October Weekly Update
Week of Monday, October 2nd - Friday, October 6th, 2023

November 2024: Watch Us Grow!
Around Our Schools🍂🌻🍁
Adath Emanu-El
Adath Emanu-El
Farmer Chris and Farmer Carly teach students about tulips!
Adath Emanu-El
Students have the opportunity to plant tulips in their school garden!
Students enjoy fall process crafts and engage in fall themed cutting!
Students enjoy fall process crafts and engage in fall themed cutting!
Students enjoy fall weather outdoors!
Students explore the changing leaves and fall colors!
Community Calendar📆
Mount Laurel Library: December Family Story Times
December 7th & 21st: 10:30-11:00
Join us every other Saturday for stories, songs, fingerplays, and more as we explore new books from our collection!
This storytime helps kids build early literacy skills and a love of reading.
Best for ages 18 months and up. No registration required. Join us after storytime for playtime, a craft, and gardening (weather-dependent)!
Annual Tree Lighting: Saturday, December 7th
5:00 - 8:00pm
The Shops at Rancocas Woods
118 Creek Rd. Mount Laurel
- Mount Laurel Fire Department will being Santa the fire truck at 6:00pm
- Free activities at Fleetwood Elementary School- Face Painting, Bounce Houses, Mechanical Rides and More!
Menorah Lighting Ceremony: Thursday, December 26th
Mount Laurel’s third annual Menorah Lighting Ceremony will take place on Thursday, December 26th. Join the Township and Township Council for a public menorah lighting to mark the first night of Hanukkah. Rabbi Amy Memis-Foler from Congregation Adath Emanu-El will join us. The lighting will take place at 7:00 PM at 118 Creek Road.
Holiday Cookie Decorating With The Cops: Wednesday, December 11th
Free Cookie Decorating- Games- DJ- Santa
Wednesday, December 11th
5:00 - 7:00pm
The Community Center (100 Mount Laurel Road)
- Limited spots available *Must bring sign-up confirmation
- For Mount Laurel Residents (3-13 years of age)
- Sign up here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1058281481399?aff=oddtdtcreator
We Rock The Spectrum Mount Laurel: Save The Dates!
- December 12th, 6:00pm- 7:30pm
National Gingerbread House Day With Olaf!
- December 20th, 5:00pm- 7:30pm
Grinchmas Party With The Mean Green Machine!
- December 31st, 10:30pm- 12:30pm
Noon-Years Eve Party!
We Rock The Spectrum Gingerbread House Decorating Party With Olaf: December 12th
- Thursday, December 12th
- 6:00pm- 7:30pm
- We Rock The Spectrum- Mount Laurel
- One gingerbread house will be provided per family, extra gingerbread house decorations will be available to enhance you home decor!
- $25 per child
- Call to Sign Up: 856-242-9354
TD Bank Tree Lighting & Winter Festival: Friday December 6th
TD University at 4140 Church Road
Tree lighting will take place at 7:00pm
- Free photos with Santa
- Holiday crafts
- Tasty treats
- Festive photo ops and music
- Games, prizes, and more!
Johnson's Corner Farm: Holiday Light Show & Activities
November 22nd- December 23rd
- Our “Christmas Musical Light Show Hayride” gets you into the holiday spirit as it takes your friends and family on a trip around the farm.
- Take a walk through “FIRE and LIGHTS” in the Discovery Barnyard and Animal Farm.
- Light Show on the Lake
- Roast a S’more on the open Fire
Decorate a Christmas Cookie
- Visits with Santa and more!
Purchase tickets here: https://www.johnsonsfarm.com/family-activities/holiday-activities/
Thank you for your continued contributions to our Holiday Food Drive!
We will continue to accept donations through December 10th!
Children's Specialized Hospital Free Early Developmental Screening
Learning Tip📝
Mount Laurel Library Cake Pans and Cookie Cutters
Did you know that the Mount Laurel has a collection of cake pans and cookie cutters available for borrowing? You can find them in the library outside the maker space- near the quiet study area.
Social Emotional Learning Tip😊
Nursing Tip💉
Stay Informed Regarding Recent Recalls & Food Safety Updates
In an effort to keep our preschool families informed about health and safety alerts we are sharing the following websites that provide up to date recall information. Click the links below for additional information.