Blue Point Family News
August 23, 2024
This newsletter is published weekly and will include important information about what is happening and upcoming at Blue Point. We try to keep information as concise as possible for busy families. Please take a few moments every week to read through and previous issues will be posted on the website.
You can also use this QUICK REFERENCE to help get back in the school routine! For a deeper dive, many questions can be answered in our K2 Family Handbook.
We look forward to a wonderful school year,
Kelly Martin, Principal
Hallie Thomas, Administrative Assistant
General Forms found in PowerSchool must be completed ANNUALLY by all parents/guardians for each student. These are available in your PowerSchool account and must be completed before the start of the school year.
Please log into your PowerSchool account and do the following:
- Check that all general forms have been completed:
- Student Profile Update
- Student Contacts & Family Update
- Student Permissions
- Health Information Update & Medical Authorizations
- Chromebook Care, Use, & Responsibility Guide
- Embedded in this form is a link to pay for the chromebook insurance. It is $15 per year, per student. This is optional but highly recommended.
- Handbook Acknowledgment for Parents/Guardians
- On the Student Contacts Form, please ensure that we have ALL Guardian's addresses, phone numbers, emails, and the appropriate permissions checked off.
- On the same form, make sure your child has at least one additional Emergency Contact with the correct phone number, and the appropriate permissions checked off.
Please finish these before the first day of school.
- Non-toxic glue sticks
- Non-toxic dry erase markers
- Crayola markers
- Crayola crayons
- Paper towels
- Tissues
- Post it notes
If you have not already, please sign up for your Fall Appointment Day here. The available dates are 8/28/24 OR 8/29/24. Please find the Conference Manager Directions here.
Appointments are scheduled for 30 minutes. The primary purpose is for your child to meet their teacher, see their classroom space and become acclimated with their new school. Additionally, there is an opportunity for parents/guardians to complete/update any paperwork, as well as get information on transportation, bus routes, and nutrislice.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our front office:
Administrative Assistant, Hallie Thomas
# 207-730-5300
General Forms found in PowerSchool must be completed ANNUALLY by all parents/guardians for each student. These are available in your PowerSchool account and must be completed before the start of the school year.
Please log into your PowerSchool account and do the following:
- Check that all general forms have been completed:
- Student Profile Update
- Student Contacts & Family Update
- Student Permissions
- Health Information Update & Medical Authorizations
- Chromebook Care, Use, & Responsibility Guide
- Handbook Acknowledgment for Parents/Guardians
- On the Student Contacts Form, please ensure that we have ALL Guardian's addresses, phone numbers, emails, and the appropriate permissions checked off.
- On the same form, make sure your child has at least one additional Emergency Contact with the correct phone number, and the appropriate permissions checked off.
Please finish these before your child's appointment day if possible. Staff will be available to support you and to answer questions during your child's appointment.
If your child is a new enrollment and we are missing paperwork from you, you will not have complete access to these forms yet.
What follows is a description of our arrival and dismissal process for this coming year.
Arriving at School:
For the safety of students arriving on school provided transportation, we are asking that parents do not use the bus loop to drop off in the morning. Families may pull up in the car loop or park in the parking lot. Staff members will be present on the bus loop crosswalk assist students to the front of the school.
Please arrive between 8:30 and 8:45. SCHOOL STARTS PROMPTLY AT 8:50 AM.
Dismissal from School:
Parents who are picking up students may arrive at 3:10 to begin checking in with pick-up passes. Student dismissal begins at 3:15.
Buses will be the only vehicles to use the bus loop at dismissal. All families who are picking up their children will need to park and walk to the front of the school to meet and escort their children to their vehicles.
Every family will be issued Pick-Up Passes to use for dismissal once all PowerSchool paperwork has been updated. These are presented during dismissal when picking up your child. If you forget, please check in with the office to clear your student for pick-up.
Early Dismissal:
If you are looking to pick up your child early, please call or email bpoffice@scarboroughschools.org to make any dismissal changes by 2:30 and dismiss your child no later than 2:45.
Leaving summer behind can be a tough transition for our students (and staff 😄). Thinking about setting good routines and reasonable expectations for your family at the beginning of the year can help avoid struggles later on.
- Send students in comfortable play clothes-whatever that means for them. We want students to be able to access all playground equipment and activities throughout the day with ease.
- Set clear boundaries about what goes in the backpack. Students need a water bottle, extra set of clothes, lunch/snack, and extra layers like a sweatshirt/sweater. Nothing should be sent to school that might distract your child from the school day. Speak with your child's teacher for guidance about a particular item that you have a question about.
- Per our family handbook and policy, personal electronics like smart watches and cell phones are not permitted during instructional time. The camera function on any device must be disabled. Additional language can be found HERE.
- If you tell your child you will pick them up, make sure you tell the office! We have students regularly telling us that they have a different dismissal plan that what we know to be true. We understand that plans change or may be renegotiated in the hustle of the morning. Please take a moment to let the office know as this alleviate A LOT of anxiety for your child.
Most of all, give yourselves grace. Let us know how we can support you!
- 8/26 - Kindergarten Popsicle Social (6-7 PM)
- 8/28 - 8/29 Appointment Dates
- 9/3 - First Official Day Of School
- 9/11 - Early Release Day (Dismissal @1:45 PM)
- 9/18 - Open House (5-6 PM)
- 9/20 - Picture Day (more info to come)
- 10/15 - Tooth Protectors Dental Clinic at Wentworth School for the District (more info to come)
- 10/24 - Flu Clinic (more info to come)
If it is an extended absence please fill out this form.
Blue Point Primary School
Email: bps@scarboroughschools.org
Website: https://bluepoint.scarboroughschools.org/
Location: 174 Pine Point Road, Scarborough, ME, USA
Phone: (207) 730-5300