Nashua News
August 18, 2023
Nashua's Mission
Nashua Elementary
School Hours: 9:15-4:10
Attendance Line: (816) 321-5162
Location: 221 NE 114th St, Kansas City, MO 64155, USA
Phone: 816-321-5160
Twitter: @NashuaES
Minnich's Memo
Dear Nashua Families,
It was so wonderful to see you all at Back to School Night last night! We look forward to seeing your child at Nashua on Tuesday, August 22 for the first day of school! This is going to be the best year yet!
Ms. Courtney Minnich
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, August 22 - First day of school
Thursday, August 31 - Parent Orientation Night - 6:00 - 7:30
Monday, September 4 - No School - Labor Day
Monday, September 11 - Patriot Day Celebration
Tuesday, September 12 - PTA Meeting - 6pm
Thursday, September 14 - PTA Back to School BINGO
Friday, September 22 - No School - Staff Professional Development
Wednesday, September 27 - Picture Day
Here is the District Calendar
**As a reminder, North Kansas City Schools no longer has late start Thursdays. School hours every day are 9:15am - 4:10.**
Mark down the following days that students DO NOT have school:
September: 4th and 22nd
October: 6th and 9th
November: 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, and 24th
December: 21-29th
January:1, 2, 3 and 15th
February: 16th and 19th
March: 22nd, 25-29th
April: 19th
4th and 5th grade families - MAP reports coming home next week
As a reminder, the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) Grade-Level Assessments evaluate students’ progress toward the Missouri Learning Standards. 3-5th grade students take this in the spring. Each test produces an Individual Student Report (ISR) that includes an Achievement Level, which will describe the student performance as Below Basic, Basic, Proficient, or Advanced. The report also includes a short description of the knowledge and skills that are typically demonstrated by students in each Achievement Level.
More information on how interpret the test results will be provided in the parent letter, which will also be sent home with the student report.
Parent Orientation Night - August 31
Additionally, we are excited to share that Tina Biggs will be at Nashua this evening to talk to parents about Love & Logic Parenting. This Love and Logic training will provide parents with information on working through how kids become an energy drain and how you can work through it.
Here is how the timing of this night will look. Please note that Tina Biggs will be doing the Love and Logic session at 6:30pm and 7:00pm, and classroom teachers will be presenting to parents in their classrooms at 6pm and 6:30pm. This schedule allows for parents to be able to attend at least 2 classroom teacher sessions (if you have multiple students at Nashua) and still be able to attend a Love and Logic Session.
6:00-6:25 session 1 - Only the classroom teacher will be available at this time
6:30-6:55 session 2 - You may visit the classroom teacher or the Love and Logic session
7:00-7:30 session 3 - Only the Love and Logic session is available at this time
Seen around Nashua (Back to School Night)
NKC Attendance Policy
Once enrolled, the North Kansas City Schools Board of Education expects:
1. The student to attend school regularly.
2. Parents/guardians of the student to communicate regularly with the office staff regarding the student’s absences.
3. Every student should strive for 95% or above attendance. This would mean missing no more than 8 days of school.
4. State law requires district staff to report all instances of educational neglect, including poor school attendance, to Missouri Child Abuse and Neglect hotline.
5. If a student falls below attendance expectations, doctor’s notes and communication with the office staff are taken into consideration.
1. If your student falls between 85%-90% attendance, you will receive a flyer quarterly informing you of their attendance percentage.
2. If your student falls below 85% attendance, you will receive a letter informing you of the nonattendance days and their percentage.
3. If your student’s attendance continues to fall, you will receive a letter asking you to complete an attendance contract.
4. If your student’s attendance continues to fall, the school is required by state law to report all instances of educational neglect, including poor school attendance, to Missouri Child Abuse and Neglect hotline.
5. Students who fall below 85% participate in attendance club. These students check in with the staff members and can receive prizes for improving their attendance!
Additional Attendance Reminders
As we begin a new school year, this attendance information serves as a good reminder for how important this is to your child's success!
Regular attendance and punctuality help students develop and maintain a good attitude toward school and relate positively toward school achievement. Tardiness and absences can be upsetting for students, disrupting their schedules, requiring readjustment to the class routine, and interfering with learning.
It is important that your child attends school on time, every day. School attendance for school age children is compulsory by Missouri law. State guidelines deem attendance rates of 95% or better as necessary for optimal learning. If attendance is below 93%, our school attendance team will work with your family to develop a plan for increased attendance.
• If your child is going to be absent from school, please call the school’s attendance line at 816-321-5162 by 9:30 a.m. on the day of your child’s absence. If no contact is made by 9:30 a.m., every attempt will be made to reach a parent or emergency contact to verify the reason for the absence to ensure the child’s safety and parent awareness of their child’s whereabouts.
Family Resources
Phone: 816-321-4098 (Office) & 816-556-6609 (Cell)
You can also fill out this Resource Request Form.
