Mrs. Michels Weekly Updates
Let's make it a great week!
Weekly Updates and Reminders 12/16-20
Hello Hamilton Families!
Thank you everyone for your patients and understanding with our internet and phone outage. The district is still working on resolving all the issues relating to the outage. Thank you also for all who attended parent-teacher conferences. Your involvement in your child's education is truly an essential piece. If you weren't able to meet with your child's teacher but would still like to meet, consider a phone or zoom conference, reach out to your child's teacher if you still want to touch base.
This is our last week before break and I wish all of you Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I hope your holidays bring you joy and wonderful memories. Enjoy the time off to be rested and ready for a great second half of the year!!
Safety First:
I cannot stress this enough, please pull all the way to the curb to let your child out of the car. I still see parent letting their child out from the middle of the parking lot and children are walking in front of cars. Please only drop your child off next to the curb. This is to keep all children safe, than you in advance for your cooperation.
Leaving Early:
We are having a number of students leaving early every day. This has become a major disruption to the classroom and school in general. Not only is it disrupting your child but also the teacher and every student in the class. Early pick up should be only happening on a rare occasion. If your child is being picked up early often, you will need to have a meeting with me to create a plan to reduce this and stop the disruption that it has created. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.
Elf Fun
We sure have had some fun "Elf-ing" around this week! Take a peek at the pictures below
Important dates
12/16-12/20- Spirit Week
12/16- Wear red and green
12/17-Christmas shirt day
12/18-Christmas hat/head wear
2nd Grade Gingerbread house making 1pm
12/19-Christmas sweater
3rd grade holiday party12:30
4th grade holiday party 9:30
12/20-Pajama day
Y5 & Kindergarten Celebration 9am
12/23-1/3 No School
Advanced Planning
2/17-2/21 No School (Mid-Winter break)
3/24-3/28 No School (Spring break)
School Cancelation Notifications
If the district has to close school you will be notified via automated phone call first. This will also be posted on our district web site, wwcsd.net and posted on the Dojo school story. There is no need to individually message school staff to ask if there is school. This also a good reason to make sure your accurate/current phone number is on file so the call goes to the correct number. You can also check WDIV news https://www.clickondetroit.com/ for school closures as the district will also post it there. Again, the place to check for school closing are school story on Dojo, WWCSD.net, and WDIV if you don't receive a call.
Principal- Mrs. Kelley Michels
Secretary- Mrs. Chris Karaim
School phone 734-419-2650
School hours 8:30-3:20
Arrival 8:25am
Tardy bell 8:30am
Dismissal 3:20pm
Office hours 8:00-3:50
We are having some issues with behavior on the bus. Please talk to your student and remind them of the expected behavior on the bus. Please keep in mind that the bus is a privilege and if your child is loses his/her privilege of using the bus they are still required to attend school. Being safe on the bus is critical and the expectation for all students who ride the bus. Students who do not follow the bus expectations will have consequences and if the behavior is repeated they could be removed from the bus.
The district has an app called Here Comes the Bus. This wonderful free app allows you to track exactly where you child's bus is at all times.
Sign up for Here Comes the Bus™
- Visit herecomesthebus.com
- Click the “Sign Up” button
- Enter school code 87839 and click “Next” followed by “Confirm”
- Complete the “User Profile” box
- Under “My Students,” click “Add.” Enter your child’s last name and student ID number
- Once you confirm your information, you’re ready to begin using Here Comes the Bus!
Family Resource Center
Wayne-Westland Community Schools has a Family Resource Center (FRC), which provides services to any student/family enrolled in our District, free of cost. Some of the services they provide are: basic need assistance, access to over 700 local resources, Laundry Assistance Program and material items for those unable to afford them (emergency toiletries, socks/underwear, hats/gloves/scarves, etc.) They are also able to supply school supplies and backpacks year round for any WWCS student. Please contact our Family Resource Center at: 734-419-2709 or FRC@wwcsd.net. Our FRC also has a Digital Request for Services Form, which can be used to request assistance by filling out a simple form. Please contact the Family Resource Center directly with any additional questions regarding their serviceshttps://www.wwcsd.net/schools/elementary-schools/hamilton/
You can also follow the Wayne Westland Community School page on Facebook for updates and information too!
Thank you for your continued support!
Make it a great week!
M.M. :)