Parent Update
August 19, 2021
Welcome Back to School
We are so very happy to have you on campus for the new school year. It seems like so long ago that we held a morning assembly, and it felt wonderful to see all of the students and parents inside our gates.
Paperwork was sent home during supply drop off. If you were unable to make it, your student should be bringing it home today. Please complete all the forms and return them as quickly as you can. Mrs. Jasso would really appreciate it!
One of the forms is regarding our on campus counseling. St. Dorothy has two counselors that will be here four days a week. We are asking that all parents sign the form. This will allow us to refer a student quickly should something happen. We want all of our Bruins to be safe and healthy both physically and mentally.
For the safety of our students, we will not be having any parent volunteers for a time. We want to make sure that students have all routines and protocols in place before we begin introducing new visitors on campus. Please be patient while we navigate our reopening.
We also strongly recommend that parents drive through the drop off lane in the morning to drop off your children. This streamlines the process by having fewer parents on campus.
Remember to wash your hands and wear your masks. Vaccinations are recommended and do help to keep everyone safe. Pope Francis tweeted that by being vaccinated you are showing your love for others.
God Bless,
Mrs. Ferguson
School Hours for Week of August 23rd
1st - 8th Grade: 3:00pm Monday thru Thursday, 2:00pm Friday
Younger siblings in TK or Kindergarten may go to Bruin Club at no cost from 12:00 - 3:00 p.m. while waiting for older siblings to get out of school. They may order lunch while at Bruin Club.
Allergy Aware School
We would ask that all families refrain from sending any tree nut or ground nut products to school. Some of our students are highly sensitive to both.
There are many types of allergies that we are aware of in our student population. To maintain a safe environement, we are also asking that any treats sent in for special events must be store bought and all ingredients must be clearly labeled.
We want to thank you for your consideration in the health and well being of our Bruins.
Free Lunch Program
A menu is attached below. A student merely needs to tell their teacher that they will be having a school lunch on that day. There are two daily choices: one hot entree or a turkey and cheese sandwich. Each meal comes with a drink and salad bar. All meals are individually wrapped and handed out by a trained food service worker.
Students can still bring their own lunch from home. Milk and water will be sold a la cart for students who wish to purchase them.
The Bruin Club permission form is included below. Any child wishing to use Bruin Club must have a signed form on file. It is recommended that every parent sign and return the form in case of an emergency and your child has to stay after school.
St. Dorothy Catholic School
Location: 215 South Valley Center Avenue, Glendora, CA, USA
Phone: (626) 335-0772
Twitter: @sdcsbruins