Masquers News

Masquers News for Wednesday, July 24th - August 2nd
Masquers website! https://orhsmasquers.my.canva.site/
This will be the place to go for all Masquers information! Check it out and let us know if you are finding all the information you need by emailing us at masquers@ortn.edu. See below for GroupMe codes.
Calendar at a Glance!
- Wednesday, July 24th
- Masquers Officers Meeting in Ms. Lloyd's room (lunch)
- Thursday, July 25th
- Masquers Overall Interest Meeting and Puffs Interest Meeting (3:30-4:30)
- Audition Workshop (4:30-6:00)
- Friday, July 26th
- ALL Masquers Parent Meeting (6pm)
- Tech meets backstage (3-4:30)
- Monday, July 29th
- Auditions for Puffs in the Auditorium (3-8)
- Tuesday, July 30th
- Callbacks for Puffs in the Auditorium (3-8)
- Wednesday, July 31st
- Masquers Officers Meeting in Ms. Lloyd's room (lunch)
- Puffs Read-Through- All Cast and Crew in the Auditorium (2-6)
- Thursday, August 1st
- Rehearsal 12-5 (Auditorium) (No School)
- Costumes Meet in Dressing Rooms 12-3
- Tech (TBD)
- Friday, August 2nd
- Music Audition Workshop with Rhonda in Auditorium (3-6)
- Tech meets backstage (3-4:30)
Puffs Auditions!
Auditions for the 2024 Fall Play, "Puffs" will be held on Monday, July 29th in the Auditorium from 3-8.
About: Puffs is “A fast-paced romp through the ‘Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic.’ This clever and inventive play gives you a new look at a familiar adventure from the perspective of the Puffs.
You must choose a time to audition on the sign up genius below.
Once you arrive for your audition, check in with Izzy and Kiersten and give them your filled out audition forms, available on the Masquers Door (lower cafeteria). They will also be available to print and fill out below.
Auditions will consist of one monologue chosen from the given list below.
The callback list will be released Monday night on the MASQUERS GROUPME (linked below), and callbacks will take place on Tuesday, afterschool, in the auditorium. Wednesday afterschool the cast and crew will read through the script! Please be prepared to be there all three days.
Masquers Information Meeting for 2024-2025!!
Masquers is so excited for this year! Mark your calendars for these important dates.
Come learn more about Puffs, the Fall Play, The Addams Family, the Spring Musical, and other performance and technical opportunities. Auditions for Puffs will take place the second week back to school on Monday, July 29th. There will be a beginning of the school year Masquers Meeting on Thursday, July 25th after school and a Parent Meeting for ALL Masquers student's parents on Friday, July 26th from 6-7:30 to go over all the paperwork and commitment requirements for Masquers.
To help everyone get ready, we are having an information meeting on Thursday, July 25th after school in the auditorium with an Audition Workshop! Encourage anybody and everybody interested in being a part of Masquers, especially Puffs, to attend! The informational portion will be from 3:15-3:45.
See you Thursday!
The 2024-25 Masquers Show Season!
Thursday, September 12 - 7pm
Friday, September 13 - School Show - 9am
Saturday, September 14th - 7pm
Sunday, September 15th - 2pm
Halloween Improv Show
Saturday, October 26th - 7pm
Fall Showcase
Saturday, November 9th - 7pm
Valentine Improv Show
Saturday, February 15th - 7pm
The Addams Family
Friday, February 28th - School Show - 9am
Friday, February 28th - ORHS Preview - Afternoon Assembly Schedule
Friday, February 28th - Opening Night - 7pm
Saturday, March 1st - 2pm
Saturday, March 1st - 7pm
Sunday, March 2nd, 2pm
Atomic Acts
Friday, April 11th @ 7pm
Here is the DRAFT of the Master Schedule, but all dates on it currently are subject to change.
Become a Masquers Community Sponsor!
Businesses, Individuals, Season Ticket Holder!
