TERM 4 WEEK 6 -22nd November 2024
Tumuaki Pānui
Our WAKA Award was introduced last year and as staff we recently reviewed the success of the award and looked at the award structure. Following this we have decided that students can start with their bronze award even if they are Year 4 or above. The reasoning behind this is it takes time to build up an understanding of the WAKA values and qualities and how to enact these in school and in time the wider community. A student who already has their silver award cannot go back and get their bronze, but anyone starting the WAKA journey may start with the bronze award. If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact me.
As always, we have a busy few weeks coming up. Next week we are having a “double” assembly. This will be our last assembly before our prize giving assembly on the last day of term. We have a Christmas Mufti Day planned as well as our last WAKA ORA Celebration for 2024 and the big event Production!! A separate notice will be coming out with all the details for the last couple of weeks of term.
This week we had students from Years 7-8 off at athletics and a very successful day was had. Congratulations to all of you. Next week sees the whole school off to beach education. A big thank you to all the parents who helped this week or are helping next week with the events.
Our 2025 school year will commence on Monday 3rd February 2024. And we will hold our annual overnight whole school camp at school Tuesday 4th - Wednesday 5th February. Details for this will be out by the term end.
Just a reminder that the speed zone around school has reduced - please ensure that you respect this. Also, when children are picked up in the afternoon could you please ensure they stay in the car not moving around the car park or hanging our of car windows as this is a serious health and safety issue.
I look forward to seeing many of you at assembly next Monday 25th November at 2.30pm.
Have a great weekend.
School Notices
Health and Physical Education Curriculum Review
If you haven't already, please click here to complete this survey. If you would like a hard copy please let Amanda know. Thank you.
School Accounts
With the end of year approaching, could you please make sure your family school account is paid or a regular payment plan set up. If you are unable to do so, please come and talk to us. If you require another statement or have any questions regarding your account, please don't hesitate to talk to Amanda in the office.
Library Books
Could you please have a look at home for any school library books - we have quite a few overdue books. These can be handed into the school office. Thank you.
Celebrating Our Tamariki's Success
- Congratulations to Zach M who won the Chad Cup at Eltham Golf Club last weekend. This was a big achievement for someone who has only just started playing golf this year. Well done Zach
- Congratulations to Tessa who won two rounds of the Show Hunter Competition at the Egmont A&P Show last weekend.
- Congratulations to Calvin who was awarded Most Improved player for the 12th Grade Central Football Representative team. He was also awarded Most Valuable Player for his 12th Grade Eltham Football team. Well done Calvin
Important Dates
- Monday 25th November - School Assembly at 2.30pm
- Friday 29th November - Beach Education
- Friday 6th December - Yr 7-8 Tech
- Friday 6th December - Eltham Christmas Parade
- Friday 13th December - Christmas Mufti Day
- Monday 16th December - Production
- Tuesday 17th December - Last Day of Term