Hamburg School

A Look Ahead...
January 14
PTA Meeting
7:30 PM (Cafeteria or Zoom)
January 15
PTA Candy Grams begins
January 16
Grade 1 vs. Staff Scooter Race
1:30 PM (Gymnasium)
All are welcome to attend!
January 17
Early Dismissal
@ 1:00 PM
January 17
PTA Middle School Snowflake Dance
7:00 PM (Gymnasium)
January 20
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
~ No School ~
School Menus
PTA News
PTA SuperBowl Fundraiser
The NFL playoff matchups are set on the road to Super Bowl 59. Our annual Super Bowl fundraiser is underway, contact a PTA representative or visit https://www.charitymania.com/give/PF016 to purchase your tickets today for a chance to win $5000!
- $15 Discount cards: Can be purchased online at https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/efdf50ff-0164-4786-9a04-21b1b16beca8
- Hamburg Knight Plush blankets: They are 50 x 60 and only $30 each. You can purchase these right online at https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/f0cb2092-1c75-492b-9a7b-1519c1412ad0
Noteworthy News
Student Identification Cards
Students should carry their school issued student identification card with them each day.
These cards are being used to admit students who are tardy to school.
Reference: Policy 5517
Above the Influence
Above the Influence Meetings:
- School: Hamburg
- Date: January 14 (3:00 - 4:00 PM)
- Location: Library
Special Presentation
- All parents are welcome to join us on Tuesday, January 21st at 6:00 pm for a presentation called Just Facts NJ- Marijuana Prevention: What Parents and Caregivers Need to Know.
- This meeting will be held in person at the Hardyston Middle School Library.
Amazon Wishlist:
- If you are interested in donating to our program, below is a list of commonly appreciated snacks and supplies from our students.
Wish List: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2J9NRJ8QQR98K?ref_=wl_share
Wallkill Valley High School will be hosting a Grade 5 regional spelling bee on January 21st. The following 5th Grade students will be representing Hamburg School:
Enzo DeBlasio
Michael Frangipane
Emily Guinard
Alexis Hastrup
Mirae Lee
Tame Mansour
Nicholas Ramos
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Andrew Traines
Vincent Wolosik
Lincoln Luedtke
Callie Sheridan
Good luck to our Hamburg Grade 5!
Co-Curricular Activities
Games noted with "@" are away games
Games noted with "vs." are home games
January 14
Girls Basketball
3:30 PM vs. Sussex Christian
January 15
Boys Basketball
3:30 PM @ Ogdensburg
January 15
Girls Basketball
3:30 PM vs. Ogdensburg
January 16
Boys Basketball
3:30 PM @ Frankford
January 16
Girls Basketball
3:30 PM vs. Frankford
January 21
Boys Basketball vs. Hardyston
Girls Basketball @ Hardyston
Hamburg School Happenings
🏀🏀 Basketball Balancing 🏀🏀
Grade 8 student (Derek) successfully balanced basketballs in physical education class.
Great work, Derek!
Students in Mrs. Goen's preschool class practiced collecting data and using tally marks. Each student picked a question that they wanted to ask their friends, and went around the room completing their sheet. When we were all done, we met as a group and counted up the tally marks. We talked about greater, less than or equal to!
Board of Education
Hamburg Community Connections
Hamburg Borough Council
- Richard Krasnomowitz
Council Members:
- Russell Law
- John Burd
- Mark Sena
- Joyce Oehler
- John Haig
- George Endres
🍎 Resources 🍎
The mission of the Hamburg Public School District is to provide an education, which will enable students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to become contributing members of society.
The educational program will enable each student to develop emotionally, socially, psychologically, and cognitively within his or her abilities and interests.
The mission of the Hamburg Public School District, therefore, is to develop an educational program that is under constant evaluation, allows all students to achieve the New Jersey Student Learning Standards at all grade levels, and is dedicated to providing experiences relative to the demands of modern society in an effort to best prepare our students to meet with success and grand achievements in the 21st century.