August 2024
A Note From Miss Caitlyn
That's a wrap! Just like that it's over! But what a great fair season! So many memories and friendships made! We are so thankful to work with such great people.
A great big Thank You to the many volunteers who work hard to make the Lincoln-Logan-McPherson County Fairs a success. Thanks to our 4-H Council and our Ag Society for the countless hours put into making this all happen. I know too often you are not thanked enough! So, Thank You!! You are appreciated.
Thanks to our committees and livestock show volunteers that helped to enter, move things to the showring, line up classes and get everything judged in the horrible heat. You are all rockstars!
Thanks to the 4-H Families that showed up and did their part to help with this endeavor. And all of you who stepped in when needed! You are so appreciated! AND thanks to all who came out and supported the youth in this county by supporting the 4-H cake auction, cookie jar auction, and bake sale. You are greatly appreciated.
Thanks to all of our supporters. Whether you gave money to our 4-H program through the auction, awards, donations or time we are so thankful to all of you! Your investment in the future of these young people is priceless!
AND thanks to our 4-H members and their families! You make it all worth it. We are so proud of all of your accomplishments! We hope the memories created at the 2024 Lincoln-Logan-McPherson County Fairs are remembered for years to come and are part of the best memories you share with your kids someday! There just isn't anything like a County Fair!
Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns,
Miss Caitlyn
Critter Swap
State Fair Information
2024 Fair Book
State Fair entry deadline and drop off times
Logan County Fair Schedule
State Fair entry deadline and drop off times
2024 Fair Schedule
State Fair entry deadline and drop off times
Nebraska State Events
4-H Project Podcast
8/8-8/10: McPherson County Fair
8/23-9/2: Nebraska State Fair
Keep an eye out for State Fair exhibitor letters if your entry was chosen at county fair.
Letters will be sent out today to static exhibitors with all the information they will need to get their entries to State. Livestock will need to be entered by the exhibitor themselves. Congrats to all of you for a great County fair season and good luck at State.
Static Hall Release
•NO EXHIBITS WILL BE RELEASED PRIOR TO 6:00 PM on September 2nd. As a reminder, the static hall will close from 5-6PM CT this year to allow superintendents to prepare for exhibit release (in alignment with Open Class).
•Those picking up need to check the exhibit(s) out before taking item from State Fair static building.
•The family must contact their county extension staff member to acquire their signature and turn in the form to the county extension office prior to AUGUST 21st.
•County staff will turn in this form to the State 4-H Office on or before state fair entry day. Proper paperwork has to be signed by exhibitor/family and county staff so the item(s) are eligible for release. It can be found on the NSF employee page under Static Exhibit Resources.
•The designated person listed below on the form will be responsible for picking up the items. The person picking up the exhibit must be ready to sign for the exhibit and show their ID . Admission will be charged all day Monday, Labor Day.
State Fair event!
Hello 4-H Families!
The Nebraska State Fair is thrilled to host the 2nd annual 4-H Day at the Nebraska State Fair. 4-H Day will be Sunday, August 25th. To celebrate our 4-H members statewide they are offering a discounted admission that day that is only for bonafide 4-H members. This is only intended for 4-H members, family members including parents will need to purchase regular admission tickets. This is not just for state fair exhibitors, but for any 4-H member.
To order discounted tickets, please click here: 4-H Day at Nebraska State Fair - Good On Aug 25 Only Tickets | Lincoln, NE | Nebraska State Fair- Livestock (etix.com)
- 4-H members (13+) $5.75 (includes credit card fee)
- 4-H members (6-12) $3.75 (includes credit card fee)
$12 Admission ages 13-59
Fri. Aug. 23 - Mon. Sept. 2
Senior $6 Admission ages 60+
All Days
Kids $6
Admission ages 6-12
All Days
Child-Free 5 & Under
All Days
Opening Friday
Free Before Noon
Fri. Aug. 23
$3 Tuesday
6 & up
Tues. Aug. 27
Veterans Day
Military Free
Military Free w/ Gov ID
Mon. Sept. 2
Link to Buy Event Tickets, Advanced Carnival Wristbands, Season Pass, Advanced Gate Admission
Special thanks to the Nebraska State Fair for this opportunity!
It’s time to enter for the 2024 Nebraska State Fair 4-H/FFA Dairy Judging Contest! All enrolled 4-H members are eligible to participate in the 4-H Dairy Judging Contest at the Nebraska State Fair. Youth may participate in both the 4-H and FFA portions of the contest. Youth must meet both 4-H and FFA eligibility requirements. Youth must enter in both contests to compete in both.
