The Pulse of the Pride

June 7, 2024 - End of Year Events Edition
Lyme School Friends,
The end of our year is fast approaching with our last week coming up. At every school, students start to get excited for summer and we are no different. It is certainly an exciting time of year!
What an awesome Bike/Walk to School day this past Wednesday! It was great to see so many choose an alternate method to get to school. Way to go students and parents! Thank you to the PTO for organizing!
Field Days - It is important that students are prepared for the day. Athletic clothes, sneakers, sunscreen applied in the morning, and a water bottle are all essential on these days!
- We will have our Middle School Field Day on June 13th. On this day, our 5th graders will step up to their new advisories. Students will then participate in a variety of activities.
- We will have our K-5 Field Day on June 14th. On this day, middle school advisory groups run activities. We plan to be outside. If there is inclement weather, we do have a rain plan.
Graduation - Our 8th grade graduation will be on June 13th at 4:30 PM in the gymnasium. We had our first practice today!
Don't forget about the PTO last day of school pizza potluck at Post Pond on June 14th.
We will send one final newsletter celebrating our end of year events the week of June 17th!
Have a spectacular weekend!
John P. D'Entremont, Principal
News, Dates, Information, & Announcements
Important Dates
June 13th - MS Field Day
June 13th - 8th Grade Graduation @ 4:30PM
June 14th - K-5 Field Day
June 14th - PTO Post Pond Potluck
June 19th - Report Cards Emailed Home
Lost & Found
Report Cards for the Spring Term
You will receive your child's report card for the third trimester on June 19th. Thank you for your patience as we have gotten ALMA up and running this year. We believe we have worked out all the kinks and are quite happy with this new system.
Planning for 2024-2025
These are details for next school year:
- The 24-25 school calendar was approved and is attached below.
- Staff have already begun work on any schedule tweaks as well as student placement for split classes. These lists will be finalized and released when ALMA opens in August.
- Our 3rd grade teachers for next year will be Ms. Gautreau and Mrs. Thayer while Ms. Gannon will remain the 2nd grade teacher.
- Ms. Chandler will be moving to the elementary K-5 Spanish position for next year.
- We have hired a new Kindergarten teacher as well as a middle school Spanish teacher for next year and will share more details about them in a future newsletter.
- In the middle school, we will be reducing our advisories from 6 to 5 to even out our numbers. One of our advisories got really small this year due to unforeseen circumstances so we are planning for the future.
ALMA - Final Updates
If you are having trouble, please reach out to Amanda Perry or John D'Entremont.
So far, you should have:
- Gotten yourself logged in.
- Received an emergency alert.
- Double checked your contact information.
- Completed ALMA Start Registration for this year.
- Been given instructions to opt in to the Directory. [To opt in to the directory, you can click on the link for “my info” or get there through your profile icon in the top-right corner. You can toggle your visibility in the directory.]
- Received preliminary information about the standards based report cards.
- Received a first trimester report card via email on December 4th.
- Received a second trimester report card via email on March 20th.
- Report Cards for third trimester emailed home June 19th.
- Registration for the 24-25 school year some time over the summer.
If for some reason you are still not into ALMA, please reach out to Ms. Perry so she can troubleshoot that with you.
Lyme School Apparel Store
The Lyme School Apparel Store has a variety of apparel and accessories all customizable with a variety of school logos. The Lyme School PTO earns 12% of all sales. Thank you for supporting our school and go Lions! #LYMESCHOOLROCKS
Four Winds - Are you interested in helping?
Did you know that frogs and toads use their lungs to help them hear calls from their own species? In the final lesson of our Four Winds program, students learned this and other fascinating facts about adaptations of frogs and toads. After listening to frog calls and creating a mini field guide to local amphibians, students visited a local frog pond with nets and buckets to catch (and release) frogs, toads, and tadpoles. The goal of Four Winds is to educate children in natural science through hands-on lessons that inspire wonder and learning. I think everyone present at the frog pond to see the excitement and engagement of the children would agree that the Four Winds mission was accomplished. We are always looking for parent and community volunteers who will share a lesson created by Four Winds with our K-4 students. The only requirement is a love of learning about the natural sciences and sharing that learning with kids. If you are interested, please contact Adrienne Flower at aflower80@gmail.com.
