The Leeland Buzz - Monthly Updates
May 13, 2024
A Message from Principal Williams
Dear Imagine Family,
As we welcome the vibrant season of spring, it's hard to believe that summer break is just around the corner! But before we bid farewell to another remarkable school year, we have some important updates and exciting events to share with you.
First and foremost, I want to remind you that the final STAR Assessment for this academic year will take place on Monday, May 20th and Tuesday, May 21st. It is crucial for all scholars in grades K-8 to be present and focused during these assessment days. Your participation and dedication will ensure accurate assessments of our students' progress and growth throughout the year.
Following the conclusion of testing, we have planned a series of engaging activities to celebrate the achievements and diversity of our school community. These include:
- Career Day: Inspiring our scholars to explore various career paths and opportunities.
- Multicultural Day: Celebrating the rich tapestry of cultures that enrich our school community.
- Field Day: A fun-filled day of outdoor activities and friendly competitions.
- Kindergarten, 5th, and 8th Grade Promotions: Commemorating the academic milestones of our students as they transition to the next phase of their educational journey.
I want to take this opportunity to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for your continued partnership and collaboration throughout the school year. Your support plays a vital role in the success of our students and our school community as a whole.
As we approach the end of the school year, let's finish just as strong as we started, by being DYNAMIC! Together, we can make these final weeks memorable and impactful for our scholars.
Warm regards,
Principal Sherilyn Reid Williams
Imagine Shared Values Survey - Monday, May 13 - Friday, May 17, 2024
We need to hear from you!
Please take some time to complete the Imagine Leeland Shared Values Survey. The survey will be open for feedback Monday, May 13 - Friday, May 17, 2024.
In addition to the web link, we will send you a QR code as well. You can have this code printed and/or sent to the families to scan without using the link.
Important Dates
May 2024 - June 2024
May 6 - 10 - North Bay - 6th Grade Field Trip
May 13, 2024- Mental Health Awareness Fair
May 14, 2024 - Primary Election Day – Schools and Offices Closed
May, 16, 2024 - Career Day
May 22, 2024- Multi-Cultural Day
May 27, 2024 - Memorial Day – Schools and Offices Closed
May 28, 2024- National Honor Society Induction Ceremony
May 28, 2024- 2nd - 4th Grade Skating Rink Field Trip
May 30 - 31, 2024 - Field Day
June 3, 2024 - Kindergarten Promotion Ceremony @9am/ 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony @6pm
June 4, 2024 - 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony @9am
June 4, 2024 - Wild Rice Field Trip 7th Grade
June 6 - 7, 2024- Camp Schmidt
Last Day of School – With adjustments made for using two inclement weather days, the last day for students will be Thursday, June 13 with an early dismissal and an early dismissal on June 12. The last day for teachers will be June 18.
INCLEMENT WEATHER MAKE-UP DAYS –Three inclement weather make-up days are built into the school calendar. The last day for students is June 14 if all three built-in inclement weather days are used; June 13 if two of the three days are used; June 12 if one of the three days are used; and June 11 if no days are used. The last day for teachers is June 20 if all three built-in inclement weather days are used; June 18 if two of the three days are used; June 17 if one of the three days are used; and June 14 if no days are used.
IF@L Events
Career Day 2024
Multicultural Day 2024
Parent Letter and Assigned Country Attached
IF@Leeland Celebrations
The Imagine Leeland Newspaper for Scholars by Scholars
Math All Stars
4th Annual Math Meet Results Are In!!
On Saturday, April 27th, students from K-8 and middle schools across the district participated in Live, Individual, Team Problem Solving and STEM rounds in hopes of taking home the gold! This math competition gave students an opportunity to see just how FUN mathematics can be!!
Leeland 7th Grade 2nd Place
7th Grade - 3rd Place
Imagine Schools 18th Annual National Character Essay Contest
The Imagine Schools 18th Annual National Character Essay Contest was held on April 11, 2024. We are proud of the many young Imagine Schools’ talented writers that participated in this year’s contest.
With 46 schools participating, and 202 entries, a panel of 17 judges read and were inspired by essays that demonstrated an understanding of complex maxims related to this year’s theme of Courage.
Imagine Leeland is excited to announce that 4th Grade Mikay’la Ervin won first place for her grade band! Congratulations!
MyOn Spring Into Reading Challenge
A special shout out to Janelle Adeniyi from Imagine Leeland for reading 3,317 minutes
Testing Updates
Testing 2024
Testing will take place at Leeland on the below dates.
May 13 - 17 - Ready Math
May 20 - 21- STAR Reading and Mathematics
It is extremely important that your child is in school and on time during testing. Students who are absent will need to participate in make-up testing.