Contest Date
Saturday, August 31
**FFA will complete a test and team activity prior to the live contest**
- Noon-12:15 pm: 4-H/FFA Registration
- 12:15-12:30 pm: 4-H/FFA Orientation
- 12:30-2:00 pm: 4-H/FFA Judging Contest
- 2:00-2:15 pm Break
- 2:15-4:00 pm: 4-H/FFA Oral Reasons for Intermediates and Seniors
- 5:00 pm: 4-H/FFA Judging Contest Awards Ceremony, including a pizza party with ice cream hosted by Midwest Dairy
Opportunities for Participation
- Each participant will receive a 4-H exhibitor shirt and free gate admission
- Each participant is invited to attend the Awards Ceremony/Pizza and Ice Cream Party
- Top scoring senior individual will be eligible for a $500 University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources scholarship
- The top four highest scoring senior division individuals will be selected to represent Nebraska 4-H a the National 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging Contest held during the World Dairy Exposition in Madison, Wisconsin
- Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be awarded to the top highest scoring individuals in all age divisions
- If unable to build a team, youth can compete as individuals and still receive awards
How to Enter
FFA ENTRY – Contact the school FFA Advisor by August 10.
4-H ENTRY – Enter online (steps listed below) at https://nebr.fairwire.com/ by Saturday, August 10 by 8 pm CT
STEP 1: REGISTER - Complete the exhibitor information.
STEP 2: ENTRY – Must be completed for each 4-H member. The system does not register teams. Instead each member will need to state the team name within the “Contest Team Name” box.
ü Department: 4H Dairy Judging Contest
ü Division: 4H Dairy Judging Contest
ü Class: DROP DOWN BOX – Select ONE
o Individual Contestant Junior (8-11 years old on January 1 of the current year)
o Individual Contestant Intermediate (11-13 years old January 1 of the current year)
o Individual Contestant Senior (14-18 years old on January 1 of the current year)
ü Club: DROP DOWN BOX – Select ONE
o Select the county 4-H program where the 4-H member is enrolled.
ü Contest Team Name: (EX) Washington Senior Team 1
o Complete the box according to the 4-H member’s team name or type in INDIVIDUAL
STEP 3: ITEMS-Exhibitors may order additional passes as needed.
STEP 4: REVIEW – Take a look to make sure the information is correct.
STEP 5: PAY – The fee is $5 per 4-H contestant.
For more information about the Dairy Judging Contest, please visit the 4-H/FFA Dairy Judging Contest Fairbook
Do you need help entering livestock entries?
•If a family is unable to access their livestock entries or are missing a piece of information that won’t allow them to add animal to a cart, email Brandy Schulze bschulze@unl.edu or call 402.472.9023
•If you have other technical difficulties with the online registration, please e-mail the technical support team: ne.showorks@gmail.com.
4-H Beef - $50
4-H Swine - $25
4-H Sheep - $25
4-H Goats - $25
4-H Poultry - $5
4-H Rabbits - $5
4-H Dog - $5
In 2024 exhibitors can purchase:
•Extra Stall Space-Beef ($35)
•Extra Pen Space-Sheep/Goat/Swine ($25)
•Blocking Chute Permit ($25)*
•Sheep/Goat Stand Permit ($10)*
•Daily Gate Pass-$5.00 (maximum 20 tickets)
•11-Day Wristband ($25)**
•Parking Permit-Livestock Lot 3A/3B ($25)*
*Can be used for both weekends
**Livestock Exhibitors including rabbit/poultry automatically get a wristband, do not select an additional band for the youth
Weigh Cards
•Weigh cards are found in the exhibitor packet
•Two copies will be given for the same animal. Exhibitor will keep one and turn in the rest as directed at check in.
•Exhibitors should weigh in animal and write in amount on weigh card.
•Completed cards will be turned in during the specified check-in times (please see schedule for specifics)
•Weight listed on card will decipher which class the animal will show in. This weight is also used as the official weight for weigh backs.
•Please review weigh backs for each species.