Yes! You can become a supporter of Masquers by filling out this Sponsorship Form and sending it in! All the information is on the form. We know that many people love Masquers and want to support us, so we decided to do what most theatres do and invite everyone to join in on the fun. We accept businesses, individuals, and season ticket holders! Fill out the form, send in your funds, and send in your ads for your business or your favorite Masquers student!
Download the form below!
Masquers Boosters
Join our Amazing Masquers Family!
2024-25 - Masquers Boosters Officer
Jenna Rejman - President
Mindy Matthews - Vice President
Laura Jones - Secretary
Tina Rhodehouse - Treasurer
but we will have someone monitoring the virtual link in case someone has to join virtually.
(Build Day for Puffs immediately following the meeting.)
Join our Masquers Boosters GroupMe! - this is the easiest way for us to communicate with everyone.
If needed, you can use this link to join the meeting virtually:
Meeting ID: 233 022 058 739
Passcode: nPV6YZ
Mark your calendar for the Upcoming Meetings:
Friday, July 26th - All Parent Meeting for any student in any area of Masquers - 6-7:30
Puff's Parent Meeting, August 6th - for all Parents of Puff's Cast & Crew
Saturday, August 10th - 9am - Build Day @ 10
Saturday, September 7th - 9am - Possible Build Day @ 10
Saturday, October 5th - No Meeting - on Fall Break
Friday, November 1st - 6pm
Friday, December 6th - 6pm
Friday, January 3rd - 6pm
Friday, January 10th - 6pm - In-Person Parent Meeting for all students involved in
Addams Family, Improv, and/or Atomic Acts in the Lower Cafeteria
Saturday, February 8th - 9am Booster Meeting; 10-5 - Build Day 1
February 15th - 10-5 Possible Build Day 2
February 22nd- 8-1 Possible Build Day 3
Friday, March 7th - 6pm
Friday, April 4th - 6pm
Friday, May 2 - Masquers Banquet
Friday, June 6th - 6pm
Important Information for New Masquers
Permission Forms Required!
ORHS requires a parent permission form to be signed allowing you to attend any Masquers functions. We have a form that covers permission and medical since we are very active and working on or around the stage with various potential hazards. You must turn in a new form each school year. You must have this form turned in and on file to be involved with Masquers in any way. If you aren't sure if you have turned in your form, you can email Matthew at malloyd@ortn.edu and he can let you know.
Join GroupMe!
Our internal communications use GroupMe! We have a main Masquers GroupMe that EVERYONE involved in Masquers should join - this group is for anyone interested in knowing what is going on in Masquers. This Masquers GroupMe will share information that everyone needs to know - please don't use this GroupMe to chat.
Pinned in the Masquers Group Me and accessible to everyone on the Masquers GroupMe are the team subgroups. There is a subgroup for each area of Masquers and a Show subgroup will be added for each show. These groups will give us conversation capability for the group-specific information. If you are involved in any team or any show, you must join the GroupMe for that team or show to receive important communications. There is also a social GroupMe for those who want to chat and share thoughts. Please be respectful of time and content when using this application.
Masquers GroupMe: https://groupme.com/join_group/94107482/GBLNWclq
Masquers Teams Information
If you are interested in joining a Masquers team, please see the descriptions below for details.
For more information, you can contact masquers@ortn.edu.
Masquers Officers
Our officers are chosen by application each spring and they help lead the various teams. If you have any questions about Masquers, find one of these friendly faces and they will help you!
The 2024-25 Masquers Officers are:
Kiersten Collins - President/SM/ASM
Cailyn Lawson - Vice President/Fundraising
Brandon Bonamarte - Secretary/Musicians
Izzy Liu - Treasurer/SM/ASM
Venus Ball - SM/ASM
Jacqueline Ayala - Archivist
Serenity Campbell - Box Office
Lex Matthews - Competitions
Bella Quilty - Costumes
Casyn Clark - Improv
Scarlett Floriani - Props
Logan Bowman - Tech
Beggars (Fund Raising)
Mrs. Lloyd is the Beggars' Supervisor. Cailyn Lawson and Kiersten Collins are our student leads. Beggars oversee helping Masquers raise the funds to bring our shows to life. Working with our organized Booster Club, involving Parents and Students, Beggars will help promote and support the fundraising efforts to keep providing high-quality theatre at ORHS.