You can help your child improve their performance on the MCAP by ensuring they:
- Get a good night’s sleep the night before each testing day
- Eat a substantial breakfast in the morning for optimal energy and alertness
- Attend school every testing day and arrive on time
- Remember to keep cell phones turned off and secured during testing
Reading Level Calculation Correction Grades Kindergarten - 5th Grades
A discrepancy has been identified in the calculation of the Reading Level category on the quarter report cards. This discrepancy arose due to differences between the percentile calculation and the percentage-based system used with the STAR Assessment.
Upon thorough examination, we have revised the percentile ranges for the Reading Level categories to ensure accuracy and consistency. The updated percentile ranges are as follows:
- Below Grade Level: 0 - 59 percentile
- On Grade Level: 60 - 79 percentile
- Above Grade Level: 80 - 100 percentile
These recalculated percentiles are reflected in the 3rd quarter report card. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused. It is our priority to provide you with precise and transparent information regarding your child's academic progress.
Additionally, I would like to inform you that the Leeland Team is currently receiving guidance from the county regarding prior levels for the school year. This guidance will help us ensure continuity and consistency in assessing our students' progress.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding these adjustments or any other academic matters, please feel free to reach out to us. Your feedback and collaboration are invaluable as we strive to support your child's educational journey effectively.
Intent to Return SY 2024-2025
Dear Parents:
The administrative team has begun to lay out detailed plans for the 2024-2025 school year. To effectively execute next year’s plan, we need an accurate count of returning students. Therefore, we request that you please note your enrollment intent for the 2024-2025 school year by completing the form below. We are honored that parents made the choice to allow us to be a part of the development of their scholars. We look forward to continuing to provide a world class education, preparing our Eagle Scholars to soar!
Please complete this form by Friday, May 31, 2024.
Thank you very much for your cooperation. We anticipate the opportunity to collaborate with you again this upcoming school year.
Middle School Service Learning Opportunity
Class of 2024 Updates
PTO News
The PTO has been working hard since December to make this year special for our school community. PTO's efforts include fundraisers, events, staff appreciation and community partnerships. Here's a snapshot of PTO's past and future efforts for the school year. More to come for the remainder of the school year. To be a part of these efforts, join the PTO! Visit our website to join.
Donors/Sponsors include:
*Icon denotes company partnership/ donations
Panda Express
Level the Playing Field
George Mason Ctr for Arts
BJ's Brewery
Washington Wizards
Washington Nationals Baysox Baseball
Coopers Hawk Winery
Got Sneakers
National Children's Museum
Sisters of the Soil Farmers (We have completed a garden grant with their partnership)
Compost Day!
Please click here to view a recap of our compost workshop with Sisters of the Soil Farmer, Trinia Fitzgerald. The scholars engaged in an interactive Compost 101 presentation. They had hands on experience identifying and breaking down compostable materials, and were able to get practice using a compost tumbler machine. The scholars enjoyed veggie sticks and fruit, and were able to use their fruit scraps in the compost machine too! Overall, it was a good time! (You'll see from the pictures the adults had fun too!) Thank you to the Beautification Club and Green Team who will continue to compost at our school!
K-2 Vocabulary Parade
The PTO would like to thank you for helping to make the K-2 Vocabulary Parade a success. The scholars learned and shared words, and had tons of fun! You can view pictures through this link:
What is Next?
Principal for a Day
Calling all scholars for an opportunity to be Principal for a day on May 22nd! This is a great opportunity to experience what it is like to lead a school and spend time with our school's leaders!
PTO in-person Ticket Sale Schedule (cash only):
Monday 5/13: 8-11 am in Gym
Tuesday 5/14: NO SCHOOL
Wednesday 5/15: 8 - 8:30 am in cafeteria AND dismissal - 4:30pm at main office
Thursday 5/16: dismissal - 4:30 pm at main office
If you would like to purchase electronically, you can cash app $IFLeeland. Please include your scholars' first and last name, grade, and homeroom in the notes. Last Day to purchase tickets is May 17th at 11:59pm.
PTO 2024-2025
Are you interested in being a part of the school's improvements and solutions? Do you want to stay connected with what's happening and have your presence benefit your scholar(s) and the school? Do you want to grow your network with professionals within the school community and model being of service to scholars? Do you like to have fun while enriching the school community? This opportunity is for you! Scan the QR code to complete the interest form by 5/6.
