CMS Toppers: News From the Middle!
Caroff's Corner
Hello Topper Families - hope all of you stayed as dry as possible this weekend! Better weather on the horizon! This week I'd like to share two highlights, one staff-driven and one student-driven!
Let's start with the staff highlight: Mrs. Watson, our incredible band director, is using a new program called NinGenius with our students. Using this program enables her to personalize the learning students receive by practicing concepts in a fun, interactive way on their Chromebooks while she works with small sections of the band. Students enjoy the platform and work to earn different colored karate belts. This small group format is a great way for each to show improvement and for each to receive personal attention to their specific needs. Thanks to Mrs. Watson for advocating for the kids and for using this program while working with small groups of students!
A huge shout out to Abby Stone, Gabby Hren, SJ Moore, Amylia Sneek, Adelynne Baird, and Noella Dowd who worked incredibly hard to put together a great presentation to ALL of our students this past Friday on each Source of Strength as described on the Sources Wheel. It all started with decorating the LGIR in Sources colors and concluded with informative, total participation grade level assemblies. We're excited to participate in their spirit week for the next five days (see below)!
You'll also find information in this newsletter about our upcoming book fair and Parent-Teacher Conferences.
Let's Go Toppers!
Craig Caroff
Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduler Now Available!
Hello CMS families,
Please use the following link to access the scheduler for Parent-Teacher Conferences. We look forward to seeing you one of these evenings to discuss your student's progress!
Wednesday, October 23 beginning at 4:30 p.m. and concluding at 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, October 29 beginning at 4:30 p.m. and concluding at 8:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 7 beginning at 4:30 p.m. at concluding at 8:30 p.m.
CMS Book Fair
The book fair will be open from October 22nd - October 24th for students to visit and purchase books during the school day. A schedule has been created and your child's ELA teacher will share their assigned date. Payment methods are Cash, Credit Card and Checks made payable to Chardon Local Schools. You also have an option to set up an ewallet for your student at the following link:
PLEASE NOTE: We are obligated to collect sales tax for all purchases made during the Fair, regardless of the shopper, product, or payment method. There is only one exception: no sales tax for purchases made by the school with school funds for the school's use.
Thank you!
Mindy Knotts
Science Olympiad Meeting this Friday, Oct 4th!
"The first Science Olympiad general meeting will be FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, from 3-4pm in Room 200. If you have not done so already, please bring your parent permission form to participate. Contact Head Coach Michelle Monkiewicz at michelle.monkiewicz@chardonschools.org for more information."
Title I Student Services
CMS Parents,
Title 1 referrals have been completed and invitations were sent home with students Friday, September 27. Please check with your student to see if they brought home an invitation to the Title Parent Meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 17 at 6:00 p.m. in the LGIR at Chardon Middle School. Beth Crawford is happy to answer any questions regarding Title support services at CMS.
Beth Crawford
Title I Coordinator K-7
Chardon Middle School Tutor
Wish to make someone's day? Donate to the Field Trip Donation Fund.
Use the screenshots above and these directions below to access the Donation Fund. We appreciate you!
In the Parent Portal, select Fees > Filter by School Year 2024-2025 > Optional Payments > FIELD TRIP DONATION > Add to Cart > select 'My Cart' > Manually add donation under AMOUNT > Complete payment process
Halloween Costume Expectations
Halloween is next month and I wanted to share some expectations surrounding costumes for our school party/parade.
- Students should bring their costumes to school in a separate bag. If part of the costume is a t-shirt, leggings, etc. they are welcome to wear that to school.
- Weapons of any kind are not permitted.
- Minimal make-up can be applied before school if desired. There will not be much time to apply at school. Fake blood and other scary make up is not permitted.
- Costumes should be school appropriate and need to be in line with our daily dress code.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact your child's teacher or the front office. Thanks so much for helping all to enjoy a great day!
Have you joined our CMS PBIS rewards yet?
During the first week of school, all families received personalized QR codes to join PBIS rewards to see your student's information as it relates to positive behavior choices in the building. If you have not joined yet, please consider doing so by scanning the code you received and signing up to receive notifications.
If you need another QR code, please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher or Ms. Paroubek to access another copy.
Thanks for partnering with us on this new system!
Calling All Parents of Athletes!
Did you capture a great action photo of your child participating in CMS Football, Volleyball, Cheer or Cross Country this fall? Would you like that photograph in the yearbook? If yes, submit that photo to the yearbook staff for review. You might see it in the yearbook this spring!
Use this link with the password: CMS24pics!
CMS Lunch Menu
Wondering what is for breakfast or lunch? Use this link to access the menu each day!
Chardon Middle School PTO Website
Chardon Middle School PTO Facebook Page
Chardon Middle School Volunteer Interest Form
PTO Meeting Dates 2024-25
*All meetings are at 4:30 p.m. in the CMS Library/Media Center on the first Wednesday of each month.
September 4
October 2
November 6
December 4
January 8
February 5
March 5
April 2
May 7
Clinic News form Ms. Jenn
An Update from Ms. Jenn on use of medication at CMS:
Hello CMS families,
I want to review the medication forms we use here at school.
This form is to be used if the child’s pediatrician orders any medication/treatment for your child.
The other form is AUTHORIZATION FOR NON-PRESCRIBED MEDICATION OR TREATMENT (secondary version) this is used for over-the-counter medication that we may have here or you would need to provide. (motrin ,tyleonl,cough drops, Neosporin, anti itch, bactine, anti sting ect.) I have a few leftover generic Halls cough drops that I can give to your child once I get a signed form. Once the supply is out you will need to supply the cough drops for your child .
If your child needs an epi-pen or inhaler let me know I can supply the appropriate form. If at any time you have health questions concerning your child in school please call me.
Thank you,
Jennifer Trittschuh RN BSN LSN
Need to find a teacher website? Use this link:
Annual OLR Update
Have you done your annual OLR update yet for your student/s?
Not yet? Visit this link for instructions: https://www.chardon.k12.oh.us/InfiniteCampus.aspx
Scroll down the page and look for the first red link that says INSTRUCTIONS.
THANK YOU for updating this information for us!
CMS Contact Info
Chardon Middle School
Principal: Mr. Craig Caroff: craig.caroff@chardonschools.orgAsst. Principal: Ms. Tracy Paroubek: tracy.paroubek@chardonschools.org
Website: www.chardonschools.org
Address: 424 North Street Chardon, OH 44024
Phone: (440) 285-4062