Boosters GroupMe: https://groupme.com/join_group/95228575/NB6yfqfr
Box Office (Front of House)
Dr. Pickel is our Box Office Manager and Serenity Campbell is our student lead. Box Office takes care of ticket sales and makes sure our audience feels welcome to our shows. If you are interested in building customer service skills and offering a friendly smile to our community, come join our Box Office Team.
Box Office Group Me: https://groupme.com/join_group/94122474/8zUewRUn
The Fixer Uppers (Costumes)
Costumes meets on Thursdays 3:15-5
Skeletons (Tech)
Skeletons are the backbone to every Masquers production! Matthew Lloyd is our Technical Director and Logan Bowman is the student lead. Skeletons help with audio, lights, and set. Skeletons provide the framework and make all the magic happen to support the show and the performers. If you enjoy lighting and audio work, building things or creating magic, come join the Skeletons.
Join the Skeletons GroupMe if you are interested in learning tech to stay informed on all the goings on. Skeletons GroupMe: https://groupme.com/join_group/94122484/zJuLsDjf
Glue Dots (Props)
Max Mishler is the Props Manager and Scarlett Floriani is the student lead. Glue Dots take care of the props needs for our shows. If you are creative, love organizing, and enjoy being a part of an eclectic community, come help us in props! Only a few students are needed during the run of each show, but we need a lot of help organizing, creating and pulling together the props for each show.
Glue Dots regular meeting time is Mondays from 3:30-4:30
Glue Dots GroupMe: https://groupme.com/join_group/94121970/4q9hWSoG
Rollin Prince is our Improv Coach and Casyn Clark is our student lead. Improv is about connecting in the funniest way possible. Our improv team works to learn long and short form improv as they build their craft of improvisational acting skills. If you are a quick thinker and are great at observation and reacting, or want to be, come join us for improv!
Improv rehearsals are Tuesdays 3:15 -6, and Wednesday 2-6
Improv GroupMe: https://groupme.com/join_group/92704978/3yTLEGb4
Pit Bards
Play an instrument? Looking for an experience to give you an edge in the field and improve your playing? The Pit Bards might be a place for you! Pit Orchestra is an essential part of our musical program here at masquers. Our next musical is "Addams Family", which has an amazing soundtrack and parts for acoustic and electric guitar, bass, drum set, and of course standard orchestral instruments. If your interested, talk to Mr. Spirko - our director - to get started. In addition, add yourself to the GroupMe below for all musician updates in masquers!
Pit Bards GroupMe: https://groupme.com/join_group/94209176/TPDZdrWk
Important Dates for Masquers
Masquers Calendar
(See above for Masquers Boosters Meeting Dates)
Masquers Beginning of the Year Informational Meeting - July 25
Masquers Beginning of the Year Parent Meeting - July 26
Puffs Auditions - July 29
Meeting and Read-through of Puffs - July 31
Mandatory Puffs Parent Meeting - August 6
Puffs - September 12-15
Auditions for Showcase - September 23-24
Halloween Improv Show - October 26
Fall Showcase - November 9
The Addams Family Interest Meeting - November 19
The Addams Family Audition Workshop - November 20
Auditions for The Addams Family - December 9, 11 & 13
Meeting and Read-through of the Addams Family - December 16
Mandatory Parent Meeting for The Addams Family Cast, Musicians, and Crew - January 3
Valentine Improv Show - February 13
The Addams Family - February 28-March 2
Atomic Acts - April 11
Masquers Banquet - May 2
Marquee Awards - May 9