Student Arrival
Car Rider Reminders
- Please ensure that your students are prepared to get out of the vehicle before you pull up to stop (ready to get out with backpacks, water bottles, etc.)
- If your child is reluctant to exit the vehicle, or if they are unprepared to exit the vehicle for any reason, please pull forward and to the left side while you resolve the issue, so that the line can continue to progress
- For safety reasons, students should exit the car on the passenger side.
- To avoid your child receiving a tardy and impacting their attendance, please attempt to complete drop-off before 9:12
Car Rider Procedures
To ensure safety and fair, quick car rider procedures during arrival and dismissal, we ask that all families adhere to the car rider procedure on the map below.
Car riders will access their line from the westbound lane of 114th street by way of McGee street. The NKC buses will access the bus loop by driving eastbound on 114th street.
In addition, if you are lining up early for dismissal, we ask that you not block driveways and mailboxes along 114th street or McGee street.
Thank you so much for your cooperation, as this helps for a smoother dismissal for everyone.
PTA Information/Updates:
Spirit Wear: Grab your gear! The Nashua online spirit wear store is now open and features shirts and hoodies. The deadline to purchase is Friday, Sept. 8. Shop spirit wear
23-24 Yearbook Purchases: Nashua yearbooks are being sold online for $15. Click here to purchase. If paying by cash or check, please print, fill out and send this order form with payment to school with your student. Make checks payable to Nashua PTA.
Classroom Sign Ups: Volunteer and get involved with your child's class throughout the year! Click the sign up link for more information! Sign-Up Link:
Labels: Save the date for the first Turn Them in Tuesday Labels Day Tuesday, September 12! Bring in a zipper bag of labels or empty ink cartridges for Nashua and dress in your favorite sports team!
*A note about Labels: Coca Cola is no longer offering product code rewards. Please do not submit coke caps or Coke Rewards from the boxes or the plastic Coke labels. Please don't send in any other bottle caps which includes but not limited to: Pepsi, water bottles, Gatorades, Powerade, milk jugs, or any other bottle caps.
When turning in Box Tops, please make sure they are only the pink box tops and are not already expired. Do not send the blue ones, those need to be scanned using the app! For questions, contact Labels Chair Amanda Timmermeyer at
Thank you for your support! You can also support Nashua with these apps:
Volunteer from home:
Projects will include: entering Coca-Cola codes, counting Box Tops or Best Choice UPCs, etc.
As we have tasks, I will:
1. Text/email/call the next volunteer in line.
2. You may accept or decline the task, based on your interest or current schedule.
3. I will send the supplies and instructions home to you.
4. You will have a couple weeks to complete the task and return it.
Sign up online:
PTA Volunteer from Home Sign Up
Get involved in the PTA!
Have you thought about getting involved in Nashua's PTA? We have several positions open for the 23-24 school year. We would love to help you find the right fit for you! Click here to see what’s available and sign up!
Memberships: You can join the Nashua PTA and order 2023-24 Nashua yearbooks online through our Cheddar Up site. Individual memberships are $10 and yearbooks $15. A PTA membership does not commit you to a chair position or volunteering, but it ensures you have a voice and your vote counts! Memberships support you, your students and our Nashua teachers. They provide school field trips, teacher appreciation gifts, classroom reimbursements and more! If you would like to be a Nashua PTA business member and receive recognition on our emails and social media pages, you can join for $20. CLICK HERE to order an individual or business membership and/or yearbook. If paying by cash or check, please print, fill out and send this order form with payment to school with your student. Make checks payable to Nashua PTA.
⭐We invite you to become a Business Member for the 23-24 school year and be recognized on the PTA website, emails and social media! Click here to purchase 23-24 Business Memberships for $20.
Open Positions: We need PTA volunteers for the 23-24 school year! Visit, click on Contact Us, and look for the yellow highlighting (job descriptions are included). If you are interested in any of the positions or have questions, please email Danelle at
PTA Meeting: Join us for the first Nashua PTA meeting of the school year at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 12, at the Nashua Elementary School library!
Register with the PTA website to receive emails and view protected tabs! We encourage all new and returning families to visit the Nashua PTA website at If you are a new family or not signed up to receive emails, please click “Register” on the homepage and submit your email address. The PTA shares emails on upcoming events and important items.
Room Party Fee: Because of the excellent fundraising of the past couple years, we've eliminated room fees again this year!
Staff Favorites: Need teacher or staff gift ideas? In the next few weeks, the 23-24 Staff Favorites list will be posted to the PTA website! Visit the PTA website,, login on the left hand side by clicking “Secure Login.” After you login, click the Staff Survey tab and find a list of teacher and staff favorites! If you don’t have a login for the PTA website, click “Register here.”
President: Danelle Bohan,
Vice President: Rachelle Walker,
Secretary: Megan Micek,
Treasurer: Lindsay Bradshaw,