News from the Health Office
Kati Miller RN BSN: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
Matthew Greenway RN BSN: alternating Weds and coverage as needed
Celeste McCool RN BSN: alternating Weds and coverage as needed
Did you know that during a cardiac emergency, according to the American Heart Association, "...for every minute that passes without CPR or a defibrillating shock, the probability of survival drops by about 10%"?
It is important for members of any community to
- know how to properly administer CPR
- know location of AEDs and quickly gain access when necessary
- increase confidence with quality education and training
Basic actions including instructing other bystanders to call 911 and get the closest AED can make a big difference in survival outcomes when someone is experiencing no pulse or breathing, loss of consciousness or heart palpitations.
The Lyme School has three AEDs on site
- Lobby outside front office
- Wall outside of cafeteria
- Second floor outside boys/girls bathroom
Questions about education or training? Email nurse@lymeschool.org or visit American Heart Association
As of March, 1 2024 The Center for Disease Control and Prevention updated guidance to provide "practical recommendations and information to help people lower risk from a range of common respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, flu and RSV."
We follow these guidelines. Please review the following links from the CDC for more information and reach out to me with any questions/concerns.
Thank you for your efforts in keeping our Lyme School students, staff, and families healthy.
Neuroth's Library and Media News
Summer Reading information is now available. This week, Ms. Judy came to speak to all students about the CFL Summer Reading Program!
Please look around your home for overdue library books and return them to school or CFL!
June is Pride Month. We will be highlighting books related to celebrating Pride Month, with the messaging of love is love and all are welcome and affirmed here. There are two collections students and families can browse from:
Teaching and Learning by Mrs. Foxall
NHSAS Results
Grades 3-8 teachers have sent home an access code and directions explaining how parents can access their student(s) New Hampshire State test results through the Family Portal, a secure website managed by the New Hampshire Statewide Assessment System. Please contact the school if you did not receive a letter explaining the Family Portal.
Please note that the English Language Arts results will not be available until mid to late June as the writing portion of the test is being hand-scored by the state this year for calibration purposes.
Photos from Around the Lyme School Community
Hi Lyme Families!
It feels like summer is already upon us, but we have 1 more week to go until school is officially out!
Thank you again to everyone who attended our first Student Art Show + Silent Auction! We've raised $1,145 so far for our Artist-In-Residence (AIR) Program. Thank you to all who helped us make it happen! If you would still like to purchase art, please email us (with the art number and the amount you'd like to pay) at pto@lymeschool.org. Help us reach our goal of $1,500 for AIR! We'll be contacting all the art buyers this weekend to coordinate a time for you to pick up your art next week. Student artists whose pieces were sold will receive their commission next week as well!
It was so amazing to see all the enthusiastic bikers and walkers on our Bike/Walk to School Day this past Wednesday! Thank you for staying safe and making it a fun experience for all! Also, a big THANK YOU to all who helped organize, set up, and feed our hungry participants! The event was also covered by the Valley News, so keep an eye out for it in the paper!
We have one more PTO event coming up!
The Last-Day-of-School Pizza Potluck @ Post Pond from 4-6pm!
After school, mosey on over to the Pond for a Last-Day-of-School Celebration! As you know, it’s the perfect setting for everyone to unwind, socialize, and enjoy a delicious array of pizzas and other tasty contributions. Chip in for pizza and/or bring a side dish/dessert/drinks to share! Let’s come together to celebrate the end of the school year, share some laughs, and kick-start summer.
The PTO will be hiring lifeguards and pre-buying pizza for the event, so please fill out this 1-minute survey (by Wednesday, June 12th) if you plan on attending to help us plan for it. We'll be accepting donations at the event to help us pay for both and will have a PTO table set up with some school swag available for purchase. Thank you and we hope to see you all there!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone and enjoy the last week of school!
Fauve Dela Cruz
Chair, The Lyme School PTO
Community News
● Fairness ● Acceptance of Others ● Integrity ● Responsibility
● Perseverance ● Individuality ● Compassion ● Courage
John P. D'Entremont, Principal
Elise Foxall, Academic Director
Geoff Tomlinson, Student Services Director