Weigh cards will be utilized in the following 4-H shows in 2024:
•Market Swine
•Market Lambs
•Commercial Breeding Ewes
•Market Goats
•Commercial Breeding Does
•Market Beef
•Commercial Breeding Heifers
Extra State Fair Info
Entry limits
•Beef (5)
•Swine (6)
•Sheep (4)
•Goats (4)
•Poultry (exhibit up to 6, and one egg exhibit)
•Rabbit (exhibit up to 6)
•Dog (1 showmanship, *2 agility, *2 obedience, *2 rally) *using different dogs and in different level of classes
Note: 4-H Youth are automatically entered in Showmanship with the exception of dog. Youth can scratch from Showmanship at check-in
•Youth will receive an exhibitor t-shirt for showing livestock or participating in a contest
•NEW in 2024, there will be one youth size available, Youth Large. Adult Small up to 3XLShirt
•If exhibitors want a guaranteed tack pen/stall, they should purchase an extra stall/pen during the entry process
•Livestock entries will include bedding
•4-H will be stalled by County
•1 bag of shavings per pen
•Each beef or dairy animal will receive one stall per entry
•Swine will be stalled two hogs per pen
•If family has three hogs, they will receive two pens
•Goats will be stalled 4 per pen
•Sheep will be stalled 3 per pen
•If the exhibitor is bringing yearlings, rams, etc. and need extra pen space, they will need to purchase it
Exhibitor Letters
Entry Limits
Stalling Assignments
Ethic Affidavits
Livestock Schedule
Online Programs
•Can be found at:
Sheep & Goat Fungus Check
•A veterinarian and staff will be examining animals for active fungus at the livestock vet check (Brunk’s Lot)
•Any animal being found to have active fungus will not be allowed to show or allowed on the grounds
•Animals with inactive or dead fungus will be allowed to show, provided the on-staff veterinarian approves
•Additionally, all 4H/FFA sheep/goats may be checked for club lamb fungus at any time during the fair.
Premier Science Award
• Did you use the scientific method or engineering design process while creating your fair exhibit this year? Consider sharing your process by applying for the Premier Science Award! The top applicants will receive a CASH AWARD sponsored by the Nebraska 4-H Foundation!
• How to Apply –
• Identify ONE county fair project which was selected for state fair.
• Complete the Premier Science Award Application found at:
• Submit your application ONLINE by 12:00PM CT Monday, August 19th!
Check it out!
The work of 4-H participants from across the state will once again be shared at the Nebraska State Fair through the 2024 4-H Project Showcase – and we request your help in encouraging youth in your county to participate!
The goal of the 4-H Project Showcase is to shine a spotlight on the youth behind the projects, tell their stories, and showcase the learning that happens through 4-H project experiences. Youth are asked to answer a few questions and provide at least one photo as part of the submission process. Pictures of youth with their projects are the best!
All enrolled 4-H members are invited to submit a project, and all 4-H projects are eligible! This includes county-only projects, live animal projects, projects involving contest participation, projects selected for State Fair, projects that didn’t make it to the county fair, etc. Of course, this is an excellent opportunity for youth to show off their favorite project, but this could also be an uplifting opportunity for youth whose projects didn’t go as planned or for newer members just getting started in 4-H.
All projects submitted by August 10 will be showcased on the 4-H Video Wall at the Nebraska State Fair! Some submissions may also be featured on the Nebraska 4-H website or social media channels throughout the year. Learn more at 4h.unl.edu/project-showcase.
A message and corresponding graphic to promote the 4-H Project Showcase can be found in the 4-H Promotional Content View at https://go.unl.edu/4hpromotionalcontentview.
More details at: https://4h.unl.edu/project-showcase
2024 Lincoln County Herdsmanship Winners
Swine: Canyon Run- 598 points
Beef: Tri-County- 600 points
Sheep: Beef Makers- 598 points
Goats: 4 Corners- 598 points
Poultry: Horses ‘n’ Hobbies- 596 points
Rabbits: Canyon Run- 592 points
Nebraska Extension Offers Part 107 Drone Test Prep Course at West Central Research, Extension and Education Center in North Platte
Nebraska Extension will be offering one-day (eight hour) courses across the state to prepare individuals to pass the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aeronautical Knowledge Exam required to receive a Part 107 remote pilot certification or license to fly drones for commercial applications.
Registration is available online (Link) for each location. Pre-registration is required with a $275 registration fee. Study materials, and light breakfast and lunch will be provided. An educational discount is available to students and educators through an application process available on the registration link.
Please contact Dr. Dirk Charlson for more information on this course at Email: dirk.charlson@unl.edu or Cell: 402-460-0742 (Text or Call)
August 16 (Friday)
West Central Research, Extension, and Education Center 402 W State Farm Road, North Platte, NE 69101-7751
Pre-Register by August 12
Register On-Line by Scanning
Each month we are looking for a 4-H youth that would be interested in making a podcast with Eagle Radio about a 4-H project. If you are interested contact (308) 532-2683 or email caitlyn.jacobson@unl.edu.
Check out our latest Podcast on our website at: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/lincolnmcpherson/4-h-project-podcasts/
Office Hours: 9 am.- 5 pm. (M-F)
Email: caitlyn.jacobson@unl.edu
Website: https://llm.unl.edu
Phone: 308-532-2683
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LLM4h