Innovation Learning
Innovation Learning Updates & Announcements
We Thrive on Innovation
April’s core value was We Thrive on Innovation. Our students participated in various activities this month from our Innovation Station curriculum, where they had a chance to be creative. Two of their favorite activities this month were Archaeology and daily design challenges. They studied materials from ancient and recent human remains and designed different challenges, which include ziplines, parachutes, gardens, and interior design. Academic support is going great! Pictures from this month are attached.
We are interested in exploring potential opportunities to participate or partner with Imagine Leeland for upcoming events. Innovation Learning is beyond grateful for this continuous partnership as we continue creating an enriching student experience. Most of all, thank you so much for your support! I am looking forward to Career Day next month.
Caught Ya' Club
Jordan Jeffreys and Adisa Preko (Kindergarten): Both students continue to remind their peers how important it is to follow directions and value the community. They are always willing to help!
Caught Ya' Club
Congrats to Alayla Bridges (1st grade) for always helping others. She is a true definition of our core value- We Value Community!
Caught Ya' Club
Congratulations to Sebastian Hunter! (K) He is always willing to help pass out the materials and help his peers! Continue valuing the community Sebastian!
Caught Ya' Club
Richard Dunn (Kindergarten) is always willing to start the round-up discussion in his group. Continue valuing the community, Richard!
Caught Ya' Club
Archaeology Fun!
Aviation Week at Leeland! The kids made cars with wheels! - Video Below
Student Absent Notification Update
Whenever a student is absent from school, please complete the IFL Absence Google Form This excuse should explain why the child was not in school and the exact date(s) of the absences. This is required even though a parent may have informed the school of the absence by telephone. If an excuse is not received within three (3) school days of the last date of absence, the absence(s) will be considered unexcused.
Volunteer with Imagine Leeland
Please note that all volunteers must undergo a security process (fingerprinting & CPS clearance) https://www.pgcps.org/fingerprinting/
Volunteers Must:
Undergo a fingerprint check - at least 15 business days in advance of volunteer activity
Undergo a Child Protective Services (CPS) clearance - at least 15 business days in advance of volunteer activity
Complete the required SafeSchools training modules each school year - prior to engaging in volunteer activity.
Fingerprinting link: https://www.pgcps.org/offices/humanresources/fingerprinting#volunteer
Safe school link: https://offices.pgcps.org/required-training/
Safe Arrival & Dismissal
Important Updates & Reminders
Birthday & Celebrations
Only students in grades Kindergarten – 5th Grade will be permitted to have birthday celebrations during the school day. Student birthday celebrations may only be conducted on the last Friday of each month, during the last 45 minutes of their core subject(s) class. If schools are closed on Friday, birthday celebrations can be held on the last day of that school week. No celebrations will be allowed for grades 3-8 during MCAP Testing. Parents must contact the child’s teacher if they wish to celebrate their child’s birthday. If parents want to be a part of the celebration, the parent must volunteer and follow the PGCPS volunteer process. Please note that all volunteers must complete the PGCPS Volunteer Application and Approval Process. This information can be found on the link below.
Birthday Celebration Dates
January - Friday, January 26, 2024
February - Friday, February 23, 2024
March - Friday, March 29, 2024
April - Friday , April 26, 2024
May - Friday, May 31, 2024
June - Friday, June 7, 2024
When to Keep Your Scholar Home
Cold, flu, and germ season is in full effect (yuck!). The PTO is working with the school on germ busting!
We have printed and laminated hand hygiene signs for the school/bathrooms. Remind your scholars of hand hygiene practices.
If you would like to donate cleaning materials (e.g., Lysol wipes, Lysol spray, hand sanitizer etc.), please take these items to the front office or send them with your scholar to give to their teacher.
Please review and spread the PGCPS Sick Policy:
When to Keep Your Child Home From School.pdf
Lunch Updates
Principal's Account
The Principal's Account has been set up to support scholars who have forgotten their lunch/lunch money. Letters will be issued once a week to scholars who have borrowed money from the Principal's Account, the money must be replaced immediately to ensure future access to scholars in need.
Parents/Guardians are asked to send money in a sealed envelope with your scholar's name.
Imagine Foundations at Leeland Parent Handbook
The goal of this handbook is to ensure everyone works together to make this a successful school year for our students. This handbook will help us in this effort by providing all stakeholders with a high standard of expectations and protocols that will increase our daily effectiveness. Everything within this handbook considers our scholars first and ensures/supports instruction as our number one priority.
Please carefully read this handbook in order to become increasingly familiar with how we will provide our scholars with the best well-rounded education possible.
We value our Imagine Leeland Team and Family and will work together and support each other to carry out the following vision and mission statements. Thank you for your dedication in helping prepare our future leaders!