.
John Hopkins University is hosting Hopkins Senior Visit Days on October 3, 10, 17, and 24. Travel assistance is available on a limited, first-come, first-served basis.
Each episode of The College Tour allows you to tour a different college or university without even leaving home. This week’s episode features Missouri Southern State University, which provides students with innovative learning environments and the opportunity to prepare for the competitive and changing world. Located in Joplin, Missouri, MSSU has focused on immersive learning and a global mission serving its region for the past 80 years.
Lockheed Martin & Tallo have created a 4-part series to introduce students to a career in STEM with Lockheed Martin. Students will hear experiences from experts in the aerospace field, see behind the scenes how they innovate, and learn how you can start a career in Space. Register now before the September 13th deadline.
Interested in ballet? Check out this summer intensive program with Houston Ballet.
2023 Bluestaq Software Development Summer Internship applications are available. Deadline to apply is September 12.
Scholarships and Incentive Programs
The Walentas Scholars Program develops leaders, citizens, and scholars who are pioneers—the first or among the first in their families to earn a bachelor’s degree from a college or university. This full ride, four-year scholarship enrolled its first class this fall and will be increasing in size in 2023.
That's a Real Job
Career Spotlights
Help Us Help You
Back to School Checklist
This checklist has been created for your convenience. This checklist is also on our Connections Webpage.
Connections Center (Career & College)
Skip Zickmund, Assistant Director - 11th & 12th Grades, AP
Jodi Hoffman, Office Manager - Rep Visits, Community Service
Location: 975 Stout Road, Colorado Springs, CO
Phone: 719-484-0091 1104